#!/bin/bash if ! command -v check_patroni &>/dev/null; then echo "check_partroni must be installed to generate the documentation" exit 1 fi top_srcdir="$(readlink -m "$0/../..")" README="${top_srcdir}/README.md" function readme(){ echo "$1" >> $README } function helpme(){ readme readme '```' check_patroni $1 --help >> $README readme '```' readme } cat << '_EOF_' > $README # check_patroni A nagios plugin for patroni. ## Features - Check presence of leader, replicas, node counts. - Check each node for replication status. _EOF_ helpme cat << '_EOF_' >> $README ## Install check_patroni is licensed under PostgreSQL license. ``` $ pip install git+https://github.com/dalibo/check_patroni.git ``` Links: * [pip & centos 7](https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-pip-on-centos-7/) * [pip & debian10](https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-pip-on-debian-10/) ## Support If you hit a bug or need help, open a [GitHub issue](https://github.com/dalibo/check_patroni/issues/new). Dalibo has no commitment on response time for public free support. Thanks for you contribution ! ## Config file All global and service specific parameters can be specified via a config file has follows: ``` [options] endpoints =,, cert_file = ./ssl/my-cert.pem key_file = ./ssl/my-key.pem ca_file = ./ssl/CA-cert.pem timeout = 0 [options.node_is_replica] lag=100 ``` ## Thresholds The format for the threshold parameters is `[@][start:][end]`. * `start:` may be omitted if `start == 0` * `~:` means that start is negative infinity * If `end` is omitted, infinity is assumed * To invert the match condition, prefix the range expression with `@`. A match is found when: `start <= VALUE <= end`. For example, the following command will raise: * a warning if there is less than 1 nodes, wich can be translated to outside of range [2;+INF[ * a critical if there are no nodes, wich can be translated to outside of range [1;+INF[ ``` check_patroni -e cluster_has_replica --warning 2: --critical 1: ``` ## SSL Several options are available: * the server's CA certificate is not available or trusted by the client system: * `--ca_cert`: your certification chain `cat CA-certificate server-certificate > cabundle` * you have a client certificate for authenticating with Patroni's REST API: * `--cert_file`: your certificate or the concatenation of your certificate and private key * `--key_file`: your private key (optional) ## Tests Crafting repeatable tests using a live Patroni cluster can be intricate. To simplify the development process, interactions with Patroni's API are substituted with a mock function that yields an HTTP return code and a JSON object outlining the cluster's status. The JSON files containing this information are housed in the ./tests/json directory. An important consideration is that there is a potential drawback: if the JSON data is incorrect or if modifications have been made to Patroni without corresponding updates to the tests documented here, the tests might still pass erroneously. To run the tests: 1. Clone the `check_patroni` repository, create a virtual environment, and install the script: ```bash git clone https://github.com/dalibo/check_patroni.git cd check_patroni python -m venv .venv . .venv/bin/activate pip install -e check_patroni[test] ``` 2) Run the tests - Using patroni's nominal replica state of `streaming` (since v3.0.4): ```bash pytest ./tests ``` - Using patroni's nominal replica state of `running` (before v3.0.4): ```bash pytest --use-old-replica-state ./tests ``` Please note that when dealing with any service that checks the state of a node in patroni's `cluster` endpoint, the corresponding JSON test file must be added in `./test/tools.py`. A bash script, `check_patroni.sh`, is provided to facilitate testing all services on a Patroni endpoint (`./vagrant/check_patroni.sh`). It requires one parameter: the endpoint URL that will be used as the argument for the `-e/--endpoints` option of `check_patroni`. This script essentially compiles a list of service calls and executes them sequentially in a bash script. Here's an example usage: ```bash ./vagrant/check_patroni.sh ``` _EOF_ readme readme "## Cluster services" readme readme "### cluster_config_has_changed" helpme cluster_config_has_changed readme "### cluster_has_leader" helpme cluster_has_leader readme "### cluster_has_replica" helpme cluster_has_replica readme "### cluster_is_in_maintenance" helpme cluster_is_in_maintenance readme "### cluster_node_count" helpme cluster_node_count readme "## Node services" readme readme "### node_is_alive" helpme node_is_alive readme "### node_is_pending_restart" helpme node_is_pending_restart readme "### node_is_leader" helpme node_is_leader readme "### node_is_primary" helpme node_is_primary readme "### node_is_replica" helpme node_is_replica readme "### node_patroni_version" helpme node_patroni_version readme "### node_tl_has_changed" helpme node_tl_has_changed cat << _EOF_ >> $README _EOF_