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2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
PDO Bind Value Test
Verification for "PDOStatement::bindValue()".
<?php require_once(''); ?>
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
try {
$conn1 = connect();
// Prepare test table
$tableName = "pdo_test_table";
createTable($conn1, $tableName, array(new ColumnMeta("int", "id", "NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY", "none"), "label" => "char(1)"));
insertRow($conn1, $tableName, array("id" => 1, "label" => "a"));
insertRow($conn1, $tableName, array("id" => 2, "label" => "b"));
insertRow($conn1, $tableName, array("id" => 3, "label" => "c"));
insertRow($conn1, $tableName, array("id" => 4, "label" => "d"));
insertRow($conn1, $tableName, array("id" => 5, "label" => "e"));
insertRow($conn1, $tableName, array("id" => 6, "label" => "f"));
$id = null;
$label = null;
// Check different value bind modes
$tsql1 = "SELECT TOP(2) id, label FROM [$tableName] WHERE id > ? ORDER BY id ASC";
$stmt1 = $conn1->prepare($tsql1);
printf("Binding value and not variable...\n");
bindValue(1, $stmt1, 0);
execStmt(1, $stmt1);
bindColumn(1, $stmt1, $id, $label);
fetchBound($stmt1, $id, $label);
printf("Binding variable...\n");
$var1 = 0;
bindVar(2, $stmt1, $var1);
execStmt(2, $stmt1);
bindColumn(2, $stmt1, $id, $label);
fetchBound($stmt1, $id, $label);
printf("Binding variable which references another variable...\n");
$var2 = 0;
$var_ref = &$var2;
bindVar(3, $stmt1, $var_ref);
execStmt(3, $stmt1);
bindColumn(3, $stmt1, $id, $label);
fetchBound($stmt1, $id, $label);
$tsql2 = "SELECT TOP(2) id, label FROM [$tableName] WHERE id > ? AND id <= ? ORDER BY id ASC";
$stmt1 = $conn1->prepare($tsql2);
printf("Binding a variable and a value...\n");
$var3 = 0;
bindMixed(4, $stmt1, $var3, 2);
execStmt(4, $stmt1);
bindColumn(4, $stmt1, $id, $label);
fetchBound($stmt1, $id, $label);
printf("Binding a variable to two placeholders and changing the variable value in between the binds...\n");
$var4 = 0;
$var5 = 2;
bindPlaceholder(5, $stmt1, $var4, $var5);
execStmt(5, $stmt1);
bindColumn(5, $stmt1, $id, $label);
fetchBound($stmt1, $id, $label);
// Cleanup
dropTable($conn1, $tableName);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
function bindValue($offset, $stmt, $value)
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $value)) {
logInfo($offset, "Cannot bind value");
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
function bindVar($offset, $stmt, &$var)
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $var)) {
logInfo($offset, "Cannot bind variable");
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
function bindMixed($offset, $stmt, &$var, $value)
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $var)) {
logInfo($offset, "Cannot bind variable");
if (!$stmt->bindValue(2, $value)) {
logInfo($offset, "Cannot bind value");
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
function bindPlaceholder($offset, $stmt, &$var1, &$var2)
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $var1)) {
logInfo($offset, "Cannot bind variable 1");
if (!$stmt->bindValue(2, $var2)) {
logInfo($offset, "Cannot bind variable 2");
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
function bindColumn($offset, $stmt, &$param1, &$param2)
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $param1, PDO::PARAM_INT)) {
logInfo($offset, "Cannot bind integer column");
if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $param2, PDO::PARAM_STR)) {
logInfo($offset, "Cannot bind string column");
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
function execStmt($offset, $stmt)
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
if (!$stmt->execute()) {
logInfo($offset, "Cannot execute statement");
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
function fetchBound($stmt, &$param1, &$param2)
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) {
"id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n",
var_export($param1, true),
var_export($param2, true),
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
function logInfo($offset, $msg)
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
printf("[%03d] %s\n", $offset, $msg);
2017-05-03 23:04:17 +02:00
Binding value and not variable...
id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string)
id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string)
Binding variable...
id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string)
id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string)
Binding variable which references another variable...
id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string)
id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string)
Binding a variable and a value...
id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string)
id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string)
Binding a variable to two placeholders and changing the variable value in between the binds...
id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string)
id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string)