William Hirigoyen 8d16f17354 * clamav: set MaxConnectionQueueLength to its default value (200), custom (15) was way too small and caused recurrent connections fail in Postfix.
* postfix (packmail only): disable `concurrency_failed_cohort_limit` for destination smtp-amavis to prevent the suspension of this destination when Amavis fails to answer. Indeed, we configure the suspension delay quite long in `minimal_backoff_time` (2h) and `maximal_backoff_time` (6h) to reduce the risk of ban from external SMTPs.
2023-01-18 10:30:41 +01:00
main.yml * clamav: set MaxConnectionQueueLength to its default value (200), custom (15) was way too small and caused recurrent connections fail in Postfix. 2023-01-18 10:30:41 +01:00