Added a new test

This commit is contained in:
David Puglielli 2017-05-30 15:29:10 -07:00
parent 862b275459
commit c18f6bcf4b

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@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
variety of connection parameters.
<?php require(''); ?>
function connect($options=array()) {
require '';
if (!isset($options['UID']) && !isset($options['uid'])) {
$options['uid'] = $uid;
if (!isset($options['pwd']) && !isset($options['PWD'])) {
$options['pwd'] = $pwd;
if (!isset($options['Database'])) {
$options['database'] = $databaseName;
return sqlsrv_connect($server, $options);
sqlsrv_configure( 'WarningsReturnAsErrors', 0 );
sqlsrv_configure( 'LogSeverity', SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL );
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect with integrated authentication\n";
$conn = connect();
if( !$conn ) {
var_dump( sqlsrv_errors() );
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect with integrated authentication and parameters\n";
$conn = connect(array('UID' => '', 'PWD' => ''));
if( !$conn ) {
var_dump( sqlsrv_errors() );
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect( <server>, array( 'UID' => 'sa', 'PWD' ))\n";
$conn = connect(array( 'UID' => 'sa' ));
if( !$conn ) {
var_dump( sqlsrv_errors() );
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect( <server>, array( 'UID' => 'sa', 'PWD', 'Driver' => 'SQL Server Native Client 11.0' ))\n";
$conn = connect(array( 'UID' => 'sa', 'PWD' => '', 'Driver' => 'SQL Server Native Client 11.0' ));
if( !$conn ) {
var_dump( sqlsrv_errors() );
else {
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
die( "Shouldn't have opened the connection." );
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect with driver injection\n";
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $server, array( "UID" => "sa", "PWD" => "$pwd;Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}}" ));
if( !$conn ) {
var_dump( sqlsrv_errors() );
else {
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
die( "Shouldn't have opened the connection." );
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect with driver injection (2)\n";
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $server, array( "UID" => "sa", "PWD" => "{$pwd};Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}" ));
if( !$conn ) {
var_dump( sqlsrv_errors() );
else {
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
die( "Shouldn't have opened the connection." );
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect with driver injection (3)\n";
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $server, array( "UID" => "sa", "PWD" => "{$pwd}};Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}" ));
if( !$conn ) {
var_dump( sqlsrv_errors() );
else {
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
die( "Shouldn't have opened the connection." );
// Test a bunch of options. The Failover_Partner keyword does not work
// on Unix, so we replace it with MultiSubnetFailover instead.
if ( !( strtoupper( substr( php_uname( 's' ),0,3 ) ) === 'WIN' ) )
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect with all options\n";
$conn = connect(array(
"APP" => "PHP Unit Test",
"ConnectionPooling" => true,
"Database" => $databaseName,
"Encrypt" => 0,
"Failover_Partner" => "(local)",
"LoginTimeout" => 120,
"MultipleActiveResultSets" => false,
"QuotedId" => false,
"TraceOn" => true,
"TraceFile" => "trace.odbc",
"TransactionIsolation" => SQLSRV_TXN_READ_COMMITTED,
"TrustServerCertificate" => 1,
print_r( sqlsrv_errors()[0] );
print_r( sqlsrv_errors()[1] );
if( $conn === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect with all options and integrated auth\n";
$conn = connect(array(
"APP" => "PHP Unit Test",
"ConnectionPooling" => false,
"Database" => $databaseName,
"Encrypt" => 0,
"Failover_Partner" => "(local)",
"LoginTimeout" => 120,
"MultipleActiveResultSets" => false,
"MultiSubnetFailover" => true,
"QuotedId" => true,
