Dominik Pataky 5cdb514ffc Ensure compatibility with Python 3.5.3
This commit replaces multiple occurences of new features which were not
yet implemented with Python 3.5.3, which is the reference backwards
compatibility version for this package. The version is based on the
current Python version in Debian Stretch (oldstable). According to, all other distros use 3.6+, so 3.5.3 is the lower boundary.

  * Add maxsize argument to functools.lru_cache decorator
  * Replace f"" with .format()
  * Replace variable type hints "var: type = val" with "# type:" comments
  * Replace pstats.SortKey enum with strings in performance tests

Additionally, various styling fixes were applied.
The version compatibility was tested with tox, pyenv and Python 3.5.3,
but there is no tox.ini yet which automates this test.

Bump patch version number to 0.10.3
Update author's email address.

Resolves #27
2020-04-24 16:52:25 +02:00

154 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This file belongs to
Copyright 2016-2020 Dominik Pataky <>
Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE.
# TODO: tests with 500 packets fail with delay=0. Probably a problem with UDP sockets buffer
import ipaddress
import random
import unittest
from tests.lib import send_recv_packets, NUM_PACKETS, \
class TestFlowExportNetflow(unittest.TestCase):
def _test_recv_all_packets(self, num, template_idx, delay=0.0001):
"""Fling packets at the server and test that it receives them all"""
def gen_pkts(n, idx):
for x in range(n):
if x == idx:
yield random.choice(PACKETS_V9)
pkts, tstart, tend = send_recv_packets(gen_pkts(num, template_idx), delay=delay)
# check number of packets
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), num)
# check timestamps are when packets were sent, not processed
self.assertTrue(all(tstart < p.ts < tend for p in pkts))
# check number of "things" in the packets (flows + templates)
# template packet = 10 things
# other packets = 12 things
self.assertEqual(sum(p.export.header.count for p in pkts), (num - 1) * 12 + 10)
# check number of flows in the packets
# template packet = 8 flows (2 templates)
# other packets = 12 flows
self.assertEqual(sum(len(p.export.flows) for p in pkts), (num - 1) * 12 + 8)
def test_recv_all_packets_template_first(self):
"""Test all packets are received when the template is sent first"""
self._test_recv_all_packets(NUM_PACKETS, 0)
def test_recv_all_packets_template_middle(self):
"""Test all packets are received when the template is sent in the middle"""
self._test_recv_all_packets(NUM_PACKETS, NUM_PACKETS // 2)
def test_recv_all_packets_template_last(self):
"""Test all packets are received when the template is sent last"""
self._test_recv_all_packets(NUM_PACKETS, NUM_PACKETS - 1)
def test_recv_all_packets_slowly(self):
"""Test all packets are received when things are sent slooooowwwwwwwwlllllllyyyyyy"""
self._test_recv_all_packets(3, 0, delay=1)
def test_ignore_invalid_packets(self):
"""Test that invalid packets log a warning but are otherwise ignored"""
with self.assertLogs(level='WARNING'):
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 3)
def test_recv_v1_packet(self):
"""Test NetFlow v1 packet parsing"""
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V1])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 1)
# Take the parsed packet and check meta data
p = pkts[0]
self.assertEqual(p.client[0], "") # collector listens locally
self.assertEqual(len(p.export.flows), 2) # ping request and reply
self.assertEqual(p.export.header.count, 2) # same value, in header
self.assertEqual(p.export.header.version, 1)
# Check specific IP address contained in a flow.
# Since it might vary which flow of the pair is epxorted first, check both
flow = p.export.flows[0]
ipaddress.ip_address(flow.IPV4_SRC_ADDR), # convert to ipaddress obj because value is int
[ipaddress.ip_address(""), ipaddress.ip_address("")]
self.assertEqual(flow.PROTO, 1) # ICMP
def test_recv_v5_packet(self):
"""Test NetFlow v5 packet parsing"""
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V5])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 1)
p = pkts[0]
self.assertEqual(p.client[0], "")
self.assertEqual(len(p.export.flows), 3) # ping request and reply, one multicast
self.assertEqual(p.export.header.count, 3)
self.assertEqual(p.export.header.version, 5)
# Check specific IP address contained in a flow.
# Since it might vary which flow of the pair is epxorted first, check both
flow = p.export.flows[0]
ipaddress.ip_address(flow.IPV4_SRC_ADDR), # convert to ipaddress obj because value is int
[ipaddress.ip_address(""), ipaddress.ip_address("")] # matches multicast packet too
self.assertEqual(flow.PROTO, 1) # ICMP
def test_recv_v9_packet(self):
"""Test NetFlow v9 packet parsing"""
# send packet without any template, must fail to parse (packets are queued)
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKETS_V9[0]])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 0) # no export is parsed due to missing template
# send packet with two templates and eight flows, should parse correctly since the templates are known
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V9_TEMPLATE])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 1)
# and again, but with the templates at the end in the packet
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V9_TEMPLATE_MIXED])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 1)
p = pkts[0]
self.assertEqual(p.client[0], "")
self.assertEqual(len(p.export.flows), 8) # count flows
self.assertEqual(len(p.export.templates), 2) # count new templates
# Inspect contents of specific flows
flow = p.export.flows[0]
self.assertEqual(flow.PROTOCOL, 6) # TCP
self.assertEqual(flow.L4_SRC_PORT, 80)
self.assertEqual(flow.IPV4_SRC_ADDR, "")
flow = p.export.flows[-1] # last flow
self.assertEqual(flow.PROTOCOL, 17) # UDP
self.assertEqual(flow.L4_DST_PORT, 53)
# send template and multiple export packets
pkts, _, _ = send_recv_packets([PACKET_V9_TEMPLATE, *PACKETS_V9])
self.assertEqual(len(pkts), 4)
self.assertEqual(pkts[0].export.header.version, 9)
# check amount of flows across all packets
total_flows = 0
for packet in pkts:
total_flows += len(packet.export.flows)
self.assertEqual(total_flows, 8 + 12 + 12 + 12)