import click from configparser import ConfigParser import nagiosplugin import re from typing import List from . import __version__ from .cluster import ( ClusterConfigHasChanged, ClusterConfigHasChangedSummary, ClusterHasLeader, ClusterHasLeaderSummary, ClusterHasReplica, ClusterNodeCount, ClusterIsInMaintenance, ) from .node import ( NodeIsAlive, NodeIsAliveSummary, NodeIsPendingRestart, NodeIsPendingRestartSummary, NodeIsPrimary, NodeIsPrimarySummary, NodeIsReplica, NodeIsReplicaSummary, NodePatroniVersion, NodePatroniVersionSummary, NodeTLHasChanged, NodeTLHasChangedSummary, ) from .types import ConnectionInfo, Parameters from .convert import size_to_byte def print_version(ctx: click.Context, param: str, value: str) -> None: if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing: return click.echo(f"Version {__version__}") ctx.exit() DEFAULT_CFG = "config.ini" def configure(ctx: click.Context, param: str, filename: str) -> None: """Use a config file for the parameters stolen from """ # FIXME should use click-configfile / click-config-file ? cfg = ConfigParser() ctx.default_map = {} for sect in cfg.sections(): command_path = sect.split(".") if command_path[0] != "options": continue defaults = ctx.default_map for cmdname in command_path[1:]: defaults = defaults.setdefault(cmdname, {}) defaults.update(cfg[sect]) try: # endpoints is an array of addresses separated by , if isinstance(defaults["endpoints"], str): defaults["endpoints"] = re.split(r"\s*,\s*", defaults["endpoints"]) except KeyError: pass @click.option( "--config", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), default=DEFAULT_CFG, callback=configure, is_eager=True, expose_value=False, help="Read option defaults from the specified INI file", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "-e", "--endpoints", "endpoints", type=str, multiple=True, default=[""], help="API endpoint. Can be specified multiple times.", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--cert_file", "cert_file", type=str, help="File with the client certificate.", ) @click.option( "--key_file", "key_file", type=str, help="File with the client key.", ) @click.option( "--ca_file", "ca_file", type=str, help="The CA certificate.", ) @click.option( "-v", "--verbose", "verbose", count=True, default=0, help="Increase verbosity -v (info)/-vv (warning)/-vvv (debug)", show_default=False, ) @click.option( "--version", is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True ) @click.option( "--timeout", "timeout", default=2, type=int, help="Timeout in seconds for the API queries (0 to disable)", show_default=True, ) @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def main( ctx: click.Context, endpoints: List[str], cert_file: str, key_file: str, ca_file: str, verbose: int, timeout: int, ) -> None: """Nagios plugin for patroni.""" # FIXME Not all "is/has" services have the same return code for ok. Check if it's ok # We use this to pass parameters instead of ctx.parent.params because the # latter is typed as Optional[Context] and mypy complains with the following # error unless we test if ctx.parent is none which looked ugly. # # error: Item "None" of "Optional[Context]" has an attribute "params" [union-attr] ctx.obj = Parameters( ConnectionInfo(endpoints, cert_file, key_file, ca_file), timeout, verbose, ) @main.command(name="cluster_node_count") # required otherwise _ are converted to - @click.option( "-w", "--warning", "warning", type=str, help="Warning threshold for the number of nodes.", ) @click.option( "-c", "--critical", "critical", type=str, help="Critical threshold for the nimber of nodes.", ) @click.option( "--running-warning", "running_warning", type=str, help="Warning threshold for the number of running nodes.", ) @click.option( "--running-critical", "running_critical", type=str, help="Critical threshold for the nimber of running nodes.", ) @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def cluster_node_count( ctx: click.Context, warning: str, critical: str, running_warning: str, running_critical: str, ) -> None: """Count the number of nodes in the cluster. \b Check: * Compares the number of nodes against the normal and running node warning and critical thresholds. * `OK`! If they are not provided. \b Perfdata: * `members`: the member count. * all the roles of the nodes in the cluster with their number. * all the statuses of the nodes in the cluster with their number. """ check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( ClusterNodeCount(ctx.obj.connection_info), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext( "members", warning, critical, ), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext( "state_running", running_warning, running_critical, ), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("members_roles"), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("members_statuses"), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout) @main.command(name="cluster_has_leader") @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def cluster_has_leader(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """Check if the cluster has a leader. \b Check: * `OK`: if there is a leader node. * `CRITICAL`: otherwise Perfdata : `has_leader` is 1 if there is a leader node, 0 otherwise """ # FIXME: Manage primary or standby leader in the same place ? check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( ClusterHasLeader(ctx.obj.connection_info), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("has_leader", None, "@0:0"), ClusterHasLeaderSummary(), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout) @main.command(name="cluster_has_replica") @click.option( "-w", "--warning", "warning", type=str, help="Warning threshold for the number of nodes.", ) @click.option( "-c", "--critical", "critical", type=str, help="Critical threshold for the number of replica nodes.", ) @click.option("--max-lag", "max_lag", type=str, help="maximum allowed lag") @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def cluster_has_replica( ctx: click.Context, warning: str, critical: str, max_lag: str ) -> None: """Check if the cluster has healthy replicates. \b A healthy replicate : * is in running state * has a replica role * has a lag lower or equal to max_lag \b Check: * `OK`: if the healthy_replica count and their lag are compatible with the replica count threshold. * `WARNING` / `CRITICAL`: otherwise \b Perfdata : * healthy_replica & unhealthy_replica count * the lag of each replica labelled with "member name"_lag """ tmax_lag = size_to_byte(max_lag) if max_lag is not None else None check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( ClusterHasReplica(ctx.obj.connection_info, tmax_lag), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext( "healthy_replica", warning, critical, ), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("unhealthy_replica"), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("replica_lag"), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout) @main.command(name="cluster_config_has_changed") @click.option("--hash", "config_hash", type=str, help="A hash to