#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Netflow V9 collector implementation in Python 3. Created for learning purposes and unsatisfying alternatives. (C) 2016 Dominik Pataky """ from collections import namedtuple import socket import struct HOST = '' PORT = 9001 field_types = { 1: 'IN_BYTES', 2: 'IN_PKTS', 3: 'FLOWS', 4: 'PROTOCOL', 5: 'SRC_TOS', 6: 'TCP_FLAGS', 7: 'L4_SRC_PORT', 8: 'IPV4_SRC_ADDR', 9: 'SRC_MASK', 10: 'INPUT_SNMP', 11: 'L4_DST_PORT', 12: 'IPV4_DST_ADDR', 13: 'DST_MASK', 14: 'OUTPUT_SNMP', 15: 'IPV4_NEXT_HOP', 16: 'SRC_AS', 17: 'DST_AS', 18: 'BGP_IPV4_NEXT_HOP', 19: 'MUL_DST_PKTS', 20: 'MUL_DST_BYTES', 21: 'LAST_SWITCHED', 22: 'FIRST_SWITCHED', 23: 'OUT_BYTES', 24: 'OUT_PKTS', 25: 'MIN_PKT_LNGTH', 26: 'MAX_PKT_LNGTH', 27: 'IPV6_SRC_ADDR', 28: 'IPV6_DST_ADDR', 29: 'IPV6_SRC_MASK', 30: 'IPV6_DST_MASK', 31: 'IPV6_FLOW_LABEL', 32: 'ICMP_TYPE', 33: 'MUL_IGMP_TYPE', 34: 'SAMPLING_INTERVAL', 35: 'SAMPLING_ALGORITHM', 36: 'FLOW_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT', 37: 'FLOW_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT', 38: 'ENGINE_TYPE', 39: 'ENGINE_ID', 40: 'TOTAL_BYTES_EXP', 41: 'TOTAL_PKTS_EXP', 42: 'TOTAL_FLOWS_EXP', # 43 vendor proprietary 44: 'IPV4_SRC_PREFIX', 45: 'IPV4_DST_PREFIX', 46: 'MPLS_TOP_LABEL_TYPE', 47: 'MPLS_TOP_LABEL_IP_ADDR', 48: 'FLOW_SAMPLER_ID', 49: 'FLOW_SAMPLER_MODE', 50: 'NTERVAL', # 51 vendor proprietary 52: 'MIN_TTL', 53: 'MAX_TTL', 54: 'IPV4_IDENT', 55: 'DST_TOS', 56: 'IN_SRC_MAC', 57: 'OUT_DST_MAC', 58: 'SRC_VLAN', 59: 'DST_VLAN', 60: 'IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION', 61: 'DIRECTION', 62: 'IPV6_NEXT_HOP', 63: 'BPG_IPV6_NEXT_HOP', 64: 'IPV6_OPTION_HEADERS', # 65-69 vendor proprietary 70: 'MPLS_LABEL_1', 71: 'MPLS_LABEL_2', 72: 'MPLS_LABEL_3', 73: 'MPLS_LABEL_4', 74: 'MPLS_LABEL_5', 75: 'MPLS_LABEL_6', 76: 'MPLS_LABEL_7', 77: 'MPLS_LABEL_8', 78: 'MPLS_LABEL_9', 79: 'MPLS_LABEL_10', 80: 'IN_DST_MAC', 81: 'OUT_SRC_MAC', 82: 'IF_NAME', 83: 'IF_DESC', 84: 'SAMPLER_NAME', 85: 'IN_PERMANENT_BYTES', 86: 'IN_PERMANENT_PKTS', # 87 vendor property 88: 'FRAGMENT_OFFSET', 89: 'FORWARDING STATUS', } # We need to save the templates our NetFlow device send over time. Templates # are not resended every time a flow is sent to the collector. templates = [] sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind((HOST, PORT)) print("Listening on interface {}:{}".format(HOST, PORT)) class DataRecord: """Should hold a 'data' dict with keys=field_type and value. """ data = {} class DataFlowSet: """ """ def __init__(self, data): pack = struct.unpack('!HH', data[:4]) self.template_id = pack[0] # flowset_id is reference to template_id self.length = pack[1] print("New DataFlowSet with template {}, length {}".format(self.template_id, self.length)) class TemplateField: """ """ def __init__(self, field_type, field_length): self.field_type = field_type # integer self.field_length = field_length class Template: """ Template = namedtuple('Template', 'template_id field_count') """ pass class TemplateFlowSet: """A template flowset, which holds an id that is used by data flowsets to reference back to the template. The template then has fields which hold identifiers of data types ("IP_SRC_ADDR", "PKTS"). This way the flow sender can dynamically out together data flowsets. """ def __init__(self, data): pack = struct.unpack('!HH', data[:4]) self.flowset_id = pack[0] self.length = pack[1] # total length including this header in bytes offset = 4 field_size = 16 + 16 while offset != self.length: pack = struct.unpack('!HH', data[offset:offset+4]) template_id = pack[0] field_count = pack[1] # Set offset to next template_id field offset += 4 + (field_count * 4) print("id: {}, count: {}, new offset: {}".format(template_id, field_count, offset)) class Header: """The header of the flow record. """ def __init__(self, data): pack = struct.unpack('!HHIIII', data) self.version = pack[0] self.count = pack[1] # number of FlowSets in this record self.uptime = pack[2] self.timestamp = pack[3] self.sequence = pack[4] self.source_id = pack[5] class ExportPacket: """The flow record holds the header and all template and data flowsets. """ def __init__(self, data): self.header = Header(data[:20]) flowsets_remaining = self.header.count self.templates = [] self.data = [] search_offset = 20 while flowsets_remaining != 0: print("data flowsets remaining: {}".format(flowsets_remaining)) flowset_id = struct.unpack('!H', data[search_offset:search_offset+2])[0] if flowset_id == 0: # TemplateFlowSet always have id 0 tfs = TemplateFlowSet(data[search_offset:]) search_offset += tfs.length else: dfs = DataFlowSet(data[search_offset:]) search_offset += dfs.length # Bug in softflowd? # https://github.com/djmdjm/softflowd/blob/master/netflow9.c#L477 flowsets_remaining -= 1 def __repr__(self): return "".format( self.header.version, self.header.count) while 1: (data, sender) = sock.recvfrom(8192) print("Received data from {}, length {}".format(sender, len(data))) export = ExportPacket(data) print(export)