from pathlib import Path import nagiosplugin from click.testing import CliRunner from check_patroni.cli import main def test_node_tl_has_changed_ok_with_timeline(runner: CliRunner, fake_restapi) -> None: fake_restapi("node_tl_has_changed") result = runner.invoke( main, [ "-e", "", "node_tl_has_changed", "--timeline", "58", ], ) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert ( result.stdout == "NODETLHASCHANGED OK - The timeline is still 58. | is_timeline_changed=0;;@1:1 timeline=58\n" ) def test_node_tl_has_changed_ok_with_state_file( runner: CliRunner, fake_restapi, tmp_path: Path ) -> None: state_file = tmp_path / "node_tl_has_changed.state_file" with"w") as f: f.write('{"timeline": 58}') fake_restapi("node_tl_has_changed") result = runner.invoke( main, [ "-e", "", "node_tl_has_changed", "--state-file", str(state_file), ], ) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert ( result.stdout == "NODETLHASCHANGED OK - The timeline is still 58. | is_timeline_changed=0;;@1:1 timeline=58\n" ) def test_node_tl_has_changed_ko_with_timeline(runner: CliRunner, fake_restapi) -> None: fake_restapi("node_tl_has_changed") result = runner.invoke( main, [ "-e", "", "node_tl_has_changed", "--timeline", "700", ], ) assert result.exit_code == 2 assert ( result.stdout == "NODETLHASCHANGED CRITICAL - The expected timeline was 700 got 58. | is_timeline_changed=1;;@1:1 timeline=58\n" ) def test_node_tl_has_changed_ko_with_state_file_and_save( runner: CliRunner, fake_restapi, tmp_path: Path ) -> None: state_file = tmp_path / "node_tl_has_changed.state_file" with"w") as f: f.write('{"timeline": 700}') fake_restapi("node_tl_has_changed") # test without saving the new tl result = runner.invoke( main, [ "-e", "", "node_tl_has_changed", "--state-file", str(state_file), ], ) assert result.exit_code == 2 assert ( result.stdout == "NODETLHASCHANGED CRITICAL - The expected timeline was 700 got 58. | is_timeline_changed=1;;@1:1 timeline=58\n" ) cookie = nagiosplugin.Cookie(state_file) new_tl = cookie.get("timeline") cookie.close() assert new_tl == 700 # test when we save the hash result = runner.invoke( main, [ "-e", "", "node_tl_has_changed", "--state-file", str(state_file), "--save", ], ) assert result.exit_code == 2 assert ( result.stdout == "NODETLHASCHANGED CRITICAL - The expected timeline was 700 got 58. | is_timeline_changed=1;;@1:1 timeline=58\n" ) cookie = nagiosplugin.Cookie(state_file) new_tl = cookie.get("timeline") cookie.close() assert new_tl == 58 def test_node_tl_has_changed_params( runner: CliRunner, fake_restapi, tmp_path: Path ) -> None: # This one is placed last because it seems like the exceptions are not flushed from stderr for the next tests. fake_state_file = tmp_path / "fake_file_name.state_file" fake_restapi("node_tl_has_changed") result = runner.invoke( main, [ "-e", "", "node_tl_has_changed", "--timeline", "58", "--state-file", str(fake_state_file), ], ) assert result.exit_code == 3 assert ( result.stdout == "NODETLHASCHANGED UNKNOWN: click.exceptions.UsageError: Either --timeline or --state-file should be provided for this service\n" ) result = runner.invoke( main, ["-e", "", "node_tl_has_changed"] ) assert result.exit_code == 3 assert ( result.stdout == "NODETLHASCHANGED UNKNOWN: click.exceptions.UsageError: Either --timeline or --state-file should be provided for this service\n" )