Go to file
benoit 6c696a03ee Mypy fix
Stop using ctx.parent.params to get the verbose and timeout parameters
parsed in main and use ctx.obj instead.

ctx.parent.params is typed as Optional[Context] which forces us to test
if it's NULL before using it. It's useless in our case because we know
it's not empty and the resulting code is ugly.

The mypy ierror.

Item "None" of "Optional[Context]" has an attribute "params"
2021-09-11 00:36:57 +02:00
check_patroni Mypy fix 2021-09-11 00:36:57 +02:00
doc Syntax of threshold parameter in README.md 2021-08-26 15:31:47 +02:00
test Shame on meeeeee 2021-08-13 14:52:20 +02:00
.flake8 First working version 2021-08-12 13:07:10 +02:00
.gitignore Update .gitignore + black run 2021-08-12 13:15:37 +02:00
config.ini First working version 2021-08-12 13:07:10 +02:00
mypy.ini Disable some checks from myppy 2021-09-09 17:17:25 +02:00
pytest.ini add pytest.ini 2021-08-26 15:32:11 +02:00
README.md Syntax of threshold parameter in README.md 2021-08-26 15:31:47 +02:00
setup.py Try to fix install 2021-08-13 14:43:07 +02:00


Usage: check_patroni [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Nagios plugin for patroni.

  --config FILE         Read option defaults from the specified INI file
                        [default: config.ini]
  -e, --endpoints TEXT  API endpoint. Can be specified multiple times.
  --cert_file TEXT      File with the client certificate.
  --key_file TEXT       File with the client key.
  --ca_file TEXT        The CA certificate.
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity -v (info)/-vv (warning)/-vvv
                        (debug)  [x>=0]
  --timeout INTEGER     Timeout in seconds for the API queries (0 to disable)
  --help                Show this message and exit.

  cluster_config_has_changed  Check if the hash of the configuration has...
  cluster_has_leader          Check if the cluster has a leader.
  cluster_has_replica         Check if the cluster has healthy replicates.
  cluster_is_in_maintenance   Check if the cluster is in maintenance mode...
  cluster_node_count          Count the number of nodes in the cluster.
  node_is_alive               Check if the node is alive ie patroni is...
  node_is_pending_restart     Check if the node is in pending restart state.
  node_is_primary             Check if the node is the primary with the...
  node_is_replica             Check if the node is a running replica with...
  node_patroni_version        Check if the version is equal to the input
  node_tl_has_changed         Check if the timeline has changed.


The check requers python3. Using a virtual env is advised for testing :

pip -m venv ~/venv
source ~venv/bin/activate

Clone the repo, then install with pip3 from it :

pip3 install .
pip3 install .[dev]
pip3 install .[test]

Links :

config file

All global and service specific parameters can be specified via a config file has follows:

endpoints =,,
cert_file = ./ssl/benoit-dalibo-cert.pem
key_file = ./ssl/benoit-dalibo-key.pem
ca_file = ./ssl/CA-cert.pem
timeout = 0



The format for the threshold parameters is "[@][start:][end]".

  • "start:" may be omitted if start==0
  • "~:" means that start is negative infinity
  • If end is omitted, infinity is assumed
  • To invert the match condition, prefix the range expression with "@".

A match is found when : start <= VALUE <= end

For example, the followinf command will raise :

  • a warning if there is less than 1 nodes
  • a critical if there are no nodes
check_patroni -e cluster_has_replica --warning @1 --critical @0

cluster services


Usage: check_patroni cluster_config_has_changed [OPTIONS]

  Check if the hash of the configuration has changed.

  Note: either a hash or a state file must be provided for this service to

  * `OK`: The hash didn't change
  * `CRITICAL`: The hash of the configuration has changed compared to the input (`--hash`) or last time (`--state_file`)

  Perfdata :
  * `is_configuration_changed` is 1 if the configuration has changed

  --hash TEXT            A hash to compare with.
  -s, --state-file TEXT  A state file to store the tl number into.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


Usage: check_patroni cluster_has_leader [OPTIONS]

  Check if the cluster has a leader.

