--- - name: APT https transport is enabled apt: name: apt-transport-https state: present tags: - filebeat - packages - name: Elastic GPG embedded key is absent apt_key: id: "D88E42B4" state: absent tags: - filebeat - packages - name: Elastic GPG key is installed copy: src: elastic.asc dest: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/elastic.asc force: yes mode: "0644" tags: - filebeat - packages - name: Elastic sources list is available apt_repository: repo: "deb https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/{{ elastic_stack_version | mandatory }}/apt stable main" filename: elastic state: present update_cache: yes tags: - filebeat - packages - name: Filebeat is installed apt: name: filebeat state: "{% if filebeat_upgrade_package %}latest{% else %}present{% endif %}" notify: restart filebeat tags: - filebeat - packages - name: Filebeat service is enabled systemd: name: filebeat enabled: yes notify: restart filebeat - name: is logstash-plugin available? stat: path: /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin check_mode: no register: logstash_plugin - name: is logstash-input-beats installed? command: grep logstash-input-beats /usr/share/logstash/Gemfile check_mode: no register: logstash_plugin_installed failed_when: false changed_when: false when: filebeat_logstash_plugin and logstash_plugin.stat.exists - name: Logstash plugin is installed block: - include_role: name: evolix/remount-usr - name: logstash-plugin install logstash-input-beats command: /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-beats when: - filebeat_logstash_plugin - logstash_plugin.stat.exists - not logstash_plugin_installed | success # When we don't use a config template (default) - block: - name: cloud_metadata processor is disabled replace: dest: /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml regexp: '^(\s+)(- add_cloud_metadata:)' replace: '\1# \2' notify: restart filebeat when: not filebeat_processors_cloud_metadata - name: cloud_metadata processor is disabled lineinfile: dest: /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml line: " - add_cloud_metadata: ~" insert_after: '^processors:' notify: restart filebeat when: filebeat_processors_cloud_metadata - name: Filebeat knows where to find Elasticsearch lineinfile: dest: /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml regexp: '^ hosts: .*' line: " hosts: [\"{{ filebeat_elasticsearch_hosts | join('\", \"') }}\"]" insertafter: "output.elasticsearch:" notify: restart filebeat when: - filebeat_elasticsearch_hosts - name: Filebeat protocol for Elasticsearch lineinfile: dest: /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml regexp: '^ #?protocol: .*' line: " protocol: \"{{ filebeat_elasticsearch_protocol }}\"" insertafter: "output.elasticsearch:" notify: restart filebeat when: filebeat_elasticsearch_protocol == "http" or filebeat_elasticsearch_protocol == "https" - name: Filebeat auth/username for Elasticsearch are configured lineinfile: dest: /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}' line: '{{ item.line }}' insertafter: "output.elasticsearch:" with_items: - { regexp: '^ #?username: .*', line: ' username: "{{ filebeat_elasticsearch_auth_username }}"' } - { regexp: '^ #?password: .*', line: ' password: "{{ filebeat_elasticsearch_auth_password }}"' } notify: restart filebeat when: - filebeat_elasticsearch_auth_username - filebeat_elasticsearch_auth_password when: not filebeat_use_config_template - name: Filebeat api_key for Elasticsearch are configured lineinfile: dest: /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml regexp: '^ #?api_key: .*' line: ' api_key: "{{ filebeat_elasticsearch_auth_api_key }}"' insertafter: "output.elasticsearch:" notify: restart filebeat when: filebeat_elasticsearch_auth_api_key # When we use a config template - block: - name: Configuration is up-to-date template: src: "{{ item }}" dest: /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml force: "{{ filebeat_force_config }}" loop: "{{ query('first_found', templates) }}" vars: templates: - "templates/filebeat/filebeat.{{ inventory_hostname }}.yml.j2" - "templates/filebeat/filebeat.{{ host_group }}.yml.j2" - "templates/filebeat/filebeat.default.yml.j2" - "templates/filebeat.default.yml.j2" notify: restart filebeat when: filebeat_update_config when: filebeat_use_config_template