# systemd service template for patroni instances. The actual instances will # be called "patroni@version-cluster", e.g. "patroni@10-main". The # variable %i expands to "version-cluster", %I expands to "version/cluster". # (%I breaks for cluster names containing dashes.) [Unit] Description=Patroni instance %i After=network.target ConditionPathExists=/etc/patroni/%i.yml [Service] Type=simple User=postgres Group=postgres # Read in configuration file if it exists, otherwise proceed EnvironmentFile=-/etc/patroni_env.conf PermissionsStartOnly=True WorkingDirectory=~ RuntimeDirectory=postgresql/%i.pg_stat_tmp RuntimeDirectoryMode=2775 ExecStart=/usr/bin/patroni /etc/patroni/%i.yml # Send HUP to reload from patroni.yml ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID # only kill the patroni process, not it's children, so it will gracefully stop postgres KillMode=process # Give a reasonable amount of time for the server to start up/shut down TimeoutSec=30 # Do not restart the service if it crashes, we want to manually inspect database on failure Restart=no # Uncomment in order to get debugging output #Environment=PATRONI_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target