
305 lines
11 KiB
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Test for fetch_object with Unicode column name
<?php require(''); ?>
class foo
public $stuff = "stuff";
private $id = -1;
private $id_foo = -2;
public function __construct($a, $b)
echo "Creating a foo with params $a & $b\n";
public function do_foo()
echo "Doing foo. $this->id_foo $this->id $this->stuff\n";
$this->id_foo = 4;
class foo_noargs
public $stuff = "stuff";
private $id = -1;
private $id_foo = -2;
public function do_foo()
echo "Doing foo. $this->id_foo $this->id $this->stuff\n";
$this->id_foo = 4;
} // end class foo_noargs
sqlsrv_configure('WarningsReturnAsErrors', 0);
$conn = AE\connect(array( 'CharacterSet'=>'UTF-8' ));
$tableName = 'test_params';
$columns = array(new AE\ColumnMeta('tinyint', 'id'),
new AE\ColumnMeta('char(10)', '吉安而來'),
new AE\ColumnMeta('float', '此是後話Κοντάוְאַתָּה第十四章BiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest是أي بزمام الإنذارהნომინავიiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest父親回衙 汗流如雨 吉安而來. 關雎 誨€¥É§é'),
new AE\ColumnMeta('varchar(max)', 'stuff'));
AE\createTable($conn, $tableName, $columns);
$f1 = 1;
$f2 = "testtestte";
$f3 = 12.0;
$f4 = fopen("data://text/plain,This%20is%20some%20text%20meant%20to%20test%20binding%20parameters%20to%20streams", "r");
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO $tableName (id, 吉安而來, [此是後話Κοντάוְאַתָּה第十四章BiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest是أي بزمام الإنذارהნომინავიiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest父親回衙 汗流如雨 吉安而來. 關雎 誨€¥É§é], stuff) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", array( &$f1, "testtestte", &$f3, &$f4 ));
if (!$stmt) {
die("sqlsrv_prepare failed.");
$success = sqlsrv_execute($stmt);
if (!$success) {
die("sqlsrv_execute failed.");
while ($success = sqlsrv_send_stream_data($stmt)) {
if (!is_null($success)) {
die("sqlsrv_send_stream_data failed.");
$f1 = 2;
$f3 = 13.0;
$f4 = fopen("data://text/plain,This%20is%20some%20more%20text%20meant%20to%20test%20binding%20parameters%20to%20streams", "r");
$success = sqlsrv_execute($stmt);
if (!$success) {
die("sqlsrv_execute failed.");
while ($success = sqlsrv_send_stream_data($stmt)) {
if (!is_null($success)) {
die("sqlsrv_send_stream_data failed.");
$f1 = 3;
$f3 = 14.0;
$f4 = fopen("data://text/plain,This%20is%20some%20more%20text%20meant%20to%20test%20binding%20parameters%20to%20streams", "r");
$success = sqlsrv_execute($stmt);
if (!$success) {
die("sqlsrv_execute failed.");
while ($success = sqlsrv_send_stream_data($stmt)) {
if (!is_null($success)) {
die("sqlsrv_send_stream_data failed.");
$f1 = 4;
$f3 = 15.0;
$f4 = fopen("data://text/plain,This%20is%20some%20more%20text%20meant%20to%20test%20binding%20parameters%20to%20streams", "r");
$success = sqlsrv_execute($stmt);
if (!$success) {
die("sqlsrv_execute failed.");
while ($success = sqlsrv_send_stream_data($stmt)) {
if (!is_null($success)) {
die("sqlsrv_send_stream_data failed.");
$f1 = 5;
$f3 = 16.0;
$f4 = fopen("data://text/plain,This%20is%20some%20more%20text%20meant%20to%20test%20binding%20parameters%20to%20streams", "r");
$success = sqlsrv_execute($stmt);
if (!$success) {
die("sqlsrv_execute failed.");
while ($success = sqlsrv_send_stream_data($stmt)) {
if (!is_null($success)) {
die("sqlsrv_send_stream_data failed.");
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare($conn, "SELECT id, [此是後話Κοντάוְאַתָּה第十四章BiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest是أي بزمام الإنذارהნომინავიiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest父親回衙 汗流如雨 吉安而來. 關雎 誨€¥É§é], 吉安而來, stuff FROM $tableName");
$success = sqlsrv_execute($stmt);
if (!$success) {
die("sqlsrv_execute failed.");
echo "Fetch a stdClass object (1)\n";
$obj = sqlsrv_fetch_object($stmt);
if ($obj === false) {
die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
echo "Fetch a foo_noargs object (2)\n";
$obj = sqlsrv_fetch_object($stmt, "foo_noargs");
if ($obj === false) {
die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
echo "Fetch a foo object (with constructor args) (3)\n";
$obj = sqlsrv_fetch_object($stmt, "foo", array( 2, 1 ));
if ($obj === false) {
die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
echo "Just create a normal foo in the script\n";
$next_obj = new foo(1, 2);
// this case prints out warnings for 7.0.x but not passing enough argument
// results in a fatal error for 7.1.x
echo "With no constructor arguments (4)\n";
try {
$obj = sqlsrv_fetch_object($stmt, "foo");
if ($obj === false) {
