Add classes

This commit is contained in:
Dominik Pataky 2016-08-10 18:55:38 +02:00
parent 6cf8356456
commit 1be7552e06

View file

@ -14,18 +14,6 @@ import struct
HOST = ''
PORT = 9001
# The header of the whole export packet
#Header = namedtuple('Header', 'version count uptime timestamp sequence id')
# A template flowset, which holds an id that is used by data flowsets to
# reference back to the template. The template then has fields which hold
# identifiers of data types ("IP_SRC_ADDR", "PKTS"). This way the flow sender
# can dynamically out together data flowsets.
TemplateFlowset = namedtuple('TemplateFlowset', 'flowset_id length')
Template = namedtuple('Template', 'template_id field_count')
TemplateField = namedtuple('TemplateField', 'type length')
field_types = {
1: 'IN_BYTES',
2: 'IN_PKTS',
@ -114,45 +102,114 @@ field_types = {
# We need to save the templates our NetFlow device send over time. Templates
# are not resended every time a flow is sent to the collector.
templates = []
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.bind((HOST, PORT))
print("Listening on interface {}:{}".format(HOST, PORT))
class DataRecord:
"""Should hold a 'data' dict with keys=field_type and value.
data = {}
class DataFlowSet:
def __init__(self, data):
pack = struct.unpack('!HH', data[:4])
self.template_id = pack[0] # flowset_id is reference to template_id
self.length = pack[1]
print("New DataFlowSet with template {}, length {}".format(self.template_id, self.length))
class TemplateField:
def __init__(self, field_type, field_length):
self.field_type = field_type # integer
self.field_length = field_length
class Template:
Template = namedtuple('Template', 'template_id field_count')
class TemplateFlowSet:
"""A template flowset, which holds an id that is used by data flowsets to
reference back to the template. The template then has fields which hold
identifiers of data types ("IP_SRC_ADDR", "PKTS"). This way the flow sender
can dynamically out together data flowsets.
def __init__(self, data):
pack = struct.unpack('!HH', data[:4])
self.flowset_id = pack[0]
self.length = pack[1] # total length including this header in bytes
offset = 4
field_size = 16 + 16
while offset != self.length:
pack = struct.unpack('!HH', data[offset:offset+4])
template_id = pack[0]
field_count = pack[1]
# Set offset to next template_id field
offset += 4 + (field_count * 4)
print("id: {}, count: {}, new offset: {}".format(template_id, field_count, offset))
class Header:
"""The header of the flow record.
def __init__(self, data):
self.version, self.count = struct.unpack('!HH', data[0:4])
(self.uptime, self.timestamp, self.sequence,
self.source_id) = struct.unpack('!IIII', data[4:])
pack = struct.unpack('!HHIIII', data)
self.version = pack[0]
self.count = pack[1] # number of FlowSets in this record
self.uptime = pack[2]
self.timestamp = pack[3]
self.sequence = pack[4]
self.source_id = pack[5]
class FlowRecord:
class ExportPacket:
"""The flow record holds the header and all template and data flowsets.
def __init__(self, data):
self.header = Header(data[:20])
flowsets_remaining = self.header.count
self.templates = [] = []
search_offset = 20
while flowsets_remaining != 0:
print("data flowsets remaining: {}".format(flowsets_remaining))
flowset_id = struct.unpack('!H', data[search_offset:search_offset+2])[0]
if flowset_id == 0: # TemplateFlowSet always have id 0
tfs = TemplateFlowSet(data[search_offset:])
search_offset += tfs.length
dfs = DataFlowSet(data[search_offset:])
search_offset += dfs.length
# Bug in softflowd?
flowsets_remaining -= 1
def __repr__(self):
return "<FlowRecord version {} counting {} flowset records>".format(
return "<ExportPacket version {} counting {} flowset records>".format(
self.header.version, self.header.count)
while 1:
(data, sender) = sock.recvfrom(8192)
print("Received data from {}, length {}".format(sender, len(data)))
#header = Header(data[:20])
#header = ExportHeaderV9._make(struct.unpack("!HHIIII", data[:20]))
#template = ExportTemplateV9._make(struct.unpack("!HHHH", data[20:28]))
record = FlowRecord(data)
export = ExportPacket(data)