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Test for retrieving encrypted data of decimals/numerics as output parameters
Use PDOstatement::bindParam with all PDO::PARAM_ types
<?php require(''); ?>
$dataTypes = array("decimal", "numeric");
$precisions = array(1 => array(0, 1),
4 => array(0, 1, 4),
16 => array(0, 1, 4, 16),
38 => array(0, 1, 4, 16, 38));
$inputValuesInit = array(92233720368547758089223372036854775808, -92233720368547758089223372036854775808);
$inputPrecision = 38;
$errors = array("IMSSP" => "An invalid PHP type was specified as an output parameter. DateTime objects, NULL values, and streams cannot be specified as output parameters.");
$pdoParamTypes = array(
function printValues($msg, $det, $rand, $inputValues)
echo $msg;
echo "input 0: "; var_dump($inputValues[0]);
echo "fetched: "; var_dump($det);
echo "input 1: "; var_dump($inputValues[1]);
echo "fetched: "; var_dump($rand);
// function compareIntegers() returns false when the fetched values
// are different from the expected inputs
function compareIntegers($det, $rand, $inputValues, $pdoParamType)
// Assume $pdoParamType is PDO::PARAM_BOOL or PDO::PARAM_INT
if (is_string($det)) {
return (compareFloats($inputValues[0], floatval($det))
&& compareFloats($inputValues[1], floatval($rand)));
} else {
// if $pdoParamType is PDO::PARAM_BOOL, expect bool(true) or bool(false)
// depending on the rounded input values
$input0 = floor($inputValues[0]); // the positive float
$input1 = ceil($inputValues[1]); // the negative float
return ($det == boolval($input0) && $rand == boolval($input1));
// function compareDecimals() returns false when the fetched values
// are different from the inputs, based on precision, scale
function compareDecimals($det, $rand, $inputValues, $pdoParamType, $precision, $scale)
// Assume $pdoParamType is PDO::PARAM_STR
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
$inputStr = strval($inputValues[$i]);
$fetchedStr = ($i == 0) ? strval(floatval($det)) : strval(floatval($rand));
if ($precision == $scale) {
// compare up to $precision + digits left if radix point ('.') +
// 1 digit ('.') + possibly the negative sign
$len = $precision + 2 + $i;
} elseif ($scale > 0) {
// compare up to $precision + 1 digit ('.')
// + possibly the negative sign
$len = $precision + 1 + $i;
} else {
// in this case, $scale = 0
// compare up to $precision + possibly the negative sign
$len = $precision + $i;
trace("Comparing $len...");
$result = substr_compare($inputStr, $fetchedStr, 0, $len);
if ($result != 0) {
return false;
return true;
function testOutputDecimals($inout)
global $pdoParamTypes, $dataTypes, $inputValuesInit, $precisions, $inputPrecision, $errors;
try {
$conn = connect();
$tbname = "test_decimals_types";
$spname = "test_decimals_proc";
foreach ($dataTypes as $dataType) {
foreach ($precisions as $precision => $scales) {
foreach ($scales as $scale) {
// construct the input values depending on the precision and scale
$precDiff = $inputPrecision - ($precision - $scale);
$inputValues = $inputValuesInit;
foreach ($inputValues as &$inputValue) {
$inputValue = $inputValue / pow(10, $precDiff);
$type = "$dataType($precision, $scale)";
trace("\nTesting $type:\n");
//create and populate table
$colMetaArr = array(new ColumnMeta($type, "c_det"), new ColumnMeta($type, "c_rand", null, "randomized"));
createTable($conn, $tbname, $colMetaArr);
2018-03-13 22:49:28 +01:00
$stmt = insertRow($conn, $tbname, array("c_det" => $inputValues[0], "c_rand" => $inputValues[1]));
// fetch with PDO::bindParam using a stored procedure
$procArgs = "@c_det $type OUTPUT, @c_rand $type OUTPUT";
$procCode = "SELECT @c_det = c_det, @c_rand = c_rand FROM $tbname";
createProc($conn, $spname, $procArgs, $procCode);
// call stored procedure
$outSql = getCallProcSqlPlaceholders($spname, 2);
foreach ($pdoParamTypes as $pdoParamType) {
2018-05-16 01:25:54 +02:00
// Do not initialize $det or $rand as empty strings
// See VSO 2915 for details. The string must be a numeric
// string, and to make it work for all precisions, we
// simply set it to a single-digit string.
$det = $rand = '0';
$stmt = $conn->prepare($outSql);
$len = 2048;
if ($pdoParamType == PDO::PARAM_BOOL || $pdoParamType == PDO::PARAM_INT) {
$det = $rand = 0;
trace("\nParam $pdoParamType with INOUT = $inout\n");
if ($inout) {
$paramType = $pdoParamType | PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT;
} else {
$paramType = $pdoParamType;
$stmt->bindParam(1, $det, $paramType, $len);
$stmt->bindParam(2, $rand, $paramType, $len);
try {
$errMsg = "****$type as $pdoParamType failed with INOUT = $inout:****\n";
if ($pdoParamType == PDO::PARAM_BOOL || $pdoParamType == PDO::PARAM_INT) {
if (!compareIntegers($det, $rand, $inputValues, $pdoParamType)) {
printValues($errMsg, $det, $rand, $inputValues);
} else {
// When $pdoParamType is PDO::PARAM_STR, the accuracies
// should have been preserved based on the original
// precision and scale, so compare the retrieved values
// against the input values with more details
if (!compareDecimals($det, $rand, $inputValues, $pdoParamType, $precision, $scale)) {
printValues($errMsg, $det, $rand, $inputValues);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
$message = $e->getMessage();
$errMsg = "EXCEPTION: ****$type as $pdoParamType failed with INOUT = $inout:****\n";
if ($pdoParamType == PDO::PARAM_NULL || $pdoParamType == PDO::PARAM_LOB) {
// Expected error IMSSP: "An invalid PHP type was specified
// as an output parameter. DateTime objects, NULL values, and
// streams cannot be specified as output parameters."
$found = strpos($message, $errors['IMSSP']);
if ($found === false) {
printValues($errMsg, $det, $rand, $inputValues);
} elseif ($precision >= 16) {
// Large numbers are expected to fail when
// converting to booleans / integers
if (isAEConnected()) {
$error = "Error converting a double (value out of range) to an integer";
} else {
$error = "Error converting data type $dataType to int";
$found = strpos($message, $error);
if ($found === false) {
printValues($errMsg, $det, $rand, $inputValues);
} else {
printValues($errMsg, $det, $rand, $inputValues);
dropProc($conn, $spname);
dropTable($conn, $tbname);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
echo "Done\n";
// drop the temporary table and stored procedure in case
// the test failed without dropping them
$tbname = "test_decimals_types";
$spname = "test_decimals_proc";
$conn = connect();
dropProc($conn, $spname);
dropTable($conn, $tbname);