#!/bin/bash # Add-VM script to add a VM on evoKVM. # _ ____ ____ __ ____ __ # / \ | _ \| _ \ \ \ / / \/ | # / _ \ | | | | | | |____\ \ / /| |\/| | # / ___ \| |_| | |_| |_____\ V / | | | | # /_/ \_\____/|____/ \_/ |_| |_| # # Need packages: dialog # Bash strict mode set -euo pipefail dryRun() { if ($doDryRun); then echo -e "\e[34mDoing:" $* "\e[39m" else echo -e "\e[34mDoing:" $* "\e[39m" $* fi } critical() { echo -ne "\e[31m${1}\e[39m\n" && exit 1 } warn() { echo -ne "\e[33m${1}\e[39m\n" } masterKVMIP="" slaveKVMIP="" [ -f "/etc/evolinux/add-vm.cnf" ] && . /etc/evolinux/add-vm.cnf [ -z "$masterKVMIP" ] && critical "You must define masterKVMIP in /etc/evolinux/add-vm.cnf!!" [ -z "$slaveKVMIP" ] && critical "You must define slaveKVMIP in /etc/evolinux/add-vm.cnf!!" export DIALOGOUT=$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp addvm.XXX) # TODO: How to replace _ with a space?? export DIALOG="$(which dialog) --backtitle Add-VM_Press_F1_for_help" export DIALOGRC=.dialogrc export HELPFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp addvm.XXX) tmpResFile=$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp addvm.XXX) xmlVM=$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp addvm.XXX) masterKVM="$(hostname -s)" slaveKVM="$(ssh $slaveKVMIP hostname -s)" doDryRun=false # Exit & Cleanup function. clean() { echo -e "\nBye! Cleaning..." [ -f $DIALOGOUT ] && rm $DIALOGOUT [ -f $HELPFILE ] && rm $HELPFILE # [ -f $tmpResFile ] && rm $tmpResFile # [ -f $xmlVM ] && rm $xmlVM exit } trap clean EXIT SIGINT $DIALOG --hfile $HELPFILE --title "KVM Config" --form "Set the right config. "\ "If you do not want a type of disk, type none." 0 0 0 \ "vCPU" 1 1 "2" 1 10 20 0 \ "memory" 2 1 "4G" 2 10 20 0 \ "volroot" 3 1 "ssd-20G" 3 10 20 0 \ "volhome" 4 1 "hdd-40G" 4 10 20 0 \ "vmName" 5 1 "" 5 10 20 0 \ 2>$DIALOGOUT vCPU=$(sed 1'q;d' $DIALOGOUT) memory=$(sed 2'q;d' $DIALOGOUT) volroot=$(sed 3'q;d' $DIALOGOUT) volhome=$(sed 4'q;d' $DIALOGOUT) vmName=$(sed 5'q;d' $DIALOGOUT) [ -z "$vmName" ] && critical "You need a VM Name!!" $DIALOG --title "Continue?" --clear "$@" \ --yesno "Will create a VM named $vmName on $masterKVM with $vCPU vCPU, "\ "$memory memory, $volroot for / (and /usr, ...) and $volhome for /home." 10 80 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi if ! [[ "$volroot" =~ (ssd|hdd)-([0-9]+G) ]]; then critical "No volume for root device (/dev/vda)?!!" else volrootDisk="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" volrootSize="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" dryRun lvcreate -L$volrootSize -n${vmName}_root $volrootDisk dryRun ssh $slaveKVMIP lvcreate -L$volrootSize -n${vmName}_root $volrootDisk fi if ! [[ "$volhome" =~ (ssd|hdd)-([0-9]+G) ]]; then warn "No volume for home device (/dev/vdb)... Okay, not doing it!" volhomeDisk="none" else volhomeDisk="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" volhomeSize="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" dryRun