#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Netflow V9 collector implementation in Python 3. Created for learning purposes and unsatisfying alternatives. This script is specifically implemented in combination with softflowd. See https://github.com/djmdjm/softflowd (C) 2016 Dominik Pataky """ from collections import namedtuple import socket import struct HOST = '' PORT = 9001 field_types = { 1: 'IN_BYTES', 2: 'IN_PKTS', 3: 'FLOWS', 4: 'PROTOCOL', 5: 'SRC_TOS', 6: 'TCP_FLAGS', 7: 'L4_SRC_PORT', 8: 'IPV4_SRC_ADDR', 9: 'SRC_MASK', 10: 'INPUT_SNMP', 11: 'L4_DST_PORT', 12: 'IPV4_DST_ADDR', 13: 'DST_MASK', 14: 'OUTPUT_SNMP', 15: 'IPV4_NEXT_HOP', 16: 'SRC_AS', 17: 'DST_AS', 18: 'BGP_IPV4_NEXT_HOP', 19: 'MUL_DST_PKTS', 20: 'MUL_DST_BYTES', 21: 'LAST_SWITCHED', 22: 'FIRST_SWITCHED', 23: 'OUT_BYTES', 24: 'OUT_PKTS', 25: 'MIN_PKT_LNGTH', 26: 'MAX_PKT_LNGTH', 27: 'IPV6_SRC_ADDR', 28: 'IPV6_DST_ADDR', 29: 'IPV6_SRC_MASK', 30: 'IPV6_DST_MASK', 31: 'IPV6_FLOW_LABEL', 32: 'ICMP_TYPE', 33: 'MUL_IGMP_TYPE', 34: 'SAMPLING_INTERVAL', 35: 'SAMPLING_ALGORITHM', 36: 'FLOW_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT', 37: 'FLOW_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT', 38: 'ENGINE_TYPE', 39: 'ENGINE_ID', 40: 'TOTAL_BYTES_EXP', 41: 'TOTAL_PKTS_EXP', 42: 'TOTAL_FLOWS_EXP', # 43 vendor proprietary 44: 'IPV4_SRC_PREFIX', 45: 'IPV4_DST_PREFIX', 46: 'MPLS_TOP_LABEL_TYPE', 47: 'MPLS_TOP_LABEL_IP_ADDR', 48: 'FLOW_SAMPLER_ID', 49: 'FLOW_SAMPLER_MODE', 50: 'NTERVAL', # 51 vendor proprietary 52: 'MIN_TTL', 53: 'MAX_TTL', 54: 'IPV4_IDENT', 55: 'DST_TOS', 56: 'IN_SRC_MAC', 57: 'OUT_DST_MAC', 58: 'SRC_VLAN', 59: 'DST_VLAN', 60: 'IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION', 61: 'DIRECTION', 62: 'IPV6_NEXT_HOP', 63: 'BPG_IPV6_NEXT_HOP', 64: 'IPV6_OPTION_HEADERS', # 65-69 vendor proprietary 70: 'MPLS_LABEL_1', 71: 'MPLS_LABEL_2', 72: 'MPLS_LABEL_3', 73: 'MPLS_LABEL_4', 74: 'MPLS_LABEL_5', 75: 'MPLS_LABEL_6', 76: 'MPLS_LABEL_7', 77: 'MPLS_LABEL_8', 78: 'MPLS_LABEL_9', 79: 'MPLS_LABEL_10', 80: 'IN_DST_MAC', 81: 'OUT_SRC_MAC', 82: 'IF_NAME', 83: 'IF_DESC', 84: 'SAMPLER_NAME', 85: 'IN_PERMANENT_BYTES', 86: 'IN_PERMANENT_PKTS', # 87 vendor property 88: 'FRAGMENT_OFFSET', 89: 'FORWARDING STATUS', } # We need to save the templates our NetFlow device send over time. Templates # are not resended every time a flow is sent to the collector. _templates = {} sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind((HOST, PORT)) print("Listening on interface {}:{}".format(HOST, PORT)) class DataRecord: """Should hold a 'data' dict with keys=field_type and value (in bytes). """ data = {} class DataFlowSet: """ """ def __init__(self, data, templates): pack = struct.unpack('!HH', data[:4]) self.template_id = pack[0] # flowset_id is reference to template_id self.length = pack[1] self.flows = [] offset = 4 template = templates[self.template_id] padding_size = 4 - (self.length % 4) while offset <= (self.length - padding_size): new_record = DataRecord() for field in template.fields: flen = field.field_length fkey = field_types[field.field_type] fdata = None dataslice = data[offset:offset+flen] if flen == 1: fdata = struct.unpack('!B', dataslice) elif flen == 2: fdata = struct.unpack('!H', dataslice) elif flen == 4: fdata = struct.unpack('!I', dataslice) elif flen == 8: fdata = struct.unpack('!Q', dataslice) elif flen == 16: # IPv6 address fdata = int.from_bytes(dataslice, byteorder='big') else: raise ValueError("Length of field was not 1/2/4/8/16") new_record.data[fkey] = fdata offset += flen self.flows.append(new_record) class TemplateField: """A field with type identifier and length. """ def __init__(self, field_type, field_length): self.field_type = field_type # integer self.field_length = field_length # bytes def __repr__(self): return "".format( self.field_type, field_types[self.field_type], self.field_length ) class Template: """A template record contained in a TemplateFlowSet. """ def __init__(self, template_id, field_count, fields): self.template_id = template_id self.field_count = field_count self.fields = fields def __repr__(self): return "