#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2317 readonly VERSION="23.1-pre" # set all programs to C language (english) export LC_ALL=C # If expansion is attempted on an unset variable or parameter, the shell prints an # error message, and, if not interactive, exits with a non-zero status. set -u # The pipeline's return status is the value of the last (rightmost) command # to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands exit successfully. set -o pipefail local_tasks() { log_error "The 'local_tasks' function hasn't been customized" } # Called from main, it is wrapping the local_tasks function defined in the real script local_tasks_wrapper() { log "START LOCAL_TASKS" # Remove old log directories find "${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/" -type d -name "${PROGNAME}.errors-*" -ctime +30 -delete # This function must be defined in the calling script local_tasks # TODO: check if this is still needed # print_error_files_content log "STOP LOCAL_TASKS" } sync_tasks() { log_error "The 'sync_tasks' function hasn't been customized" } # Called from main, it is wrapping the sync_tasks function defined in the real script sync_tasks_wrapper() { declare -a SERVERS # Indexed array for server/port values declare -a RSYNC_INCLUDES # Indexed array for includes declare -a RSYNC_EXCLUDES # Indexed array for excludes case "${SYSTEM}" in linux) declare -a rsync_default_includes=( /bin /boot /lib /opt /sbin /usr ) ;; *bsd) declare -a rsync_default_includes=( /bin /bsd /sbin /usr ) ;; *) echo "Unknown system '${SYSTEM}'" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac if [ -f "${CANARY_FILE}" ]; then rsync_default_includes+=("${CANARY_FILE}") fi readonly rsync_default_includes declare -a rsync_default_excludes=( /dev /proc /run /sys /tmp /usr/doc /usr/obj /usr/share/doc /usr/src /var/apt /var/cache /var/db/munin/*.tmp /var/lib/amavis/amavisd.sock /var/lib/amavis/tmp /var/lib/clamav/*.tmp /var/lib/elasticsearch /var/lib/metche /var/lib/mongodb /var/lib/munin/*tmp* /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/php/sessions /var/lib/php5 /var/lib/postgres /var/lib/postgresql /var/lib/sympa /var/lock /var/run /var/spool/postfix /var/spool/smtpd /var/spool/squid /var/state /var/tmp lost+found .nfs.* lxc/*/rootfs/tmp lxc/*/rootfs/usr/doc lxc/*/rootfs/usr/obj lxc/*/rootfs/usr/share/doc lxc/*/rootfs/usr/src lxc/*/rootfs/var/apt lxc/*/rootfs/var/cache lxc/*/rootfs/var/lib/php5 lxc/*/rootfs/var/lib/php/sessions lxc/*/rootfs/var/lock lxc/*/rootfs/var/run lxc/*/rootfs/var/state lxc/*/rootfs/var/tmp /home/mysqltmp ) readonly rsync_default_excludes # This function must be defined in the calling script sync_tasks } sync() { local sync_name=${1} local -a rsync_servers=("${!2}") local -a rsync_includes=("${!3}") local -a rsync_excludes=("${!4}") ## Initialize variable to store SSH connection errors declare -a SSH_ERRORS=() # echo "### sync ###" # for server in "${rsync_servers[@]}"; do # echo "server: ${server}" # done # for include in "${rsync_includes[@]}"; do # echo "include: ${include}" # done # for exclude in "${rsync_excludes[@]}"; do # echo "exclude: ${exclude}" # done local -i n=0 local server="" if [ "${SERVERS_FALLBACK}" = "1" ]; then # We try to find a suitable server while :; do server=$(pick_server ${n}) test $? = 0 || exit ${E_NOSRVAVAIL} if test_server "${server}"; then break else server="" n=$(( n + 1 )) fi done else # we force the server server=$(pick_server "${n}") fi rsync_server=$(echo "${server}" | cut -d':' -f1) rsync_port=$(echo "${server}" | cut -d':' -f2) log "START SYNC_TASKS - ${sync_name} : server=${server}" # Rsync complete log file for the current run RSYNC_LOGFILE="/var/log/${PROGNAME}.