--- - fail: msg: only compatible with Debian >= 8 when: - ansible_distribution == "Debian" - ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('8', '<') - name: "Set squid name (jessie)" set_fact: squid_daemoname: squid3 when: ansible_distribution_release == "jessie" - name: "Set squid name (Debian 9 or later)" set_fact: squid_daemoname: squid when: ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "Install Squid packages" apt: name: '{{ item }}' state: present with_items: - "{{ squid_daemoname }}" - squidclient - name: "Set alternative config file (Debian 9 or later)" copy: src: default_squid dest: /etc/default/squid when: ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "squid.conf is present (jessie)" template: src: squid.conf.j2 dest: /etc/squid3/squid.conf notify: "restart squid3" when: ansible_distribution_release == "jessie" - name: "evolix whitelist is present (jessie)" copy: src: whitelist-evolinux.conf dest: /etc/squid3/whitelist.conf notify: "reload squid3" when: ansible_distribution_release == "jessie" - name: "evolinux custom squid file (Debian 9 or later)" copy: src: evolinux-defaults.conf dest: /etc/squid/evolinux-defaults.conf notify: "restart squid" when: ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "evolinux defaults whitelist (Debian 9 or later)" copy: src: evolinux-whitelist-defaults.conf dest: /etc/squid/evolinux-whitelist-defaults.conf notify: "reload squid" when: ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "evolinux custom whitelist (Debian 9 or later)" copy: dest: /etc/squid/evolinux-whitelist-custom.conf content: | # Put customized values here. force: no when: ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "evolinux acl for local proxy (Debian 9 or later)" template: src: evolinux-acl.conf.j2 dest: /etc/squid/evolinux-acl.conf force: no notify: "reload squid" when: squid_localproxy_enable and ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "evolinux custom acl (Debian 9 or later)" copy: dest: /etc/squid/evolinux-acl.conf content: | # Put customized values here. force: no when: squid_localproxy_enable == False and ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "evolinux http_access for local proxy (Debian 9 or later)" copy: src: evolinux-httpaccess.conf dest: /etc/squid/evolinux-httpaccess.conf force: no notify: "reload squid" when: squid_localproxy_enable and ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "evolinux custom http_access (Debian 9 or later)" copy: dest: /etc/squid/evolinux-httpaccess.conf content: | # Put customized values here. force: no when: squid_localproxy_enable == False and ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "evolinux overrides for local proxy (Debian 9 or later)" template: src: evolinux-custom.conf.j2 dest: /etc/squid/evolinux-custom.conf force: no notify: "reload squid" when: squid_localproxy_enable and ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: "evolinux custom overrides (Debian 9 or later)" copy: dest: /etc/squid/evolinux-custom.conf content: | # Put customized values here. force: no when: squid_localproxy_enable == False and ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - name: add some URL in whitelist lineinfile: insertafter: EOF dest: /etc/squid/evolinux-whitelist-custom.conf line: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: '{{ squid_whitelist_items }}' notify: "reload squid" when: ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('9', '>=') - include: logrotate.yml - include: minifirewall.yml - include: log2mail.yml