# Icinga ## Install Create the VM: ``` make ``` ## IcingaWeb Configure Icingaweb : ``` http://$IP/icingaweb2/setup ``` * Screen 1: Welcome Use the icinga token given a the end of the `icinga2-setup` provision, or: ``` sudo icingacli setup token show ``` Next * Screen 2: Modules Activate Monitor (already set) Next * Screen 3: Icinga Web 2 Next * Screen 4: Authentication Next * Screen 5: Database Resource Database Name: icingaweb_db Username: supervisor Password: th3Pass Charset: UTF8 Validate Next * Screen 6: Authentication Backend Next * Screen 7: Administration Fill the blanks Next * Screen 8: Application Configuration Next * Screen 9: Summary Next * Screen 10: Welcome ... again Next * Screen 11: Monitoring IDO Resource Database Name: icinga2 Username: supervisor Password: th3Pass Charset: UTF8 Validate Next * Screen 12: Command Transport Transaport name: icinga2 Transport Type: API Host: Port: 5665 User: icinga_api Password: th3Pass Next * Screen 13: Monitoring Security Next * Screen 14: Summary Finish * Screen 15: Hopefuly success Login ## Add servers to icinga ``` # Connect to the vm vagrant ssh s1 # Create /etc/icinga2/conf.d/check_patroni.conf sudo /vagrant/provision/director.bash init cluster1 p1= p2= # Check and load conf sudo icinga2 daemon -C sudo systemctl restart icinga2.service ``` # Grafana Connect to: User / pass: admin/admin Import the dashboards for the grafana directory. They are created for cluster1, and servers p1, p2.