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UTF-8 connection strings
2019-05-10 01:58:35 +02:00
<?php require(''); ?>
// Expected errors
$gibberishEncoding = array('IMSSP', '-48', "The encoding 'gibberish' is not a supported encoding for the CharacterSet connection option.");
$binaryEncoding = array('IMSSP', '-48', "The encoding 'binary' is not a supported encoding for the CharacterSet connection option.");
$utf16Error = array('IMSSP', '-47', "An error occurred translating the connection string to UTF-16: *");
$userLoginFailed = array('28000', '18456', "*Login failed for user *");
function connect($options=array())
global $server, $uid, $pwd, $databaseName;
if (!isset($options['UID']) && !isset($options['uid'])) {
$options['uid'] = $uid;
if (!isset($options['pwd']) && !isset($options['PWD'])) {
$options['pwd'] = $pwd;
if (!isset($options['Database'])) {
$options['database'] = $databaseName;
return sqlsrv_connect($server, $options);
function checkErrors($expectedError)
// On Windows one call returns two identical errors, so just take the first element
$error = sqlsrv_errors()[0];
if (!fnmatch($expectedError[0], $error[0]) ||
!fnmatch($expectedError[1], $error[1]) ||
!fnmatch($expectedError[2], $error[2])) {
fatalError("Errors do not match!\n");
sqlsrv_configure('WarningsReturnAsErrors', 0);
sqlsrv_configure('LogSeverity', SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL);
// test an invalid encoding
2017-05-31 00:24:56 +02:00
$c = connect(array( 'CharacterSet' => 'gibberish' ));
if ($c !== false) {
fatalError("Should have errored on an invalid encoding.");
$c = connect(array( 'CharacterSet' => SQLSRV_ENC_BINARY ));
if ($c !== false) {
fatalError("Should have errored on an invalid encoding.");
$c = connect(array( 'CharacterSet' => SQLSRV_ENC_CHAR ));
if ($c === false) {
die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
// test an invalid server name in UTF-8
$server_invalid = pack("H*", "ffc0");
$c = sqlsrv_connect($server_invalid, array( 'Database' => 'test', 'CharacterSet' => 'utf-8' ));
if ($c !== false) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_connect(1) should have failed");
// APP has a UTF-8 name
$c = connect(array(
'App' => pack('H*', 'c59ec6a1d0bcc49720c59bc3a4e1839dd180c580e1bb8120ce86c59ac488c4a8c4b02dc5a5e284aec397c5a7'),
'CharacterSet' => 'utf-8' ));
if ($c === false) {
die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
$c = connect(array(
'UID' => pack('H*', 'c59ec6a1d0bcc49720c59bc3a4e1839dd180c580e1bb8120ce86c59ac488c4a8c4b02dc5a5e284aec397c5a7'),
'PWD' => pack('H*', 'c59ec6a1d0bcc49720c59bc3a4e1839dd180c580e1bb8120ce86c59ac488c4a8c4b02dc5a5e284aec397c5a7'),
'CharacterSet' => 'utf-8' ));
if ($c !== false) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_connect(3) should have failed");
// invalid UTF-8 in the pwd
$c = connect(array(
'UID' => pack('H*', 'c59ec6a1d0bcc49720c59bc3a4e1839dd180c580e1bb8120ce86c59ac488c4a8c4b02dc5a5e284aec397c5a7'),
'PWD' => pack('H*', 'c59ec6c0d0bcc49720c59bc3a4e1839dd180c580e1bb8120ce86c59ac488c4a8c4b02dc5a5e284aec397c5a7'),
'CharacterSet' => 'utf-8' ));
if ($c !== false) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_connect(4) should have failed");
echo "Test succeeded.\n";
2019-05-13 20:15:49 +02:00
Test succeeded.