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import shutil
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
from shutil import copyfile
import os
import sys
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
import argparse
import subprocess
import fileinput
import subprocess
from subprocess import call
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pyodbc
import platform
import re
import datetime
import time
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
from time import strftime
import hashlib
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
sqlsrv_regular_path = "benchmark"+ os.sep + "sqlsrv" + os.sep + "regular"
sqlsrv_large_path = "benchmark"+ os.sep + "sqlsrv" + os.sep + "large"
pdo_regular_path = "benchmark"+ os.sep + "pdo_sqlsrv" + os.sep + "regular"
pdo_large_path = "benchmark"+ os.sep + "pdo_sqlsrv" + os.sep + "large"
connect_file = "lib" + os.sep + "connect.php"
connect_file_bak = connect_file + ".bak"
fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.0000000"
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
def validate_platform( platform_name ):
platforms = [
, "WidnowsServer2016"
, "WindowsServer2012"
, "Ubuntu16"
, "RedHat7"
, "Sierra"]
if platform_name not in platforms:
print ( "Platform must be one of the following:" )
print( platforms )
exit( 1 )
class DB( object ):
def __init__ ( self
, server_name = None
, database_name = None
, username = None
, password = None):
self.server_name = server_name
self.database_name = database_name
self.username = username
self.password = password
class XMLResult( object ):
def __init__ ( self
, benchmark_name = None
, success = None
, duration = None
, memory = None
, error_message = None ):
self.benchmark_name = benchmark_name
self.success = success
self.duration = duration
self.memory = memory
self.error_message = error_message
def get_test_name( name ):
test_name_dict = {
'SqlsrvConnectionBench': 'connection'
, 'SqlsrvCreateDbTableProcBench': 'create'
, 'SqlsrvInsertBench': 'crud-create'
, 'SqlsrvFetchBench': 'crud-retrieve'
, 'SqlsrvUpdateBench': 'crud-update'
, 'SqlsrvDeleteBench': 'crud-delete'
, 'SqlsrvFetchLargeBench': 'large'
, 'SqlsrvSelectVersionBench': 'version'
, 'PDOConnectionBench': 'connection'
, 'PDOCreateDbTableProcBench': 'create'
, 'PDOInsertBench': 'crud-create'
, 'PDOFetchBench': 'crud-retrieve'
, 'PDOUpdateBench': 'crud-update'
, 'PDODeleteBench': 'crud-delete'
, 'PDOFetchLargeBench': 'large'
, 'PDOSelectVersionBench': 'version'
return test_name_dict[ name ]
def get_run_command( path_to_tests, iterations, dump_file ):
command = "vendor/bin/phpbench run {0} --iterations {1} --dump-file={2}"
return command.format( path_to_tests, iterations, dump_file )
def get_id( conn, id_field, table, name_field, value ):
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
query = "SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2}='{3}'"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( query.format( id_field, table, name_field, value ))
id = cursor.fetchone()
if id is not None:
return id[0]
return id
def get_id_no_quote( conn, id_field, table, name_field, value ):
query = "SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2}={3}"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( query.format( id_field, table, name_field, value ))
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
id = cursor.fetchone()
if id is not None:
return id[0]
return id
def get_test_database():
test_db = DB()
for line in open( connect_file ):
if "server" in line:
test_db.server_name = line.split("=")[1].strip()[1:-2]
elif "database" in line:
test_db.database_name = line.split("=")[1].strip()[1:-2]
elif "uid" in line:
test_db.username = line.split("=")[1].strip()[1:-2]
elif "pwd" in line:
test_db.password = line.split("=")[1].strip()[1:-2]
return test_db
def connect( db ):
return pyodbc.connect(
driver="{ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server}"
, host=db.server_name
, database=db.database_name
, user=db.username
, password=db.password
, autocommit = True)
def get_server_version( server):
conn = connect( server )
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( "SELECT @@VERSION")
version = cursor.fetchone()[0]
return version
def get_sha1_file( filename ):
hash_size = 256
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
with open( filename, 'rb' ) as f:
while True:
data = hash_size )
if not data:
sha1.update( data )
return "0x" + sha1.hexdigest()
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
def insert_server_entry( conn, server_name, server_version ):