die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
} catch (Error $e) {
echo "Caught error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
// the case with args to an object that doesn't take them
echo "Non args constructor with args (5)\n";
$obj = sqlsrv_fetch_object($stmt, "foo_noargs", array( 1, 2 ));
if ($obj === false) {
die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
if (is_null($obj)) {
echo "Done fetching objects.\n";
} else {
// the end of result set case
echo "At the end of the result set (6)\n";
$obj = sqlsrv_fetch_object($stmt, "foo");
if ($obj === false) {
die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
if (is_null($obj)) {
echo "Done fetching objects.\n";
} else {
// past the end of result set case
echo "Past the end of the result set (7)\n";
$obj = sqlsrv_fetch_object($stmt, "foo");
if ($obj === false) {
print_r( sqlsrv_errors());
if (is_null($obj)) {
echo "Done fetching objects.\n";
} elseif ($obj) {
dropTable($conn, $tableName);
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt );
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
Fetch a stdClass object \(1\)
stdClass Object
\[id\] => 1
\[此是後話Κοντάוְאַתָּה第十四章BiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest是أي بزمام الإنذارהნომინავიiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest父親回衙 汗流如雨 吉安而來. 關雎 誨€¥É§é\] => 12
\[吉安而來\] => testtestte
\[stuff\] => This is some text meant to test binding parameters to streams
Fetch a foo_noargs object \(2\)
Doing foo\. -2 2 This is some more text meant to test binding parameters to streams
foo_noargs Object
\[stuff\] => This is some more text meant to test binding parameters to streams
\[id:foo_noargs:private\] => 2
\[id_foo:foo_noargs:private\] => 4
\[此是後話Κοντάוְאַתָּה第十四章BiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest是أي بزمام الإنذارהნომინავიiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest父親回衙 汗流如雨 吉安而來. 關雎 誨€¥É§é\] => 13
\[吉安而來\] => testtestte
Fetch a foo object \(with constructor args\) \(3\)
Creating a foo with params 2 & 1
Doing foo\. -2 3 This is some more text meant to test binding parameters to streams
foo Object
\[stuff\] => This is some more text meant to test binding parameters to streams
\[id:foo:private\] => 3
\[id_foo:foo:private\] => 4
\[此是後話Κοντάוְאַתָּה第十四章BiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest是أي بزمام الإنذارהნომინავიiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest父親回衙 汗流如雨 吉安而來. 關雎 誨€¥É§é\] => 14
\[吉安而來\] => testtestte
Just create a normal foo in the script
Creating a foo with params 1 \& 2
foo Object
\[stuff\] => stuff
\[id:foo:private\] => -1
\[id_foo:foo:private\] => -2
With no constructor arguments \(4\)
(Caught error: Too few arguments to function foo::__construct\(\), 0 passed and exactly 2 expected|
Warning: Missing argument 1 for foo::__construct\(\).+sqlsrv_fetch_object_unicode_col_name1\.php.+Warning: Missing argument 2 for foo::__construct\(\).+sqlsrv_fetch_object_unicode_col_name1\.php.+Notice: Undefined variable: a in.+sqlsrv_fetch_object_unicode_col_name1\.php.+Notice: Undefined variable: b in.+sqlsrv_fetch_object_unicode_col_name1\.php.+Creating a foo with params \&.+Doing foo\. -2 4 This is some more text meant to test binding parameters to streams.+foo Object.+\(.+\[stuff\] => This is some more text meant to test binding parameters to streams.+\[id:foo:private\] => 4.+\[id_foo:foo:private\] => 4.+\[此是後話Κοντάוְאַתָּה第十四章BiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest是أي بزمام الإنذارהნომინავიiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest父親回衙 汗流如雨 吉安而來. 關雎 誨€¥É§é\] => 15.+\[吉安而來\] => testtestte.+\))
Non args constructor with args \(5\)
Doing foo. -2 5 This is some more text meant to test binding parameters to streams
foo_noargs Object
\[stuff\] => This is some more text meant to test binding parameters to streams
\[id:foo_noargs:private\] => 5
\[id_foo:foo_noargs:private\] => 4
\[此是後話Κοντάוְאַתָּה第十四章BiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest是أي بزمام الإنذارהნომინავიiałopioБунтевсемужирафиtest父親回衙 汗流如雨 吉安而來. 關雎 誨€¥É§é\] => 16
\[吉安而來\] => testtestte
At the end of the result set \(6\)
Done fetching objects\.
Past the end of the result set \(7\)
\[0\] => Array
\[0\] => IMSSP
\[1\] => -22
\[code\] => -22
\[2\] => There are no more rows in the active result set\. Since this result set is not scrollable\, no more data may be retrieved\.
\[message\] => There are no more rows in the active result set\. Since this result set is not scrollable\, no more data may be retrieved\.