"TraceOn" => true,
"TraceFile" => "trace.odbc",
"TransactionIsolation" => SQLSRV_TXN_READ_COMMITTED,
"TrustServerCertificate" => 1,
print_r( sqlsrv_errors()[0] );
print_r( sqlsrv_errors()[1] );
if( $conn === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect with all options\n";
$conn = connect(array(
"APP" => "PHP Unit Test",
"ConnectionPooling" => true,
"Database" => $databaseName,
"Encrypt" => 0,
"LoginTimeout" => 120,
"MultipleActiveResultSets" => false,
"MultiSubnetFailover" => true,
"QuotedId" => false,
"TraceOn" => true,
"TraceFile" => "trace.odbc",
"TransactionIsolation" => SQLSRV_TXN_READ_COMMITTED,
"TrustServerCertificate" => 1,
print_r( sqlsrv_errors()[0] );
print_r( sqlsrv_errors()[1] );
if( $conn === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
echo "Test sqlsrv_connect with all options and integrated auth\n";
$conn = connect(array(
"APP" => "PHP Unit Test",
"ConnectionPooling" => false,
"Database" => $databaseName,
"Encrypt" => 0,
"LoginTimeout" => 120,
"MultipleActiveResultSets" => false,
"MultiSubnetFailover" => true,
"QuotedId" => true,
"TraceOn" => true,
"TraceFile" => "trace.odbc",
"TransactionIsolation" => SQLSRV_TXN_READ_COMMITTED,
"TrustServerCertificate" => 1,
print_r( sqlsrv_errors()[0] );
print_r( sqlsrv_errors()[1] );
if( $conn === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
// test brackets around a value
$conn = connect(array( 'APP' => '{Ltm.exe}' ));
if( $conn === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
echo "Test succeeded.\n";
Test sqlsrv_connect with integrated authentication
Test sqlsrv_connect with integrated authentication and parameters
Test sqlsrv_connect\( .*, array\( 'UID' => '.*', 'PWD' \)\)
Test sqlsrv_connect\( .*, array\( 'UID' => '.*', 'PWD', 'Driver' => '.*' \)\)
array\(1\) \{
array\(6\) \{
string\(5\) "IMSSP"
string\(5\) "IMSSP"
string\([0-9]+\) "Invalid option .* was passed to sqlsrv_connect."
string\([0-9]+\) "Invalid option .* was passed to sqlsrv_connect."
Test sqlsrv_connect with driver injection
array\(2\) \{
array\(6\) \{
string\(5\) "28000"
string\(5\) "28000"
string\(81\) ".*Login failed for user 'sa'."
string\(81\) ".*Login failed for user 'sa'."
array\(6\) \{
string\(5\) "28000"
string\(5\) "28000"
string\(81\) ".*Login failed for user 'sa'."
string\(81\) ".*Login failed for user 'sa'."
Test sqlsrv_connect with driver injection \(2\)
array\(1\) \{
array\(6\) \{
string\(5\) "IMSSP"
string\(5\) "IMSSP"
string\(140\) "An unescaped right brace \(\}\) was found in either the user name or password. All right braces must be escaped with another right brace \(\}\}\)."
string\(140\) "An unescaped right brace \(\}\) was found in either the user name or password. All right braces must be escaped with another right brace \(\}\}\)."
Test sqlsrv_connect with driver injection \(3\)
array\(1\) \{
array\(6\) \{
string\(5\) "IMSSP"
string\(5\) "IMSSP"
string\(140\) "An unescaped right brace \(\}\) was found in either the user name or password. All right braces must be escaped with another right brace \(\}\}\)."
string\(140\) "An unescaped right brace \(\}\) was found in either the user name or password. All right braces must be escaped with another right brace \(\}\}\)."
Test sqlsrv_connect with all options
\[0\] => 01000
\[SQLSTATE\] => 01000
\[1\] => 5701
\[code\] => 5701
\[2\] => .*Changed database context to '.*'.
\[message\] => .*Changed database context to '.*'.
\[0\] => 01000
\[SQLSTATE\] => 01000
\[1\] => 5703
\[code\] => 5703
\[2\] => .*Changed language setting to us_english.
\[message\] => .*Changed language setting to us_english.
Test sqlsrv_connect with all options and integrated auth
\[0\] => 01000
\[SQLSTATE\] => 01000
\[1\] => 5701
\[code\] => 5701
\[2\] => .*Changed database context to '.*'.
\[message\] => .*Changed database context to '.*'.
\[0\] => 01000
\[SQLSTATE\] => 01000
\[1\] => 5703
\[code\] => 5703
\[2\] => .*Changed language setting to us_english.
\[message\] => .*Changed language setting to us_english.
Test succeeded.