query = "INSERT INTO Servers ( HostName, Version ) VALUES ( '{0}', '{1}' )"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( query.format( server_name, server_version ))
def insert_client_entry ( conn, name ):
query = "INSERT INTO Clients ( HostName ) VALUES( '{0}' )"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( query.format( name ))
def insert_team_entry ( conn, name ):
query = "INSERT INTO Teams ( TeamName ) VALUES( '{0}' )"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( query.format( name ))
def insert_test_entry( conn, name ):
#TO-DO Remove unnecessary columns from the table and fix the query string. Amd64 and 0 are used to bypass not null
query = "INSERT INTO PerformanceTests ( TestName, Arch, HashVer ) VALUES( '{0}', 'Amd64', 0 )"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( query.format( name ))
def insert_driver_entry( conn, driver_path, driver_hash ):
file_date = time.strftime( fmt, time.gmtime( os.path.getmtime( driver_path )))
query = "INSERT INTO Drivers ( Arch, FileDate, SHA1, HashVer ) VALUES ( ?, ?, {0}, 1 )"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( query.format(driver_hash), ( get_php_arch(), file_date ))
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
def get_server_id( conn, test_db ):
server_id = get_id( conn, "ServerId", "Servers", "HostName", test_db.server_name )
if server_id is None:
insert_server_entry( conn, test_db.server_name, get_server_version( test_db ))
server_id = get_id( conn, "ServerId", "Servers", "HostName", test_db.server_name )
return server_id
def get_client_id( conn ):
client_name = platform.node()
client_id = get_id( conn, "ClientId", "Clients", "HostName", client_name )
if client_id is None:
insert_client_entry( conn, client_name )
client_id = get_id( conn, "ClientId", "Clients", "HostName", client_name )
return client_id
def get_team_id( conn ):
team_name = "PHP"
team_id = get_id( conn, "TeamId", "Teams", "TeamName", team_name)
if team_id is None:
insert_team_entry( conn, team_name )
team_id = get_id( conn, "TeamId", "Teams", "TeamName", team_name)
return team_id
def get_test_id( conn, test_name ):
test_id = get_id( conn, "TestId", "PerformanceTests", "TestName", test_name )
if test_id is None:
insert_test_entry( conn, test_name )
test_id = get_id( conn, "TestId", "PerformanceTests", "TestName", test_name )
return test_id
def get_driver_id( conn, driver_name ):
driver_path = get_path_to_driver( driver_name )
driver_hash = get_sha1_file( driver_path )
driver_id = get_id_no_quote( conn, "DriverId", "Drivers", "SHA1", driver_hash )
if driver_id is None:
insert_driver_entry( conn, driver_path, driver_hash )
driver_id = get_id_no_quote( conn, "DriverId", "Drivers", "SHA1", driver_hash )
return driver_id
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
def insert_result_entry_and_get_id( conn, test_id, client_id, driver_id, server_id, team_id, success ):
query = "INSERT INTO PerformanceResults( TestId, ClientId, DriverId, ServerId, TeamId, Success ) OUTPUT INSERTED.ResultId VALUES( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} )"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( query.format( test_id, client_id, driver_id, server_id, team_id, success ))
result_id = cursor.fetchone()
if result_id is not None:
return result_id[0]
return id
def insert_key_value( conn, table_name, result_id, key, value ):
query = "INSERT INTO {0} ( ResultId, name, value ) VALUES( ?, ?, ? )"
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute( query.format( table_name ), ( result_id, key, value ) )
def get_php_arch():
p = subprocess.Popen( "php -r 'echo PHP_INT_SIZE;'", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True )
out, err = p.communicate()
if out.decode('ascii') == "8":
return "x64"
elif out.decode('ascii') == "4":
return "x86"
def get_php_thread():
if == 'nt':
command = "php -i | findstr 'Thread'"
command = "php -i | grep 'Thread'"
p = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True )
out, err = p.communicate()
if out.decode('ascii').split()[3].strip() == 'disabled':
return "nts"
return "ts"
def get_path_to_driver( driver_name ):
p = subprocess.Popen( "php -r \"echo ini_get('extension_dir');\"", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True )
out, err = p.communicate()
extension_dir = out.decode('ascii')
if == 'nt':
return extension_dir + os.sep + "php_" + driver_name + ".dll"
return extension_dir + os.sep + driver_name + ".so"
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
def enable_mars():
print( "Enabling MARS...")
