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2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This file contains tests for the NetFlow collector for versions 1, 5 and 9.
The test packets (defined below as hex streams) were extracted from "real"
softflowd exports based on a sample PCAP capture file.
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
Copyright 2017-2020 Dominik Pataky <>
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE.
import gzip
import ipaddress
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
import json
import queue
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
import random
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import time
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
import unittest
from netflow.collector import ThreadedNetFlowListener
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
# TODO: tests with 500 packets fail with delay=0. Probably a problem with UDP sockets buffer
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
# The flowset with 2 templates (IPv4 and IPv6) and 8 flows with data
PACKET_V9_TEMPLATE = "0009000a000000035c9f55980000000100000000000000400400000e00080004000c000400150004" \
"001600040001000400020004000a0004000e000400070002000b00020004000100060001003c0001" \
"00050001000000400800000e001b0010001c001000150004001600040001000400020004000a0004" \
"000e000400070002000b00020004000100060001003c000100050001040001447f0000017f000001" \
"fb3c1aaafb3c18fd000190100000004b00000000000000000050942c061b04007f0000017f000001" \
"fb3c1aaafb3c18fd00000f94000000360000000000000000942c0050061f04007f0000017f000001" \
"fb3c1cfcfb3c1a9b0000d3fc0000002a000000000000000000509434061b04007f0000017f000001" \
"fb3c1cfcfb3c1a9b00000a490000001e000000000000000094340050061f04007f0000017f000001" \
"fb3bb82cfb3ba48b000002960000000300000000000000000050942a061904007f0000017f000001" \
"fb3bb82cfb3ba48b00000068000000020000000000000000942a0050061104007f0000017f000001" \
"fb3c1900fb3c18fe0000004c0000000100000000000000000035b3c9110004007f0000017f000001" \
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
# This packet is special. We take PACKET_V9_TEMPLATE and re-order the templates and flows.
# The first line is the header, the smaller lines the templates and the long lines the flows (limited to 80 chars)
PACKET_V9_TEMPLATE_MIXED = ("0009000a000000035c9f55980000000100000000" # header
"11000400" # end of flow segments
"000000400400000e00080004000c000400150004001600040001000400020004" # template 1024
"000000400800000e001b0010001c001000150004001600040001000400020004" # template 2048
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
# Three packets without templates, each with 12 flows, anonymized
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
# Example export for v1 which contains two flows from one ICMP ping request/reply session
PACKET_V1 = "000100020001189b5e80c32c2fd41848ac110002ac11000100000000000000000000000a00000348" \
"000027c700004af100000800000001000000000000000000ac110001ac1100020000000000000000" \
# Example export for v5 which contains three flows, two for ICMP ping and one multicast on interface (
PACKET_V5 = "00050003000379a35e80c58622a55ab00000000000000000ac110002ac1100010000000000000000" \
"0000000a0000034800002f4c0000527600000800000001000000000000000000ac110001ac110002" \
"00000000000000000000000a0000034800002f4c0000527600000000000001000000000000000000" \
"ac110001e00000fb000000000000000000000001000000a90000e01c0000e01c14e914e900001100" \
# Invalid export hex stream
2019-10-17 05:24:49 +02:00
CONNECTION = ('', 1337)
def emit_packets(packets, delay=0.0001):
"""Send the provided packets to the listener"""
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
for p in packets:
sock.sendto(bytes.fromhex(p), CONNECTION)
def send_recv_packets(packets, delay=0.0001) -> (list, float, float):
"""Starts a listener, send packets, receives packets
returns a tuple: ([(ts, export), ...], time_started_sending, time_stopped_sending)
listener = ThreadedNetFlowListener(*CONNECTION)
tstart = time.time()
emit_packets(packets, delay=delay)
time.sleep(0.5) # Allow packets to be sent and recieved
tend = time.time()
pkts = []
while True:
except queue.Empty:
return pkts, tstart, tend
class TestFlowExport(unittest.TestCase):
def _test_recv_all_packets(self, num, template_idx, delay=0.0001):
"""Fling packets at the server and test that it receives them all"""
def gen_pkts(n, idx):
for x in range(n):
if x == idx:
yield random.choice(PACKETS_V9)
pkts, tstart, tend = send_recv_packets(gen_pkts(num, template_idx), delay=delay)
# check number of packets
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), num)
# check timestamps are when packets were sent, not processed
self.assertTrue(all(tstart < p.ts < tend for p in pkts))
# check number of "things" in the packets (flows + templates)
# template packet = 10 things
# other packets = 12 things
self.assertEqual(sum(p.export.header.count for p in pkts), (num - 1) * 12 + 10)
# check number of flows in the packets
# template packet = 8 flows (2 templates)
# other packets = 12 flows
self.assertEqual(sum(len(p.export.flows) for p in pkts), (num - 1) * 12 + 8)
def test_recv_all_packets_template_first(self):
"""Test all packets are received when the template is sent first"""
self._test_recv_all_packets(NUM_PACKETS, 0)
def test_recv_all_packets_template_middle(self):
"""Test all packets are received when the template is sent in the middle"""
self._test_recv_all_packets(NUM_PACKETS, NUM_PACKETS // 2)
def test_recv_all_packets_template_last(self):
"""Test all packets are received when the template is sent last"""
self._test_recv_all_packets(NUM_PACKETS, NUM_PACKETS - 1)
def test_recv_all_packets_slowly(self):
"""Test all packets are received when things are sent slooooowwwwwwwwlllllllyyyyyy"""
self._test_recv_all_packets(3, 0, delay=1)
2019-10-17 05:24:49 +02:00
def test_ignore_invalid_packets(self):
"""Test that invalid packets log a warning but are otherwise ignored"""
2019-10-17 05:24:49 +02:00
with self.assertLogs(level='WARNING'):
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([
2019-10-17 05:24:49 +02:00
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 3)
def test_recv_v1_packet(self):
"""Test NetFlow v1 packet parsing"""
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V1])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 1)
# Take the parsed packet and check meta data
p = pkts[0]
self.assertEqual(p.client[0], "") # collector listens locally
self.assertEqual(len(p.export.flows), 2) # ping request and reply
self.assertEqual(p.export.header.count, 2) # same value, in header
self.assertEqual(p.export.header.version, 1)