lvcreate -L$volhomeSize -n${vmName}_home $volhomeDisk dryRun ssh $slaveKVMIP lvcreate -L$volhomeSize -n${vmName}_home $volhomeDisk fi if [[ -f "/etc/drbd.d/${vmName}.res" ]]; then warn "The DRBD resource file ${vmName}.res is already present! Continue? [y/N]" read if ! [[ "$REPLY" =~ (Y|y) ]]; then exit 1 fi fi # Generates drbd resource file. if [ $(ls /etc/drbd.d/|wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then lastdrbdPort=$(grep -hEo ':[0-9]{4}' /etc/drbd.d/*.res | sort | uniq | tail -1 | sed 's/://') drbdPort=$((lastdrbdPort+1)) lastMinor=$(grep -hEo 'minor [0-9]{1,}' /etc/drbd.d/*.res | sed 's/minor //' | sort -n | tail -1) minorvol0=$((lastMinor+1)) minorvol1=$((lastMinor+2)) else drbdPort=7900 minorvol0=0 minorvol1=1 fi cat << EOT > $tmpResFile resource "${vmName}" { net { cram-hmac-alg "sha1"; shared-secret "$(apg -m21 -n1)"; # Si pas de lien dediƩ 10G, passer en protocol A # Et desactiver allow-two-primaries; protocol C; allow-two-primaries; # Tuning perf. max-buffers 8000; max-epoch-size 8000; sndbuf-size 0; } # A utiliser si RAID HW avec cache + batterie disk { disk-barrier no; disk-flushes no; } volume 0 { device minor ${minorvol0}; disk /dev/${volrootDisk}/${vmName}_root; meta-disk internal; } EOT if [[ "$volhomeDisk" != "none" ]]; then cat << EOT >> $tmpResFile volume 1 { device minor ${minorvol1}; disk /dev/${volhomeDisk}/${vmName}_home; meta-disk internal; } EOT fi cat << EOT >> $tmpResFile on $masterKVM { address ${masterKVMIP}:${drbdPort}; } on $slaveKVM { address ${slaveKVMIP}:${drbdPort}; } } EOT # Create/Activate the new drbd resources. dryRun install -m 600 $tmpResFile /etc/drbd.d/${vmName}.res dryRun scp /etc/drbd.d/${vmName}.res ${slaveKVMIP}:/etc/drbd.d/ dryRun drbdadm create-md "$vmName" dryRun ssh $slaveKVMIP drbdadm create-md "$vmName" ($doDryRun) && drbdadm -d adjust "$vmName" ($doDryRun) || drbdadm adjust "$vmName" ($doDryRun) && ssh $slaveKVMIP drbdadm -d adjust "$vmName" ($doDryRun) || ssh $slaveKVMIP drbdadm adjust "$vmName" dryRun drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary "$vmName" sleep 5 && drbd-overview | tail -4 drbdDiskPath="/dev/drbd/by-res/${vmName}/0" if ! [[ -b "$drbdDiskPath" ]]; then warn "$drbdDiskPath not found! Continue? [y/N]" read if ! [[ "$REPLY" =~ (Y|y) ]]; then exit 1 fi fi virtHome="" [ "$volhomeDisk" != "none" ] && virtHome="--disk path=/dev/drbd/by-disk/${volhomeDisk}/${vmName}_home,bus=virtio,io=threads,cache=none,format=raw" dryRun virt-install --connect=qemu:///system \ --name=${vmName} \ --cpu mode=host-passthrough --vcpus=${vCPU} \ --ram=${memory%%G} \ --disk path=/dev/drbd/by-disk/${volrootDisk}/${vmName}_root,bus=virtio,io=threads,cache=none,format=raw \ $virtHome \ --network=bridge:br0,model=virtio \ --noautoconsole --graphics vnc,listen=,keymap=fr \ --rng /dev/random \ --os-variant=none \ --pxe echo -e "\e[32mDone! Now you can install your VM with virt-manager.\e[39m"