# Contributing to check_patroni Thanks for your interest in contributing to check_patroni. ## Clone Git Repository Installation from the git repository: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/dalibo/check_patroni.git $ cd check_patroni ``` Change the branch if necessary. ## Create Python Virtual Environment You need a dedicated environment, install dependencies and then check_patroni from the repo: ``` $ python3 -m venv .venv $ . .venv/bin/activate (.venv) $ pip3 install .[test] (.venv) $ pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt (.venv) $ check_patroni ``` To quit this env and destroy it: ``` $ deactivate $ rm -r .venv ``` ## Development Environment A vagrant file is available to create a icinga / opm / grafana stack and install check_patroni. You can then add a server to the supervision and watch the graphs in grafana. It's in the `vagrant` directory. A vagrant file can be found in [this repository](https://github.com/ioguix/vagrant-patroni) to generate a patroni/etcd setup. The `README.md` can be geneated with `./docs/make_readme.sh`. ## Executing Tests Crafting repeatable tests using a live Patroni cluster can be intricate. To simplify the development process, interactions with Patroni's API are substituted with a mock function that yields an HTTP return code and a JSON object outlining the cluster's status. The JSON files containing this information are housed in the `./tests/json` directory. An important consideration is that there is a potential drawback: if the JSON data is incorrect or if modifications have been made to Patroni without corresponding updates to the tests documented here, the tests might still pass erroneously. The tests are executed automatically for each PR using the ci (see `.github/workflow/lint.yml` and `.github/workflow/tests.yml`). Running the tests manually: * Using patroni's nominal replica state of `streaming` (since v3.0.4): ```bash pytest ./tests ``` * Using patroni's nominal replica state of `running` (before v3.0.4): ```bash pytest --use-old-replica-state ./tests ``` * Using tox: ```bash tox -e lint # mypy + flake8 + black + isort ° codespell tox # pytests and "lint" tests for all supported version of python tox -e py # pytests and "lint" tests for the default version of python ``` Please note that when dealing with any service that checks the state of a node in patroni's `cluster` endpoint, the corresponding JSON test file must be added in `./tests/tools.py`. A bash script, `check_patroni.sh`, is provided to facilitate testing all services on a Patroni endpoint (`./vagrant/check_patroni.sh`). It requires one parameter: the endpoint URL that will be used as the argument for the `-e/--endpoints` option of `check_patroni`. This script essentially compiles a list of service calls and executes them sequentially in a bash script. It creates a state file in the directory from which you run the script. Here's an example usage: ```bash ./vagrant/check_patroni.sh ``` ## Release Update the Changelog. The package is generated and uploaded to pypi when a `v*` tag is created (see `.github/workflow/publish.yml`). Alternatively, the release can be done manually with: ``` tox -e build tox -e upload ```