#!/bin/bash if ! command -v check_patroni &>/dev/null; then echo "check_partroni must be installed to generate the documentation" exit 1 fi README="../README.md" function readme(){ echo "$1" >> $README } function helpme(){ readme readme '```' check_patroni $1 --help >> $README readme '```' readme } cat << '_EOF_' > $README # check_patroni _EOF_ helpme cat << '_EOF_' >> $README ## Install Installation from the git repository: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/dalibo/check_patroni ``` Change the branch if necessary. Then create a dedicated environment, install dependencies and then check_patroni from the repo: ``` $ cd check_patroni $ python3 -m venv .venv $ . .venv/bin/activate (.venv) $ pip3 install . (.venv) $ pip3 install .[dev] # for dev purposes (.venv) $ pip3 install .[test] # for testing purposes (.venv) $ check_patroni ``` To quit this env and destroy it: ``` $ deactivate $ rm -r .venv ``` Links: * [pip & centos 7](https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-pip-on-centos-7/) * [pip & debian10](https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-pip-on-debian-10/) ## Config file All global and service specific parameters can be specified via a config file has follows: ``` [options] endpoints =,, cert_file = ./ssl/benoit-dalibo-cert.pem key_file = ./ssl/benoit-dalibo-key.pem ca_file = ./ssl/CA-cert.pem timeout = 0 [options.node_is_replica] lag=100 ``` ## Thresholds The format for the threshold parameters is "[@][start:][end]". * "start:" may be omitted if start==0 * "~:" means that start is negative infinity * If `end` is omitted, infinity is assumed * To invert the match condition, prefix the range expression with "@". A match is found when: start <= VALUE <= end For example, the followinf command will raise: * a warning if there is less than 1 nodes, wich can be translated to outside of range [2;+INF[ * a critical if there are no nodes, wich can be translated to outside of range [1;+INF[ ``` check_patroni -e cluster_has_replica --warning 2: --critical 1: ``` _EOF_ readme readme "## Cluster services" readme readme "### cluster_config_has_changed" helpme cluster_config_has_changed readme "### cluster_has_leader" helpme cluster_has_leader readme "### cluster_has_replica" helpme cluster_has_replica readme "### cluster_is_in_maintenance" helpme cluster_is_in_maintenance readme "### cluster_node_count" helpme cluster_node_count readme "## Node services" readme readme "### node_is_alive" helpme node_is_alive readme "### node_is_pending_restart" helpme node_is_pending_restart readme "### node_is_primary" helpme node_is_primary readme "### node_is_replica" helpme node_is_replica readme "### node_patroni_version" helpme node_patroni_version readme "### node_tl_has_changed" helpme node_tl_has_changed cat << _EOF_ >> $README _EOF_ cat << '_EOF_' >> $README ## test The pytests are in `./test` and use a moker to provide a json response instead of having to call the patroni API. A vagrant file is available to create a icinga / opm / grafana stack and install check_patroni. You can then add a server to the supervision and watch the graphs in grafana. It's in `./test/vagrant`. _EOF_