#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Reference analyzer script for NetFlow Python package. This file belongs to https://github.com/bitkeks/python-netflow-v9-softflowd. Copyright 2016-2020 Dominik Pataky Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE. """ import argparse import contextlib import functools import gzip import ipaddress import json import logging import os.path import socket import sys from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime IP_PROTOCOLS = { 1: "ICMP", 6: "TCP", 17: "UDP", 58: "ICMPv6" } Pair = namedtuple('Pair', ['src', 'dest']) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ch = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) def printv(message, *args_, **kwargs): if args.verbose: print(message.format(*args_, **kwargs)) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def resolve_hostname(ip: str) -> str: if args.no_dns: # If no DNS resolution is requested, simply return the IP string return ip # else resolve the IP address to a hostname and return the hostname return socket.getfqdn(ip) def fallback(d, keys): for k in keys: if k in d: return d[k] raise KeyError(", ".join(keys)) def human_size(size_bytes): # Calculate a human readable size of the flow if size_bytes < 1024: return "%dB" % size_bytes elif size_bytes / 1024. < 1024: return "%.2fK" % (size_bytes / 1024.) elif size_bytes / 1024. ** 2 < 1024: return "%.2fM" % (size_bytes / 1024. ** 2) else: return "%.2fG" % (size_bytes / 1024. ** 3) def human_duration(seconds): # Calculate human readable duration times if seconds < 60: # seconds return "%d sec" % seconds if seconds / 60 > 60: # hours return "%d:%02d.%02d hours" % (seconds / 60 ** 2, seconds % 60 ** 2 / 60, seconds % 60) # minutes return "%02d:%02d min" % (seconds / 60, seconds % 60) class Connection: """Connection model for two flows. The direction of the data flow can be seen by looking at the size. 'src' describes the peer which sends more data towards the other. This does NOT have to mean that 'src' was the initiator of the connection. """ def __init__(self, flow1, flow2): if not flow1 or not flow2: raise Exception("A connection requires two flows") # Assume the size that sent the most data is the source # TODO: this might not always be right, maybe use earlier timestamp? size1 = fallback(flow1, ['IN_BYTES', 'IN_OCTETS']) size2 = fallback(flow2, ['IN_BYTES', 'IN_OCTETS']) if size1 >= size2: src = flow1 dest = flow2 else: src = flow2 dest = flow1 # TODO: this next approach uses the lower port as the service identifier # port1 = fallback(flow1, ['L4_SRC_PORT', 'SRC_PORT']) # port2 = fallback(flow2, ['L4_SRC_PORT', 'SRC_PORT']) # # src = flow1 # dest = flow2 # if port1 > port2: # src = flow2 # dest = flow1 self.src_flow = src self.dest_flow = dest ips = self.get_ips(src) self.src = ips.src self.dest = ips.dest self.src_port = fallback(src, ['L4_SRC_PORT', 'SRC_PORT']) self.dest_port = fallback(dest, ['L4_DST_PORT', 'DST_PORT']) self.size = fallback(src, ['IN_BYTES', 'IN_OCTETS']) # Duration is given in milliseconds self.duration = src['LAST_SWITCHED'] - src['FIRST_SWITCHED'] if self.duration < 0: # 32 bit int has its limits. Handling overflow here # TODO: Should be handled in the collection phase self.duration = (2 ** 32 - src['FIRST_SWITCHED']) + src['LAST_SWITCHED'] def __repr__(self): return "".format( self.src, self.dest, self.human_size) @staticmethod def get_ips(flow): # IPv4 if flow.get('IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION') == 4 or \ 'IPV4_SRC_ADDR' in flow or 'IPV4_DST_ADDR' in flow: return Pair( ipaddress.ip_address(flow['IPV4_SRC_ADDR']), ipaddress.ip_address(flow['IPV4_DST_ADDR']) ) # IPv6 return Pair( ipaddress.ip_address(flow['IPV6_SRC_ADDR']), ipaddress.ip_address(flow['IPV6_DST_ADDR']) ) @property def human_size(self): return human_size(self.size) @property def human_duration(self): duration = self.duration // 1000 # uptime in milliseconds, floor it return human_duration(duration) @property def hostnames(self): # Resolve the IPs of this flows to their hostname src_hostname = resolve_hostname(self.src.compressed) dest_hostname = resolve_hostname(self.dest.compressed) return Pair(src_hostname, dest_hostname) @property def service(self): # Resolve ports to their services, if known default = "({} {})".format(self.src_port, self.dest_port) with contextlib.suppress(OSError): return socket.getservbyport(self.src_port) with contextlib.suppress(OSError): return socket.getservbyport(self.dest_port) return default @property def total_packets(self): return self.src_flow["IN_PKTS"] + self.dest_flow["IN_PKTS"] if __name__ == "netflow.analyzer": logger.error("The analyzer is currently meant to be used as a CLI tool only.") logger.error("Use 'python3 -m netflow.analyzer -h' in your console for additional help.") