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Test to incorrectly bind input parameters as output parameters of various types
Similar to pdo_ae_output_param_errors.phpt - test to incorrectly bind input parameters
as output parameters of various types. The key is to enable ColumnEncryption and
check for memory leaks.
<?php require(''); ?>
function checkODBCVersion($conn)
$msodbcsql_ver = sqlsrv_client_info($conn)['DriverVer'];
$vers = explode(".", $msodbcsql_ver);
if ($vers[0] >= 17 && $vers[1] > 0){
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Check if the ODBC driver supports connecting with ColumnEncryption
// If not simply return
$conn = sqlsrv_connect($server, $connectionOptions);
if ($conn === false) {
fatalError("Failed to connect to $server.");
if (!checkODBCVersion($conn)) {
echo "Done\n";
// Create a dummy table with various data types
$tbname = 'srv_output_param_errors';
$colMetaArr = array( new AE\ColumnMeta("int", "c1_int"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("smallint", "c2_smallint"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("tinyint", "c3_tinyint"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("bit", "c4_bit"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("bigint", "c5_bigint"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("decimal(18,5)", "c6_decimal"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("numeric(10,5)", "c7_numeric"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("float", "c8_float"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("real", "c9_real"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("date", "c10_date"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("datetime", "c11_datetime"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("datetime2", "c12_datetime2"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("datetimeoffset", "c13_datetimeoffset"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("time", "c14_time"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("char(5)", "c15_char"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("varchar(max)", "c16_varchar"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("nchar(5)", "c17_nchar"),
new AE\ColumnMeta("nvarchar(max)", "c18_nvarchar"));
AE\createTable($conn, $tbname, $colMetaArr);
// Create a dummy select statement
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbname WHERE c1_int = ? OR c2_smallint = ? OR c3_tinyint = ? ";
$sql .= "OR c4_bit = ? OR c5_bigint = ? OR c6_decimal = ? OR c7_numeric = ? OR c8_float = ? ";
$sql .= "OR c9_real = ? OR c10_date = ? OR c11_datetime = ? OR c12_datetime2 = ? ";
$sql .= "OR c13_datetimeoffset = ? OR c14_time = ? OR c15_char = ? ";
$sql .= "OR c16_varchar = ? OR c17_nchar = ? OR c18_nvarchar = ?";
$options = array_merge($connectionOptions,
array('ColumnEncryption' => 'Enabled',
'CharacterSet' => 'UTF-8'));
// Initialize all inputs, set bigint, decimal and numeric as empty strings
$intOut = 0;
$smallintOut = 0;
$tinyintOut = 0;
$bitOut = 0;
$bigintOut = '';
$decimalOut = '';
$numericOut = '';
$floatOut = 0.0;
$realOut = 0.0;
$dateOut = '';
$datetimeOut = '';
$datetime2Out = '';
$datetimeoffsetOut = '';
$timeOut = '';
$charOut = '';
$varcharOut = '';
$ncharOut = '';
$nvarcharOut = '';
$usage1 = 0;
$rounds = 30;
for ($i = 0; $i < $rounds; $i++) {
// Connect with ColumnEncryption enabled
$conn2 = sqlsrv_connect($server, $options);
if ($conn2 === false) {
fatalError("Failed to connect to $server.");
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare($conn2, $sql, array( array( &$intOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$smallintOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$tinyintOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$bitOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$bigintOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$decimalOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$numericOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$floatOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$realOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$dateOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$datetimeOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$datetime2Out, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$datetimeoffsetOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$timeOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$charOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$varcharOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$ncharOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT ),
array( &$nvarcharOut, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT )));
// Expect the following to fail so just ignore the errors
// Compare the current memory usage to the previous usage
if ($i == 0) {
$usage1 = memory_get_usage();
} else {
$usage2 = memory_get_usage();
if ($usage2 > $usage1) {
echo "Memory leaks ($i)! Expected $usage1 but now $usage2\n";
// Free the resources to trigger the destruction of any zvals with refcount of 0
sqlsrv_query($conn, "DROP TABLE $tbname");
echo "Done\n";