  * `OK`: if there is a leader node.
  * `CRITICAL`: otherwise

  Perfdata : `has_leader` is 1 if there is a leader node, 0 otherwise

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Usage: check_patroni cluster_has_replica [OPTIONS]

  Check if the cluster has healthy replicates.

  A healthy replicate : * is in running state * has a replica role * has a lag
  lower or equal to max_lag

  * `OK`: if the healthy_replica count and their lag are compatible with the replica count threshold.
  * `WARNING` / `CRITICAL`: otherwise

  Perfdata :
  * healthy_replica & unhealthy_replica count
  * the lag of each replica labelled with  "member name"_lag

  -w, --warning TEXT   Warning threshold for the number of nodes.
  -c, --critical TEXT  Critical threshold for the number of replica nodes.
  --max-lag TEXT       maximum allowed lag
  --help               Show this message and exit.


Usage: check_patroni cluster_is_in_maintenance [OPTIONS]

  Check if the cluster is in maintenance mode ie paused.

  * `OK`: If the cluster is in maintenance mode.
  * `CRITICAL`: otherwise.

  Perfdata :
  * `is_in_maintenance` is 1 the cluster is in maintenance mode,  0 otherwise

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Usage: check_patroni cluster_node_count [OPTIONS]

  Count the number of nodes in the cluster.

  * Compares the number of nodes against the normal and running node warning and critical thresholds.
  * `OK`!  If they are not provided.

  * `members`: the member count.
  * all the roles of the nodes in the cluster with their number.
  * all the statuses of the nodes in the cluster with their number.

  -w, --warning TEXT       Warning threshold for the number of nodes.
  -c, --critical TEXT      Critical threshold for the nimber of nodes.
  --running-warning TEXT   Warning threshold for the number of running nodes.
  --running-critical TEXT  Critical threshold for the nimber of running nodes.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

node services


Usage: check_patroni node_is_alive [OPTIONS]

  Check if the node is alive ie patroni is running.

  * `OK`: If patroni is running.
  * `CRITICAL`: otherwise.

  Perfdata :
  * `is_running` is 1 if patroni is running, 0 otherwise

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Usage: check_patroni node_is_pending_restart [OPTIONS]

  Check if the node is in pending restart state.

  This situation can arise if the configuration has been modified but requiers
  a restart of PostgreSQL to take effect.

  * `OK`: if the node has pending restart tag.
  * `CRITICAL`: otherwise

  Perfdata: `is_pending_restart` is 1 if the node has pending restart tag, 0

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Usage: check_patroni node_is_primary [OPTIONS]

  Check if the node is the primary with the leader lock.

  * `OK`: if the node is a primary with the leader lock.
  * `CRITICAL:` otherwise

  Perfdata: `is_primary` is 1 if the node is a primary with the leader lock, 0

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Usage: check_patroni node_is_replica [OPTIONS]

  Check if the node is a running replica with no noloadbalance tag.

  * `OK`: if the node is a running replica with noloadbalance tag and the lag is under the maximum threshold.
  * `CRITICAL`:  otherwise

  Perfdata : `is_replica` is 1 if the node is a running replica with
  noloadbalance tag and the lag is under the maximum threshold, 0 otherwise.

  --max-lag TEXT  maximum allowed lag
  --help          Show this message and exit.


Usage: check_patroni node_patroni_version [OPTIONS]

  Check if the version is equal to the input

  * `OK`: The version is the same as the input `--patroni-version`
  * `CRITICAL`: otherwise.

  Perfdata :
  * `is_version_ok` is 1 if version is ok, 0 otherwise

  --patroni-version TEXT  Patroni version to compare to  [required]
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


Usage: check_patroni node_tl_has_changed [OPTIONS]

  Check if the timeline has changed.

  Note: either a timeline or a state file must be provided for this service to

  * `OK`: The timeline is the same as last time (`--state_file`) or the inputed timeline (`--timeline`)
  * `CRITICAL`: The tl is not the same.

  Perfdata :
  * `is_configuration_changed` is 1 if the configuration has changed, 0 otherwise

  --timeline TEXT        A timeline number to compare with.
  -s, --state-file TEXT  A state file to store the last tl number into.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.