evoacme : fix nginx challenge, check domain in make-csr

This commit is contained in:
Victor LABORIE 2017-01-17 14:54:31 +01:00
parent e173407baa
commit 59c982b46d
3 changed files with 33 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Evoacme 1.3
# Evoacme 1.4
EvoAcme is an [Ansible](https://www.ansible.com/) role and a [Certbot](https://certbot.eff.org) wrapper for generate [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) certificates.
@ -8,43 +8,44 @@ It is a project hosted at [Evolix's forge](https://forge.evolix.org/projects/ans
1 - Create a playbook with evoacme role
- hosts: hostname
become: yes
- role: evoacme
2 - Install evoacme prerequisite with ansible
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -Kl hostname
3 - Include letsencrypt.conf in your webserver
For Apache, you just need to ensure that you don't overwrite "/.well-known/acme-challenge" Alias with a Redirect or Rewrite directive.
For Nginx, you must include letsencrypt.conf in all wanted vhost :
include /etc/nginx/letsencrypt.conf;
nginx -t
service nginx reload
4 - Create a CSR for a vhost with make-csr
# vhostname is vhostfile without .conf ext
make-csr vhostname
8 - Generate the certificate with evoacme
evoacme vhostname
# License

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@ -34,14 +34,30 @@ if [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/${vhost}.conf ]; then
domains=`grep -oE "^( )*[^#]+" /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/${vhost}.conf|grep -oE "(ServerName|ServerAlias).*"|sed 's/ServerName//'|sed 's/ServerAlias//'|sed 's/\s\{1,\}//'|sort|uniq`
echo "Domain(s) for $vhost :"
srv_ip=$(ip a|grep brd|cut -d'/' -f1|grep -oE "([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+")
echo "Valid Domain(s) for $vhost :"
for domain in $domains
# TODO : vérifier si domaine pointe sur localhost
echo "- $domain"
real_ip=$(dig +short $domain|grep -oE "([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+")
for ip in "$srv_ip"; do
if [ "$ip" == "$real_ip" ]; then
valid_domains="$valid_domains $domain"
nb=$(( nb + 1 ))
echo "- $domain"
if [ $nb -eq 0 ]; then
nb=`echo $domains|wc -l`
echo "No valid domains : $domains" >&2
exit 1
mkdir -p /etc/ssl/requests -m 755
chown root: /etc/ssl/requests

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
location /.well-known/acme-challenge {
alias {{ evoacme_acme_dir }}/.well-known/acme-challenge;
try_files $uri =404;
allow all;