#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This file belongs to https://github.com/bitkeks/python-netflow-v9-softflowd. Copyright 2016-2020 Dominik Pataky Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE. """ import struct from typing import Union, Dict from .ipfix import IPFIXExportPacket from .v1 import V1ExportPacket from .v5 import V5ExportPacket from .v9 import V9ExportPacket class UnknownExportVersion(Exception): def __init__(self, data, version): self.data = data self.version = version r = repr(data) data_str = ("{:.25}..." if len(r) >= 28 else "{}").format(r) super().__init__( "Unknown NetFlow version {} for data {}".format(version, data_str) ) def get_export_version(data): return struct.unpack('!H', data[:2])[0] def parse_packet(data: Union[str, bytes], templates: Dict = None) \ -> Union[V1ExportPacket, V5ExportPacket, V9ExportPacket, IPFIXExportPacket]: """ Parse an exported packet, either from string (hex) or from bytes. NetFlow version 9 and IPFIX use dynamic templates, which are sent by the exporter in regular intervals. These templates must be cached in between exports and are re-used for incoming new export packets. The following pseudo-code might help to understand the use case better. First, the collector is started, a new templates dict is created with default keys and an empty list for buffered packets is added. Then the receiver loop is started. For each arriving packet, it is tried to be parsed. If parsing fails due to unknown templates, the packet is queued for later re-parsing (this functionality is not handled in this code snippet). ``` collector = netflow.collector coll = collector.start('', 2055) templates = {"netflow": [], "ipfix": []} packets_with_unrecognized_templates = [] while coll.receive_export(): packet = coll.get_received_export_packet() try: parsed_packet = parse_packet(packet, templates) except (V9TemplateNotRecognized, IPFIXTemplateNotRecognized): packets_with_unrecognized_templates.append(packet) ``` See the reference implementation of the collector for more information on how to use this function with templates. :raises ValueError: When the templates parameter was not passed, but templates must be used (v9, IPFIX). :raises UnknownExportVersion: When the exported version is not recognized. :param data: The export packet as string or bytes. :param templates: The templates dictionary with keys 'netflow' and 'ipfix' (created if not existing). :return: The parsed packet, or an exception. """ if type(data) is str: # hex dump as string data = bytes.fromhex(data) elif type(data) is bytes: # check representation based on utf-8 decoding result try: # hex dump as bytes, but not hex dec = data.decode() data = bytes.fromhex(dec) except UnicodeDecodeError: # use data as given, assuming hex-formatted bytes pass version = get_export_version(data) if version in [9, 10] and templates is None: raise ValueError("{} packet detected, but no templates dict was passed! For correct parsing of packets with " "templates, create a 'templates' dict and pass it into the 'parse_packet' function." .format("NetFlow v9" if version == 9 else "IPFIX")) if version == 1: return V1ExportPacket(data) elif version == 5: return V5ExportPacket(data) elif version == 9: if "netflow" not in templates: templates["netflow"] = [] return V9ExportPacket(data, templates["netflow"]) elif version == 10: if "ipfix" not in templates: templates["ipfix"] = [] return IPFIXExportPacket(data, templates["ipfix"]) raise UnknownExportVersion(data, version)