#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This file belongs to https://github.com/bitkeks/python-netflow-v9-softflowd. Copyright 2016-2020 Dominik Pataky Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE. """ # TODO: tests with 500 packets fail with delay=0. Probably a problem with UDP sockets buffer import ipaddress import unittest from tests.lib import send_recv_packets, PACKET_IPFIX_TEMPLATE, PACKET_IPFIX, PACKET_IPFIX_ETHER, \ PACKET_IPFIX_TEMPLATE_ETHER class TestFlowExportIPFIX(unittest.TestCase): def test_recv_ipfix_packet(self): """ Test general sending of raw and receiving and parsing of these packets. If this test runs successfully, the sender thread has sent a raw bytes packet towards a locally listening collector thread, and the collector has successfully received and parsed the packets. :return: """ # send packet without any template, must fail to parse (packets are queued) pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_IPFIX]) self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 0) # no export is parsed due to missing template # send packet with 5 templates and 20 flows, should parse correctly since the templates are known pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_IPFIX_TEMPLATE]) self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 1) p = pkts[0] self.assertEqual(p.client[0], "") self.assertEqual(len(p.export.flows), 1 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2) # count flows self.assertEqual(len(p.export.templates), 4 + 1) # count new templates # send template and multiple export packets pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_IPFIX, PACKET_IPFIX_TEMPLATE, PACKET_IPFIX]) self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 3) self.assertEqual(pkts[0].export.header.version, 10) # check amount of flows across all packets total_flows = 0 for packet in pkts: total_flows += len(packet.export.flows) self.assertEqual(total_flows, 2 + 1 + (1 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2) + 2 + 1) def test_ipfix_contents(self): """ Inspect content of exported flows, eg. test the value of an option flow and the correct parsing of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. :return: """ p = send_recv_packets([PACKET_IPFIX_TEMPLATE])[0][0] flow = p.export.flows[0] self.assertEqual(flow.meteringProcessId, 2649) self.assertEqual(flow.selectorAlgorithm, 1) self.assertEqual(flow.systemInitTimeMilliseconds, 1585735165729) flow = p.export.flows[1] # HTTPS flow from web server to client self.assertEqual(flow.destinationIPv4Address, 2886795266) self.assertEqual(ipaddress.ip_address(flow.destinationIPv4Address), ipaddress.ip_address("")) self.assertEqual(flow.protocolIdentifier, 6) # TCP self.assertEqual(flow.sourceTransportPort, 443) self.assertEqual(flow.destinationTransportPort, 57766) self.assertEqual(flow.tcpControlBits, 0x1b) flow = p.export.flows[17] # IPv6 flow self.assertEqual(flow.protocolIdentifier, 17) # UDP self.assertEqual(flow.sourceIPv6Address, 0xfde66f14e0f196090000affeaffeaffe) self.assertEqual(ipaddress.ip_address(flow.sourceIPv6Address), # Docker ULA ipaddress.ip_address("fde6:6f14:e0f1:9609:0:affe:affe:affe")) def test_ipfix_contents_ether(self): """ IPFIX content tests based on exports with the softflowd "-T ether" flag, meaning that layer 2 is included in the export, like MAC addresses. :return: """ pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_IPFIX_TEMPLATE_ETHER, PACKET_IPFIX_ETHER]) self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 2) p = pkts[0] # Inspect contents of specific flows flow = p.export.flows[0] self.assertEqual(flow.meteringProcessId, 9) self.assertEqual(flow.selectorAlgorithm, 1) self.assertEqual(flow.systemInitTimeMilliseconds, 759538800000) flow = p.export.flows[1] self.assertEqual(flow.destinationIPv4Address, 2886795266) self.assertTrue(hasattr(flow, "sourceMacAddress")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(flow, "postDestinationMacAddress")) self.assertEqual(flow.sourceMacAddress, 0x123456affefe) self.assertEqual(flow.postDestinationMacAddress, 0xaffeaffeaffe)