with fileinput.FileInput( connect_file, inplace=True, backup='.bak') as file:
for line in file:
print( line.replace( "$mars=false;", "$mars=true;" ), end='')
def disable_mars():
print( "Disabling MARS...")
os.remove( connect_file )
copyfile( connect_file_bak, connect_file )
def enable_pooling():
print( "Enabling Pooling...")
if == 'nt':
with fileinput.FileInput( connect_file, inplace=True, backup='.bak') as file:
for line in file:
print( line.replace( "$pooling=false;", "$pooling=true;" ), end='')
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
# Get the location of odbcinst.ini
odbcinst = os.popen( "odbcinst -j" ).read().splitlines()[1].split()[1]
odbcinst_bak = odbcinst + ".bak"
# Create a copy of odbcinst.ini
copyfile( odbcinst, odbcinst_bak )
# Lines to enable Connection pooling
with open( odbcinst, "a" ) as f:
f.write( lines_to_append )
def disable_pooling():
print("Disabling Pooling...")
if == 'nt':
os.remove( connect_file )
copyfile( connect_file_bak, connect_file )
# Get the location of odbcinst.ini
odbcinst = os.popen( "odbcinst -j" ).read().splitlines()[1].split()[1]
odbcinst_bak = odbcinst + ".bak"
os.remove( odbcinst )
copyfile( odbcinst_bak, odbcinst )
os.remove( odbcinst_bak )
def run_tests( iterations, iterations_large ):
print("Running the tests...")
call( get_run_command( sqlsrv_regular_path, iterations, "sqlsrv-regular.xml" ), shell=True, stdout=open( os.devnull, 'wb' ))
call( get_run_command( sqlsrv_large_path, iterations_large, "sqlsrv-large.xml" ), shell=True, stdout=open( os.devnull, 'wb' ))
call( get_run_command( pdo_regular_path, iterations, "pdo_sqlsrv-regular.xml" ), shell=True, stdout=open( os.devnull, 'wb' ))
call( get_run_command( pdo_large_path, iterations_large, "pdo_sqlsrv-large.xml" ), shell=True, stdout=open( os.devnull, 'wb' ))
def parse_results( dump_file ):
xml_results = []
tree = ET.parse( dump_file )
root = tree.getroot()
for benchmark in root[0].findall( 'benchmark' ):
xml_result = XMLResult()
xml_result.benchmark_name = benchmark.get( 'class' )[1:]
errors = benchmark[0][0].find( 'errors' )
if( errors is not None ):
xml_result.success = 0
xml_result.error_message = errors[0].text
xml_result.success = 1
2017-06-21 02:40:54 +02:00
xml_result.duration = int( round( int( benchmark[0][0].find( 'stats' ).get( 'sum' )) / 1000000 ))
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
memory_peak = 0
for iteration in benchmark[0][0].findall( 'iteration' ):
iter_memory_peak = int( iteration.get( 'mem-peak' ))
if iter_memory_peak > memory_peak:
memory_peak = iter_memory_peak
xml_result.memory = memory_peak
xml_results.append( xml_result )
return xml_results
def parse_and_store_results( dump_file, test_db, result_db, platform, driver, start_time, mars, pooling ):
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
conn = connect( result_db )
server_id = get_server_id( conn, test_db )
client_id = get_client_id( conn )
team_id = get_team_id( conn )
driver_id = get_driver_id( conn, driver )
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
arch = get_php_arch()
thread = get_php_thread()
cursor = conn.cursor()
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
results = parse_results( dump_file )
for result in results:
test_name = get_test_name( result.benchmark_name )
test_id = get_test_id( conn, test_name )
