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<?php require(''); ?>
// When testing with PHP 8.0 it throws a TypeError instead of a warning. Thus implement a custom
// warning handler such that with PHP 7.x the warning would be handled to throw a TypeError.
function warningHandler($errno, $errstr)
throw new TypeError($errstr);
sqlsrv_configure('WarningsReturnAsErrors', 0);
sqlsrv_configure('LogSeverity', SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL);
set_error_handler("warningHandler", E_WARNING);
// test negative cases first
// must have two parameters
try {
$result = sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors");
if ($result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(1) should have failed.");
} catch (TypeError $e) {
echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
// warnings_return_as_errors the only supported option
$result = sqlsrv_configure("blahblahblah", 1);
if ($result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(2) should have failed.");
} else {
$result = sqlsrv_get_config('blahblahblah');
if (!$result && !sqlsrv_errors()) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_get_config should have failed.");
} else {
$result = sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", true);
if (!$result || sqlsrv_get_config("WarningsReturnAsErrors") == false) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(3) should have passed");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", false);
if (!$result || sqlsrv_get_config("WarningsReturnAsErrors") == true) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(4) should have passed");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", 1);
if (!$result || sqlsrv_get_config("WarningsReturnAsErrors") == false) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(5) should have passed");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", 0);
if (!$result || sqlsrv_get_config("WarningsReturnAsErrors") == true) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(6) should have passed");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", null);
if (!$result || sqlsrv_get_config("WarningsReturnAsErrors") == true) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(7) should have passed");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", "1");
if (!$result || sqlsrv_get_config("WarningsReturnAsErrors") == false) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(8) should have passed");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", "0");
if (!$result || sqlsrv_get_config("WarningsReturnAsErrors") == true) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(9) should have passed");
// test values for LogSystem and LogSeverity
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL);
if (!$result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(10) should have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", 0);
if ($result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(11) should not have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);
if (!$result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(12) should have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
if (!$result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(13) should have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_NOTICE);
if (!$result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(14) should have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", 1000);
if ($result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(15) should not have passed.");
sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL);
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_ALL);
if (!$result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(16) should have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_OFF);
if (!$result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(17) should not have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_INIT);
if (!$result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(18) should have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_CONN);
if (!$result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(19) should have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_STMT);
if (!$result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(20) should have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_UTIL);
if (!$result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(21) should have passed.");
$result = sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", 1000);
if ($result) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_configure(22) should not have passed.");
sqlsrv_configure\(\) expects exactly 2 (parameters|arguments), 1 given
\[0] => Array
\[0\] => IMSSP
\[1\] => -14
\[code\] => -14
\[2\] => An invalid parameter was passed to sqlsrv_configure.
\[message\] => An invalid parameter was passed to sqlsrv_configure.
\[0\] => Array
\[0\] => IMSSP
\[1\] => -14
\[code\] => -14
\[2\] => An invalid parameter was passed to sqlsrv_get_config.
\[message\] => An invalid parameter was passed to sqlsrv_get_config.
sqlsrv.LogSubsystems = -1
sqlsrv_configure: entering
sqlsrv.LogSubsystems = 8
sqlsrv_configure: entering