# Check specific IP address contained in a flow.
# Since it might vary which flow of the pair is epxorted first, check both
flow = p.export.flows[0]
ipaddress.ip_address(flow.IPV4_SRC_ADDR), # convert to ipaddress obj because value is int
[ipaddress.ip_address(""), ipaddress.ip_address("")]
self.assertEqual(flow.PROTO, 1) # ICMP
def test_recv_v5_packet(self):
"""Test NetFlow v5 packet parsing"""
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V5])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 1)
p = pkts[0]
self.assertEqual(p.client[0], "")
self.assertEqual(len(p.export.flows), 3) # ping request and reply, one multicast
self.assertEqual(p.export.header.count, 3)
self.assertEqual(p.export.header.version, 5)
# Check specific IP address contained in a flow.
# Since it might vary which flow of the pair is epxorted first, check both
flow = p.export.flows[0]
ipaddress.ip_address(flow.IPV4_SRC_ADDR), # convert to ipaddress obj because value is int
[ipaddress.ip_address(""), ipaddress.ip_address("")] # matches multicast packet too
self.assertEqual(flow.PROTO, 1) # ICMP
def test_recv_v9_packet(self):
"""Test NetFlow v9 packet parsing"""
# send packet without any template, must fail to parse (packets are queued)
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKETS_V9[0]])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 0) # no export is parsed due to missing template
# send packet with two templates and eight flows, should parse correctly since the templates are known
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V9_TEMPLATE])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 1)
# and again, but with the templates at the end in the packet
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V9_TEMPLATE_MIXED])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 1)
p = pkts[0]
self.assertEqual(p.client[0], "")
self.assertEqual(len(p.export.flows), 8) # count flows
self.assertEqual(len(p.export.templates), 2) # count new templates
# Inspect contents of specific flows
flow = p.export.flows[0]
self.assertEqual(flow.PROTOCOL, 6) # TCP
self.assertEqual(flow.L4_SRC_PORT, 80)
self.assertEqual(flow.IPV4_SRC_ADDR, "")
flow = p.export.flows[-1] # last flow
self.assertEqual(flow.PROTOCOL, 17) # UDP
self.assertEqual(flow.L4_DST_PORT, 53)
# send template and multiple export packets
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V9_TEMPLATE, *PACKETS_V9])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 4)
self.assertEqual(pkts[0].export.header.version, 9)
# check amount of flows across all packets
total_flows = 0
for packet in pkts:
total_flows += len(packet.export.flows)
self.assertEqual(total_flows, 8 + 12 + 12 + 12)
def test_analyzer(self):
"""Test the analyzer by producing some packets, parsing them and then calling the analyzer
in a subprocess, piping in a created gzip JSON collection (as if it is coming from a file).
# First create and parse some packets, which should get exported
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V9_TEMPLATE, *PACKETS_V9])
# Now the pkts must be transformed from their data structure to the "gzipped JSON representation",
# which the collector uses for persistant storage.
data_dicts = [] # list holding all entries
for p in pkts: # each pkt has its own entry with timestamp as key
data_dicts.append({p.ts: {
"client": p.client,
"flows": [ for f in p.export.flows]
data = "\n".join([json.dumps(dd) for dd in data_dicts]) # join all entries together by newlines
# Different stdout/stderr arguments for backwards compatibility
pipe_output_param = {"capture_output": True}
if sys.version_info < (3, 7): # capture_output was added in Python 3.7
pipe_output_param = {
"stdout": subprocess.PIPE,
"stderr": subprocess.PIPE
# Analyzer takes gzipped input either via stdin or from a file (here: stdin)
gzipped_input = gzip.compress(data.encode()) # encode to unicode
# Run analyzer as CLI script with no packets ignored (parameter)
analyzer =
[sys.executable, '-m', 'netflow.analyzer', '-p', '0'],
# If stderr has content, print it
if analyzer.stderr:
# Every 2 flows are written as a single line (any extras are dropped)
num_flows = sum(len(list(item.values())[0]["flows"]) for item in data_dicts)
self.assertEqual(len(analyzer.stdout.splitlines()) - 2, num_flows // 2) # ignore two header lines
# make sure there are no errors
self.assertEqual(analyzer.stderr, b"")
2019-03-31 21:23:24 +02:00
if __name__ == '__main__':