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Output a basic analysis of NetFlow data") parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="file", type=str, default=sys.stdin, help="The file to analyze (defaults to stdin if not provided)") parser.add_argument("-p", "--packets", dest="packets_threshold", type=int, default=10, help="Number of packets representing the lower bound in connections to be processed") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Enable verbose output.") parser.add_argument("--match-host", dest="match_host", type=str, default=None, help="Filter output by matching on the given host (matches source or destination)") parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-dns", dest="no_dns", action="store_true", help="Disable DNS resolving of IP addresses") args = parser.parse_args() # Sanity check for IP address if args.match_host: try: match_host = ipaddress.ip_address(args.match_host) except ValueError: exit("IP address '{}' is neither IPv4 nor IPv6".format(args.match_host)) # Using a file and using stdin differ in their further usage for gzip.open file = args.file mode = "rb" # reading files if file != sys.stdin and not os.path.exists(file): exit("File {} does not exist!".format(file)) if file == sys.stdin: file = sys.stdin.buffer mode = "rt" # reading from stdin data = {} with gzip.open(file, mode) as gzipped: # "for line in" lazy-loads all lines in the file for line in gzipped: entry = json.loads(line) if len(entry.keys()) != 1: logger.warning("The line does not have exactly one timestamp key: \"{}\"".format(line.keys())) try: ts = list(entry)[0] # timestamp from key except KeyError: logger.error("Saved line \"{}\" has no timestamp key!".format(line)) continue if "header" not in entry[ts]: logger.error("No header dict in entry {}".format(ts)) raise ValueError if entry[ts]["header"]["version"] == 10: logger.warning("Skipped IPFIX entry, because analysis of IPFIX is not yet implemented") continue data[ts] = entry[ts] # Go through data and dissect every flow saved inside the dump # The following dict holds flows which are looking for a peer, to analyze a duplex 'Connection'. # For each flow, the destination address is looked up. If the peer is not in the list of pending peers, # insert this flow, waiting for its peer. If found, take the waiting peer and create a Connection object. pending = {} skipped = 0 skipped_threshold = args.packets_threshold first_line = True # print header line before first line for key in sorted(data): timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(key)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M.%S") client = data[key]["client"] flows = data[key]["flows"] for flow in sorted(flows, key=lambda x: x["FIRST_SWITCHED"]): first_switched = flow["FIRST_SWITCHED"] if first_switched - 1 in pending: # TODO: handle fitting, yet mismatching (here: 1 second) pairs pass # Find the peer for this connection if "IPV4_SRC_ADDR" in flow or flow.get("IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION") == 4: local_peer = flow["IPV4_SRC_ADDR"] remote_peer = flow["IPV4_DST_ADDR"] else: local_peer = flow["IPV6_SRC_ADDR"] remote_peer = flow["IPV6_DST_ADDR"] # Match on host filter passed in as argument if args.match_host and not any([local_peer == args.match_host, remote_peer == args.match_host]): # If a match_host is given but neither local_peer nor remote_peer match continue if first_switched not in pending: pending[first_switched] = {} # Match peers if remote_peer in pending[first_switched]: # The destination peer put itself into the pending dict, getting and removing entry peer_flow = pending[first_switched].pop(remote_peer) if len(pending[first_switched]) == 0: del pending[first_switched] else: # Flow did not find a matching, pending peer - inserting itself pending[first_switched][local_peer] = flow continue con = Connection(flow, peer_flow) if con.total_packets < skipped_threshold: skipped += 1 continue if first_line: print("{:19} | {:14} | {:8} | {:9} | {:7} | Involved hosts".format("Timestamp", "Service", "Size", "Duration", "Packets")) print("-" * 100) first_line = False print("{timestamp} | {service:<14} | {size:8} | {duration:9} | {packets:7} | " "Between {src_host} ({src}) and {dest_host} ({dest})" .format(timestamp=timestamp, service=con.service.upper(), src_host=con.hostnames.src, src=con.src, dest_host=con.hostnames.dest, dest=con.dest, size=con.human_size, duration=con.human_duration, packets=con.total_packets)) if skipped > 0: print("{skipped} connections skipped, because they had less than {skipped_threshold} packets " "(this value can be set with the -p flag).".format(skipped=skipped, skipped_threshold=skipped_threshold)) if not args.verbose: # Exit here if no debugging session was wanted exit(0) if len(pending) > 0: print("\nThere are {pending} first_switched entries left in the pending dict!".format(pending=len(pending))) all_noise = True for first_switched, flows in sorted(pending.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): for peer, flow in flows.items(): # Ignore all pings, SYN scans and other noise to find only those peers left over which need a fix if flow["IN_PKTS"] < skipped_threshold: continue all_noise = False src = flow.get("IPV4_SRC_ADDR") or flow.get("IPV6_SRC_ADDR") src_host = resolve_hostname(src) src_text = "{}".format(src) if src == src_host else "{} ({})".format(src_host, src) dst = flow.get("IPV4_DST_ADDR") or flow.get("IPV6_DST_ADDR") dst_host = resolve_hostname(dst) dst_text = "{}".format(dst) if dst == dst_host else "{} ({})".format(dst_host, dst) proto = flow["PROTOCOL"] size = flow["IN_BYTES"] packets = flow["IN_PKTS"] src_port = flow.get("L4_SRC_PORT", 0) dst_port = flow.get("L4_DST_PORT", 0) print("From {src_text}:{src_port} to {dst_text}:{dst_port} with " "proto {proto} and size {size}" " ({packets} packets)".format(src_text=src_text, src_port=src_port, dst_text=dst_text, dst_port=dst_port, proto=IP_PROTOCOLS.get(proto, 'UNKNOWN'), size=human_size(size), packets=packets)) if all_noise: print("They were all noise!")