${sync_name}.rsync.log" # Rsync stats for the current run RSYNC_STATSFILE="/var/log/${PROGNAME}.${sync_name}.rsync-stats.log" # reset Rsync log file if [ -n "$(command -v truncate)" ]; then truncate -s 0 "${RSYNC_LOGFILE}" truncate -s 0 "${RSYNC_STATSFILE}" else printf "" > "${RSYNC_LOGFILE}" printf "" > "${RSYNC_STATSFILE}" fi if [ "${MTREE_ENABLED}" = "1" ]; then mtree_bin=$(command -v mtree) if [ -n "${mtree_bin}" ]; then # Dump filesystem stats with mtree log "SYNC_TASKS - start mtree" local -a mtree_files=() # Loop over Rsync includes for i in "${!rsync_includes[@]}"; do include="${rsync_includes[i]}" # … but exclude for mtree what will be excluded by Rsync mtree_excludes_file="$(mktemp --tmpdir "${PROGNAME}.${sync_name}.mtree-excludes.XXXXXX")" add_to_temp_files "${mtree_excludes_file}" for j in "${!rsync_excludes[@]}"; do echo "${rsync_excludes[j]}" | grep -E "^([^/]|${include})" | sed -e "s|^${include}|.|" >> "${mtree_excludes_file}" done mtree_file="/var/log/evobackup.$(basename "${include}").mtree" add_to_temp_files "${mtree_file}" ${mtree_bin} -x -c -p "${include}" -X "${mtree_excludes_file}" > "${mtree_file}" mtree_files+=("${mtree_file}") done if [ "${#mtree_files[@]}" -le 0 ]; then log_error "SYNC_TASKS - ERROR: mtree didn't produce any file" fi log "SYNC_TASKS - stop mtree (files: ${mtree_files[*]})" else log "SYNC_TASKS - skip mtree (missing)" fi else log "SYNC_TASKS - skip mtree (disabled)" fi rsync_bin=$(command -v rsync) # Build the final Rsync command # Rsync main options rsync_main_args=() rsync_main_args+=(--archive) rsync_main_args+=(--itemize-changes) rsync_main_args+=(--quiet) rsync_main_args+=(--stats) rsync_main_args+=(--human-readable) rsync_main_args+=(--relative) rsync_main_args+=(--partial) rsync_main_args+=(--delete) rsync_main_args+=(--delete-excluded) rsync_main_args+=(--force) rsync_main_args+=(--ignore-errors) rsync_main_args+=(--log-file "${RSYNC_LOGFILE}") rsync_main_args+=(--rsh "ssh -p ${rsync_port} -o 'ConnectTimeout ${SSH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}'") # Rsync excludes for i in "${!rsync_excludes[@]}"; do rsync_main_args+=(--exclude "${rsync_excludes[i]}") done # Rsync local sources rsync_main_args+=("${rsync_includes[@]}") # Rsync remote destination rsync_main_args+=("root@${rsync_server}:${REMOTE_BACKUP_DIR}/") # … log it log "SYNC_TASKS - ${sync_name} Rsync main command : ${rsync_bin} ${rsync_main_args[*]}" # … execute it ${rsync_bin} "${rsync_main_args[@]}" rsync_main_rc=$? # Copy last lines of rsync log to the main log tail -n 30 "${RSYNC_LOGFILE}" >> "${LOGFILE}" # Copy Rsync stats to special file tail -n 30 "${RSYNC_LOGFILE}" | grep --invert-match --extended-regexp " [\<\>ch\.\*]\S{10} " > "${RSYNC_STATSFILE}" # We ignore rc=24 (vanished files) if [ ${rsync_main_rc} -ne 0 ] && [ ${rsync_main_rc} -ne 24 ]; then log_error "SYNC_TASKS - ${sync_name} Rsync main command returned an error ${rsync_main_rc}" "${LOGFILE}" GLOBAL_RC=${E_SYNCFAILED} else # Build the report Rsync command local -a rsync_report_args rsync_report_args=() # Rsync options rsync_report_args+=(--rsh "ssh -p ${rsync_port} -o 'ConnectTimeout ${SSH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}'") # Rsync local sources if [ "${#mtree_files[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then # send mtree files if there is any rsync_report_args+=("${mtree_files[@]}") fi if [ -f "${RSYNC_LOGFILE}" ]; then # send rsync full log file if it exists rsync_report_args+=("${RSYNC_LOGFILE}") fi if [ -f "${RSYNC_STATSFILE}" ]; then # send rsync stats log file if it exists