2017-10-29 11:53:32 +01:00

131 lines
4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Example analyzing script for saved exports (as JSON).
This file belongs to
Copyright 2017 Dominik Pataky <>
Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE.
from datetime import datetime
import ipaddress
import json
import os.path
import sys
import socket
from collections import namedtuple
Pair = namedtuple('Pair', 'src dest')
def getIPs(flow):
if flow['IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION'] == 4:
return Pair(
elif flow['IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION'] == 6:
return Pair(
class Connection:
"""Connection model for two flows.
The direction of the data flow can be seen by looking at the size.
'src' describes the peer which sends more data towards the other. This
does NOT have to mean, that 'src' was the initiator of the connection.
def __init__(self, flow1, flow2):
if flow1['IN_BYTES'] >= flow2['IN_BYTES']:
src = flow1
dest = flow2
src = flow2
dest = flow1
ips = getIPs(src)
self.src = ips.src
self.dest = ips.dest
self.src_port = src['L4_SRC_PORT']
self.dest_port = src['L4_DST_PORT']
self.size = src['IN_BYTES']
def __repr__(self):
return "<Connection from {} to {}, size {}>".format(
self.src, self.dest, self.human_size)
def human_size(self):
# Calculate a human readable size of the traffic
if self.size < 1024:
return "%d" % self.size
elif self.size / 1024. < 1024:
return "%.2fK" % (self.size / 1024.)
elif self.size / 1024.**2 < 1024:
return "%.2fM" % (self.size / 1024.**2)
return "%.2fG" % (self.size / 1024.**3)
def hostnames(self):
# Resolve the IPs of this flows to their hostname
return Pair(socket.getfqdn(self.src.exploded),
def service(self):
# Resolve ports to their services, if known
service = "unknown"
service = socket.getservbyport(self.src_port)
except OSError:
if service == "unknown":
# Resolving the sport did not work, trying dport
service = socket.getservbyport(self.dest_port)
except OSError:
return service
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
exit("Use {} <filename>.json".format(sys.argv[0]))
filename = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.exists(filename):
exit("File {} does not exist!".format(filename))
with open(filename, 'r') as fh:
data = json.loads(
for export in sorted(data):
timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(export)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M.%S")
flows = data[export]
pending = None # Two flows normally appear together for duplex connection
for flow in flows:
count_bytes = flow['IN_BYTES']
count_packets = flow['IN_PKTS']
#~ ips = getIPs(flow)
#~ src = ips.src
#~ dest = ips.dest
#~ print("Flow from {src} to {dest} with {packets} packets, size {size}".
#~ format(src=src, dest=dest, packets=count_packets, size=count_bytes))
if not pending:
pending = flow
con = Connection(pending, flow)
if con.size > 1024**2:
print("{timestamp}: {service} from {src_host} ({src}) to"\
" {dest_host} ({dest}) size {size}".format(
timestamp=timestamp, service=con.service.upper(), size=con.human_size,
src_host=con.hostnames.src, src=con.src,
dest_host=con.hostnames.dest, dest=con.dest))
pending = None