compare with.") @click.option( "-s", "--state-file", "state_file", type=str, help="A state file to store the hash of the configuration.", ) @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def cluster_config_has_changed( ctx: click.Context, config_hash: str, state_file: str ) -> None: """Check if the hash of the configuration has changed. Note: either a hash or a state file must be provided for this service to work. \b Check: * `OK`: The hash didn't change * `CRITICAL`: The hash of the configuration has changed compared to the input (`--hash`) or last time (`--state_file`) \b Perfdata : * `is_configuration_changed` is 1 if the configuration has changed """ # FIXME hash in perfdata ? if (config_hash is None and state_file is None) or ( config_hash is not None and state_file is not None ): raise click.UsageError( "Either --hash or --state-file should be provided for this service", ctx ) check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( ClusterConfigHasChanged(ctx.obj.connection_info, config_hash, state_file), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("is_configuration_changed", None, "@1:1"), ClusterConfigHasChangedSummary(), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout) @main.command(name="cluster_is_in_maintenance") @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def cluster_is_in_maintenance(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """Check if the cluster is in maintenance mode ie paused. \b Check: * `OK`: If the cluster is in maintenance mode. * `CRITICAL`: otherwise. \b Perfdata : * `is_in_maintenance` is 1 the cluster is in maintenance mode, 0 otherwise """ check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( ClusterIsInMaintenance(ctx.obj.connection_info), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("is_in_maintenance", None, "0:0"), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout) @main.command(name="node_is_primary") @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def node_is_primary(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """Check if the node is the primary with the leader lock. \b Check: * `OK`: if the node is a primary with the leader lock. * `CRITICAL:` otherwise Perfdata: `is_primary` is 1 if the node is a primary with the leader lock, 0 otherwise. """ check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( NodeIsPrimary(ctx.obj.connection_info), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("is_primary", None, "@0:0"), NodeIsPrimarySummary(), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout) @main.command(name="node_is_replica") @click.option("--max-lag", "max_lag", type=str, help="maximum allowed lag") @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def node_is_replica(ctx: click.Context, max_lag: str) -> None: """Check if the node is a running replica with no noloadbalance tag. \b Check: * `OK`: if the node is a running replica with noloadbalance tag and the lag is under the maximum threshold. * `CRITICAL`: otherwise Perfdata : `is_replica` is 1 if the node is a running replica with noloadbalance tag and the lag is under the maximum threshold, 0 otherwise. """ # FIXME add a lag check ?? check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( NodeIsReplica(ctx.obj.connection_info, max_lag), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("is_replica", None, "@0:0"), NodeIsReplicaSummary(max_lag), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout) @main.command(name="node_is_pending_restart") @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def node_is_pending_restart(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """Check if the node is in pending restart state. This situation can arise if the configuration has been modified but requiers a restart of PostgreSQL to take effect. \b Check: * `OK`: if the node has pending restart tag. * `CRITICAL`: otherwise Perfdata: `is_pending_restart` is 1 if the node has pending restart tag, 0 otherwise. """ check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( NodeIsPendingRestart(ctx.obj.connection_info), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("is_pending_restart", None, "@1:1"), NodeIsPendingRestartSummary(), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout) @main.command(name="node_tl_has_changed") @click.option( "--timeline", "timeline", type=str, help="A timeline number to compare with." ) @click.option( "-s", "--state-file", "state_file", type=str, help="A state file to store the last tl number into.", ) @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def node_tl_has_changed(ctx: click.Context, timeline: str, state_file: str) -> None: """Check if the timeline has changed. Note: either a timeline or a state file must be provided for this service to work. \b Check: * `OK`: The timeline is the same as last time (`--state_file`) or the inputed timeline (`--timeline`) * `CRITICAL`: The tl is not the same. \b Perfdata : * `is_timeline_changed` is 1 if the tl has changed, 0 otherwise * the timeline """ if (timeline is None and state_file is None) or ( timeline is not None and state_file is not None ): raise click.UsageError( "Either --timeline or --state-file should be provided for this service", ctx ) check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( NodeTLHasChanged(ctx.obj.connection_info, timeline, state_file), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("is_timeline_changed", None, "@1:1"), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("timeline"), NodeTLHasChangedSummary(timeline), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout) @main.command(name="node_patroni_version") @click.option( "--patroni-version", "patroni_version", type=str, help="Patroni version to compare to", required=True, ) @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def node_patroni_version(ctx: click.Context, patroni_version: str) -> None: """Check if the version is equal to the input \b Check: * `OK`: The version is the same as the input `--patroni-version` * `CRITICAL`: otherwise. \b Perfdata : * `is_version_ok` is 1 if version is ok, 0 otherwise """ # TODO the version cannot be written in perfdata find something else ? check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( NodePatroniVersion(ctx.obj.connection_info, patroni_version), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("is_version_ok", None, "@0:0"), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("patroni_version"), NodePatroniVersionSummary(patroni_version), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout) @main.command(name="node_is_alive") @click.pass_context @nagiosplugin.guarded def node_is_alive(ctx: click.Context) -> None: """Check if the node is alive ie patroni is running. \b Check: * `OK`: If patroni is running. * `CRITICAL`: otherwise. \b Perfdata : * `is_running` is 1 if patroni is running, 0 otherwise """ check = nagiosplugin.Check() check.add( NodeIsAlive(ctx.obj.connection_info), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext("is_alive", None, "@0:0"), NodeIsAliveSummary(), ) check.main(verbose=ctx.obj.verbose, timeout=ctx.obj.timeout)