#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This file belongs to https://github.com/bitkeks/python-netflow-v9-softflowd. Copyright 2016-2020 Dominik Pataky Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE. """ import io import linecache import cProfile import pstats import tracemalloc import unittest from pstats import SortKey from tests.lib import send_recv_packets, generate_packets NUM_PACKETS_PERFORMANCE = 5000 class TestNetflowIPFIXPerformance(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: """ Before each test run, start tracemalloc profiling. :return: """ tracemalloc.start() print("\n\n") def tearDown(self) -> None: """ After each test run, stop tracemalloc. :return: """ tracemalloc.stop() def _memory_of_version(self, version) -> tracemalloc.Snapshot: """ Create memory snapshot of collector run with packets of version :version: :param version: :return: """ if not tracemalloc.is_tracing(): raise RuntimeError pkts, t1, t2 = send_recv_packets(generate_packets(NUM_PACKETS_PERFORMANCE, version)) self.assertEqual(len(pkts), NUM_PACKETS_PERFORMANCE) snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() del pkts return snapshot @staticmethod def _print_memory_statistics(snapshot: tracemalloc.Snapshot, key: str, topx: int = 10): """ Print memory statistics from a tracemalloc.Snapshot in certain formats. :param snapshot: :param key: :param topx: :return: """ if key not in ["filename", "lineno", "traceback"]: raise KeyError stats = snapshot.statistics(key) if key == "lineno": print("\n## Detailed memory of traceback, based on lines ##") for idx, stat in enumerate(stats[:topx]): frame = stat.traceback[0] print("\n{idx:02d}: {filename}:{lineno} {size:.1f} KiB, count {count}".format( idx=idx+1, filename=frame.filename, lineno=frame.lineno, size=stat.size / 1024, count=stat.count )) lines = [] lines_whitespaces = [] for lineshift in range(-3, 2): stat = linecache.getline(frame.filename, frame.lineno + lineshift) lines_whitespaces.append(len(stat) - len(stat.lstrip(" "))) # count lines.append(stat.strip()) lines_whitespaces = [x - min([y for y in lines_whitespaces if y > 0]) for x in lines_whitespaces] for lidx, stat in enumerate(lines): print(" {}{}".format("> " if lidx == 3 else "| ", " " * lines_whitespaces.pop(0) + stat)) elif key == "filename": print("\n## Detailed memory by file ##") for idx, stat in enumerate(stats[:topx]): frame = stat.traceback[0] print("{idx:02d}: {filename:80s} {size:6.1f} KiB, count {count:5