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
result_id = insert_result_entry_and_get_id( conn, test_id, client_id, driver_id, server_id, team_id, result.success )
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
if result.success:
insert_key_value( conn, "KeyValueTableBigInt", result_id, "duration", result.duration )
insert_key_value( conn, "KeyValueTableBigInt", result_id, "memory", result.memory )
insert_key_value( conn, "KeyValueTableString", result_id, "error", result.error_message )
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
insert_key_value( conn, "KeyValueTableDate" , result_id, "startTime", start_time )
insert_key_value( conn, "KeyValueTableBigInt", result_id, "mars" , mars )
insert_key_value( conn, "KeyValueTableBigInt", result_id, "pooling" , pooling )
insert_key_value( conn, "KeyValueTableString", result_id, "driver" , driver )
insert_key_value( conn, "KeyValueTableString", result_id, "arch" , arch )
insert_key_value( conn, "KeyValueTableString", result_id, "os" , platform )
insert_key_value( conn, "KeyValueTableString", result_id, "thread" , thread )
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
def parse_and_store_results_all( test_db, result_db, platform, start_time, mars, pooling ):
print("Parsing and storing the results...")
parse_and_store_results( "sqlsrv-regular.xml", test_db, result_db, platform, "sqlsrv", start_time, mars, pooling )
parse_and_store_results( "sqlsrv-large.xml", test_db, result_db, platform, "sqlsrv", start_time, mars, pooling )
parse_and_store_results( "pdo_sqlsrv-regular.xml", test_db, result_db, platform, "pdo_sqlsrv", start_time, mars, pooling )
parse_and_store_results( "pdo_sqlsrv-large.xml", test_db, result_db, platform, "pdo_sqlsrv", start_time, mars, pooling )
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument( '-platform', '--PLATFORM', required=True )
parser.add_argument( '-iterations', '--ITERATIONS', type=int , required=True )
parser.add_argument( '-iterations-large', '--ITERATIONS_LARGE',type=int , required=True )
parser.add_argument( '-result-server', '--RESULT_SERVER', required=True )
parser.add_argument( '-result-db', '--RESULT_DB', required=True )
parser.add_argument( '-result-uid', '--RESULT_UID', required=True )
parser.add_argument( '-result-pwd', '--RESULT_PWD', required=True )
args = parser.parse_args()
start_time = fmt )
print( "Start time: " + start_time )
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
validate_platform( args.PLATFORM )
result_db = DB( args.RESULT_SERVER, args.RESULT_DB, args.RESULT_UID, args.RESULT_PWD )
test_db = get_test_database()
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
print("Running the tests with default settings...")
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
run_tests( args.ITERATIONS, args.ITERATIONS_LARGE )
parse_and_store_results_all( test_db, result_db, args.PLATFORM, start_time, 0, 0 )
print("Running the tests with MARS ON...")
run_tests( args.ITERATIONS, args.ITERATIONS_LARGE )
parse_and_store_results_all( test_db, result_db, args.PLATFORM, start_time, 1, 0 )
2017-06-17 03:30:16 +02:00
print("Running the tests with Pooling ON...")
run_tests( args.ITERATIONS, args.ITERATIONS_LARGE )
parse_and_store_results_all( test_db, result_db, args.PLATFORM, start_time, 0, 1 )