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Test rich computations and in-place encryption of plaintext with AE v2.
This test cycles through $encryptionTypes and $keys, creating a plaintext table
each time, then trying to encrypt it with different combinations of enclave-enabled and non-enclave keys
and encryption types. It then cycles through $targetTypes and $targetKeys to try re-encrypting
the table with different target combinations of enclave-enabled and non-enclave keys
and encryption types.
The sequence of operations is the following:
1. Create a table in plaintext with two columns for each AE-supported data type.
2. Insert some data in plaintext.
3. Encrypt one column for each data type.
4. Perform rich computations on each AE-enabled column (comparisons and pattern matching) and compare the result
to the same query on the corresponding non-AE column for each data type.
5. Ensure the two results are the same.
6. Re-encrypt the table using new key and/or encryption type.
7. Compare computations as in 4. above.
<?php require(""); ?>
$initialAttestation = $attestation;
// Create a table for each key and encryption type, re-encrypt using each
// combination of target key and target encryption
foreach ($keys as $key) {
foreach ($encryptionTypes as $encryptionType) {
// $count is used to ensure we only run testCompare and
// testPatternMatch once for the initial table
$count = 0;
$conn = connect($server, $attestation);
foreach ($targetKeys as $targetKey) {
foreach ($targetTypes as $targetType) {
// Free the encryption cache to avoid spurious 'operand type clash' errors
$conn->query("DBCC FREEPROCCACHE");
// Create and populate a non-encrypted table
$createQuery = constructCreateQuery($tableName, $dataTypes, $colNames, $colNamesAE, $slength);
$insertQuery = constructInsertQuery($tableName, $dataTypes, $colNames, $colNamesAE);
try {
$stmt = $conn->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tableName");
$stmt = $conn->query($createQuery);
} catch(Exception $error) {
die("Creating table failed when it shouldn't have!\n");
insertValues($conn, $insertQuery, $dataTypes, $testValues);
if ($count == 0) {
// Split the data type array, because for some reason we get an error
// if the query is too long (>2000 characters)
// TODO: This is a known issue, follow up on it.
$splitDataTypes = array_chunk($dataTypes, 5);
foreach ($splitDataTypes as $split) {
$alterQuery = constructAlterQuery($tableName, $colNamesAE, $split, $key, $encryptionType, $slength);
$encryptionFailed = false;
try {
$stmt = $conn->query($alterQuery);
if (!isEnclaveEnabled($key)) {
die("Encrypting should have failed with key $key and encryption type $encryptionType\n");
} catch (PDOException $error) {
if (!isEnclaveEnabled($key)) {
$e = $error->errorInfo;
checkErrors($e, array('42000', '33543'));
$encryptionFailed = true;
} else {
die("Encrypting failed when it shouldn't have!\n");
if ($encryptionFailed) continue;
if ($count == 0) {
testCompare($conn, $tableName, $comparisons, $dataTypes, $colNames, $thresholds, $key, $encryptionType, 'correct');
testPatternMatch($conn, $tableName, $patterns, $dataTypes, $colNames, $key, $encryptionType, 'correct');
if ($key == $targetKey and $encryptionType == $targetType) {
// Try re-encrypting the table
foreach ($splitDataTypes as $split) {
$alterQuery = constructAlterQuery($tableName, $colNamesAE, $split, $targetKey, $targetType, $slength);
$encryptionFailed = false;
try {
$stmt = $conn->query($alterQuery);
if (!isEnclaveEnabled($targetKey)) {
die("Encrypting should have failed with key $targetKey and encryption type $targetType\n");
} catch (Exception $error) {
if (!isEnclaveEnabled($targetKey)) {
$e = $error->errorInfo;
checkErrors($e, array('42000', '33543'));
$encryptionFailed = true;
} else {
die("Encrypting failed when it shouldn't have!\n");
if ($encryptionFailed) {
testCompare($conn, $tableName, $comparisons, $dataTypes, $colNames, $thresholds, $targetKey, $targetType, 'correct');
testPatternMatch($conn, $tableName, $patterns, $dataTypes, $colNames, $targetKey, $targetType, 'correct');
echo "Done.\n";