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Test various error cases with invalid Table-valued parameter inputs
<?php require(''); ?>
function invokeProc($conn, $proc, $tvpInput, $caseNo, $inputParam = true)
try {
$stmt = $conn->prepare($proc);
// Bind TVP for the stored procedure
if ($inputParam) {
$stmt->bindValue(1, $tvpInput, PDO::PARAM_LOB);
} else {
$stmt->bindParam(1, $tvpInput, PDO::PARAM_LOB, 100);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Error $caseNo: ";
echo $e->getMessage();
echo PHP_EOL;
function cleanup($conn, $schema, $tvpType, $procName, $pre2016)
if ($pre2016) {
// ignore the errors dropping all these
$conn->exec("DROP PROCEDURE [$schema].[$procName]");
$conn->exec("DROP TYPE [$schema].[$tvpType]");
$conn->exec("DROP SCHEMA [$schema]");
} else {
global $dropSchema;
$dropProcedure = dropProcSQL($conn, "[$schema].[$procName]");
$dropTableType = dropTableTypeSQL($conn, $tvpType, $schema);
try {
$conn = new PDO("sqlsrv:server = $server; database=$databaseName;", $uid, $pwd);
$stmt = $conn->query("SELECT @@VERSION");
$result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)[0];
$version = explode(' ', $result);
$pre2016 = ($version[3] < '2016');
// Use a different schema instead of dbo
$schema = 'Sales DB';
$tvpTypeName = 'TestTVP3';
$procName = 'SelectTVP3';
cleanup($conn, $schema, $tvpTypeName, $procName, $pre2016);
// Create the table type and stored procedure
// Create a TVP input array
$inputs = [
['ABC', 12345, null],
['DEF', 6789, null],
['GHI', null],
$str = 'dummy';
// Case (1) - do not provide TVP type name
$tvpInput = array($inputs);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 1);
// Case (2) - use an empty string as TVP type name
$tvpInput = array("" => array());
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 2);
// Case (3) - null inputs
$tvpInput = array($tvpTypeName => null);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 3);
// Case (4) - not using array as inputs
$tvpInput = array($tvpTypeName => 1);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 4);
// Case (5) - invalid TVP type name
$tvpInput = array($str => $inputs);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 5);
// Case (6) - input rows are not the same size
$tvpInput = array($tvpTypeName => $inputs, $schema);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 6);
// Case (7) - input row wrong size
$inputs = [
['ABC', 12345, null, null]
$tvpInput = array($tvpTypeName => $inputs, $schema);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 7);
// Case (8) - use string keys
$inputs = [
['A' => null, null, null]
$tvpInput = array($tvpTypeName => $inputs, $schema);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 8);
// Case (9) - a row is not an array
$inputs = [null];
$tvpInput = array($tvpTypeName => $inputs, $schema);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 9);
// Case (10) - a column value used a string key
$inputs = [
['ABC', 12345, "key"=>null]
$tvpInput = array($tvpTypeName => $inputs, $schema);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 10);
// Case (11) - invalid input object for a TVP column
class foo
function do_foo(){}
$bar = new foo;
$inputs = [
['ABC', 1234, $bar],
['DEF', 6789, null],
$tvpInput = array($tvpTypeName => $inputs, $schema);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 11);
// Case (12) - invalid input type for a TVP column
$inputs = [
['ABC', &$str, null],
['DEF', 6789, null],
$tvpInput = array($tvpTypeName => $inputs, $schema);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 12);
// Case (13) - bind a TVP as an OUTPUT param
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 13, false);
// Case (14) - test UTF-8 invalid/corrupt string for a TVP column
$utf8 = str_repeat("41", 8188);
$utf8 = $utf8 . "e38395e38395";
$utf8 = substr_replace($utf8, "fe", 1000, 2);
$utf8 = pack("H*", $utf8);
$inputs = [
[$utf8, 1234, null],
['DEF', 6789, null],
$tvpInput = array($tvpTypeName => $inputs, $schema);
invokeProc($conn, $callSelectTVP3, $tvpInput, 14);
cleanup($conn, $schema, $tvpTypeName, $procName, $pre2016);
echo "Done" . PHP_EOL;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
Error 1: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: Expect a non-empty string for a Type Name for Table-Valued Param 1
Error 2: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: Expect a non-empty string for a Type Name for Table-Valued Param 1
Error 3: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: Invalid inputs for Table-Valued Param 1
Error 4: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: Invalid inputs for Table-Valued Param 1
Error 5: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: Failed to get metadata for Table-Valued Param 1
Error 6: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: For Table-Valued Param 1 the number of values in a row is expected to be 3
Error 7: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: For Table-Valued Param 1 the number of values in a row is expected to be 3
Error 8: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: Associative arrays not allowed for Table-Valued Param 1
Error 9: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: Expect an array for each row for Table-Valued Param 1
Error 10: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: Associative arrays not allowed for Table-Valued Param 1
Error 11: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: An invalid type for Table-Valued Param 1 Column 3 was specified
Error 12: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: An invalid type for Table-Valued Param 1 Column 2 was specified
Error 13: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: You cannot return data in a table-valued parameter. Table-valued parameters are input-only.
Error 14: SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: An error occurred translating a string for Table-Valued Param 1 Column 1 to UTF-16: %a