rsync_report_args+=("${RSYNC_STATSFILE}") fi # Rsync remote destination rsync_report_args+=("root@${rsync_server}:${REMOTE_LOG_DIR}/") # … log it log "SYNC_TASKS - ${sync_name} Rsync report command : ${rsync_bin} ${rsync_report_args[*]}" # … execute it ${rsync_bin} "${rsync_report_args[@]}" fi log "STOP SYNC_TASKS - ${sync_name} server=${server}" } setup() { # Default return-code (0 == succes) declare -i GLOBAL_RC=0 # Possible error codes readonly E_NOSRVAVAIL=21 # No server is available readonly E_SYNCFAILED=20 # Failed sync task readonly E_DUMPFAILED=10 # Failed dump task # explicit PATH PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin # System name (linux, openbsd…) : "${SYSTEM:=$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')}" # Hostname (for logs and notifications) : "${HOSTNAME:=$(hostname)}" # Store pid in a file named after this program's name : "${PROGNAME:=$(basename "$0")}" : "${PIDFILE:="/var/run/${PROGNAME}.pid"}" # Customize the log path if you want multiple scripts to have separate log files : "${LOGFILE:="/var/log/evobackup.log"}" # Canary file to update before executing tasks : "${CANARY_FILE:="/zzz_evobackup_canary"}" # Date format for log messages : "${DATE_FORMAT:="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"}" # Should we fallback on other servers when the first one is unreachable? : "${SERVERS_FALLBACK:=1}" # timeout (in seconds) for SSH connections : "${SSH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT:=90}" : "${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR:="/home/backup"}" # shellcheck disable=SC2174 mkdir -p -m 700 "${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}" : "${ERRORS_DIR:="${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/${PROGNAME}.errors-${START_TIME}"}" # shellcheck disable=SC2174 mkdir -p -m 700 "${ERRORS_DIR}" # Backup directory on remote server : "${REMOTE_BACKUP_DIR:="/var/backup"}" # Log directory in remote server : "${REMOTE_LOG_DIR:="/var/log"}" # Email address for notifications : "${MAIL:="root"}" # Email subject for notifications : "${MAIL_SUBJECT:="[info] EvoBackup - Client ${HOSTNAME}"}" # Enable/disable local tasks (default: enabled) : "${LOCAL_TASKS:=1}" # Enable/disable sync tasks (default: enabled) : "${SYNC_TASKS:=1}" # Enable/disable mtree (default: enabled) : "${MTREE_ENABLED:=1}" ## Force umask umask 077 # Initialize a list of temporary files declare -a TEMP_FILES=() # Any file in this list will be deleted when the program exits trap "clean_temp_files" EXIT } main() { # Start timer START_EPOCH=$(/bin/date +%s) START_TIME=$(/bin/date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # Configure variables and environment setup log "START GLOBAL - VERSION=${VERSION} LOCAL_TASKS=${LOCAL_TASKS} SYNC_TASKS=${SYNC_TASKS}" # /!\ Only one backup processus can run at the sametime /!\ # Based on PID file, kill any running process before continuing enforce_single_process "${PIDFILE}" # Update canary to keep track of each run update-evobackup-canary --who "${PROGNAME}" --file "${CANARY_FILE}" if [ "${LOCAL_TASKS}" = "1" ]; then local_tasks_wrapper fi if [ "${SYNC_TASKS}" = "1" ]; then sync_tasks_wrapper fi STOP_EPOCH=$(/bin/date +%s) case "${SYSTEM}" in *bsd) start_time=$(/bin/date -f "%s" -j "${START_EPOCH}" +"${DATE_FORMAT}") stop_time=$(/bin/date -f "%s" -j "${STOP_EPOCH}" +"${DATE_FORMAT}") ;; *) start_time=$(/bin/date --date="@${START_EPOCH}" +"${DATE_FORMAT}") stop_time=$(/bin/date --date="@${STOP_EPOCH}" +"${DATE_FORMAT}") ;; esac duration=$(( STOP_EPOCH - START_EPOCH )) log "STOP GLOBAL - start='${start_time}' stop='${stop_time}' duration=${duration}s" send_mail exit ${GLOBAL_RC} }