Tweaked output

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David Puglielli 2018-03-15 11:10:00 -07:00
parent b68befa939
commit 21a9cd982e
2 changed files with 24 additions and 628 deletions

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@ -1,627 +0,0 @@
Test various date and time types with AE and ReturnDatesAsStrings set to true
<?php require(''); ?>
// Check for expected errors. These are expected in cases where the dates and
// times do not comply with ODBC standards.
// 07006 Restricted data type attribute violation (Conversion failed)
// 22007 Invalid datetime format (ODBC accepts only a few formats)
// 22008 Datetime field overflow (Outside range)
// 22018 Invalid character value for cast specification
function ExecutePreparedStmt($stmt)
if ($stmt == false) {
fatalError("Failure in sqlsrv_prepare");
} else {
$r = sqlsrv_execute($stmt);
if ($r == false) {
$errors = sqlsrv_errors();
if ($errors[0]['SQLSTATE'] != '07006' and
$errors[0]['SQLSTATE'] != '22007' and
$errors[0]['SQLSTATE'] != '22008' and
$errors[0]['SQLSTATE'] != '22018') {
fatalError("Unexpected error");
// Compare dates retrieved from the database with the date used for testing.
// $expectedDateTime is an array of strings like '2002-01-31 23:59:59.049876'
// $retrievedDateTime is date/time string of format either 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u' or
// 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u P', which is the format returned when $returnDatesAsStrings
// is true, or by the date_format() calls in FetchDatesAndOrTimes when a PHP
// DateTime object is retrieved (i.e. when $returnDatesAsStrings is false),
// unless $datetimetype is date or time. In those cases:
// If $datetimetype is date and $returnDatesAsStrings is false:
// The date is as expected, the time defaults to 00:00:00.0000
// If $datetimetype is time and $returnStrings is false:
// The date defaults to the current date, the time is as expected.
// If $datetimetype is date and $returnStrings is true:
// $retrievedDateTime is only a date.
// If $datetimetype is 'time' and $returnStrings is true:
// $retrievedDateTime is only a time.
function CompareDateTime($datetimetype, $returnStrings, &$expectedDateTime, $retrievedDateTime)
$expected_date_time = array();
// Split each element of the testing date/time into
// [0]:date, [1]:time, and possibly [2]:timezone offset
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($expectedDateTime); ++$i) {
$expected_date_time[] = explode(" ", $expectedDateTime[$i]);
// If $retrievedDateTime is a string of format 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u' or 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u P',
// split it into [0]:date, [1]:time, and possibly [2]:timezone offset
$retrieved_date_time = explode(" ", $retrievedDateTime);
if ($returnStrings == true) {
switch ($datetimetype) {
case 'date':
// Direct comparison of retrieved date and expected date
if ($retrievedDateTime != $expected_date_time[0][0]) {
fatalError("Dates do not match!");
case 'time':
// Compare SQL time with expected time. The expected time was input
// with an accuracy of microseconds and the SQL Servertime type has
// accuracy to 100 ns, so times are returned with an extra zero. For
// comparison the zero is appended to the times in expected_time_date.
if ($retrievedDateTime != $expected_date_time[0][1]."0" and
$retrievedDateTime != $expected_date_time[1][1]."0" and
$retrievedDateTime != $expected_date_time[2][1]."0" and
$retrievedDateTime != $expected_date_time[3][1]."0" ) {
fatalError("Times do not match!");
case 'datetime':
// Compare retrieved SQL datetime with expected date/time.
// SQL Server's datetime type is accurate to milliseconds and
// the expected time is accurate to microseconds, so append
// three zeroes to the retrieved time for comparison.
if ($retrievedDateTime."000" != $expectedDateTime[0] and
$retrievedDateTime."000" != $expectedDateTime[1] and
$retrievedDateTime."000" != $expectedDateTime[2] and
$retrievedDateTime."000" != $expectedDateTime[3] ) {
fatalError("Datetimes do not match!");
case 'datetime2':
// Compare retrieved SQL datetime2 with expected date/time.
// SQL Server's datetime2 type is accurate to 100 ns and
// the expected time is accurate to microseconds, so append
// a zero to the expected time for comparison.
if ($retrievedDateTime != $expectedDateTime[0]."0" and
$retrievedDateTime != $expectedDateTime[1]."0" and
$retrievedDateTime != $expectedDateTime[2]."0" and
$retrievedDateTime != $expectedDateTime[3]."0" ) {
fatalError("Datetime2s do not match!");
case 'datetimeoffset':
// Compare the SQL datetimeoffset retrieved with expected
// date/time. datetimeoffset is accurate to 100 ns, so the
// extra zero is removed in $dtoffset to create a format accurate
// to microseconds for comparison with the expected date/time/timezone.
$dtoffset = $retrieved_date_time[0]." ".substr($retrieved_date_time[1], 0, -1)." ".$retrieved_date_time[2];
if ($dtoffset != $expectedDateTime[4] and
$dtoffset != $expectedDateTime[5] and
$dtoffset != $expectedDateTime[6] and
$dtoffset != $expectedDateTime[7] ) {
fatalError("Datetimeoffsets do not match!");
case 'smalldatetime':
// Compare retrieved SQL smalldatetime with expected date/time.
// SQL Server's smalldatetime type is accurate to seconds and
// the expected time is accurate to microseconds, so append
// '.000000' to the expected time for comparison.
if ($retrievedDateTime.".000000" != $expectedDateTime[0] and
$retrievedDateTime.".000000" != $expectedDateTime[1] and
$retrievedDateTime.".000000" != $expectedDateTime[2] and
$retrievedDateTime.".000000" != $expectedDateTime[3] ) {
fatalError("Smalldatetimes do not match!");
} else {
// Combine the retrieved date and time.
if (sizeof($retrieved_date_time)>1) {
$date_time_only = $retrieved_date_time[0]." ".$retrieved_date_time[1];
// Times returned by SQL Server are accurate to 100 ns, but when
// formatted using PHP's date_format() function, the times are accurate
// to microseconds. So both retrieved and expected times are accurate
// to microseconds, and no need for adding zeroes in any of the
// comparisons below.
switch ($datetimetype) {
case 'date':
// Comparison of dates only.
if ($retrieved_date_time[0] != $expected_date_time[0][0]) {
fatalError("Dates do not match!");
case 'time':
// Comparison of times only.
if ($retrieved_date_time[1] != $expected_date_time[0][1] and
$retrieved_date_time[1] != $expected_date_time[1][1] and
$retrieved_date_time[1] != $expected_date_time[2][1] and
$retrieved_date_time[1] != $expected_date_time[3][1] ) {
fatalError("Times do not match!");
case 'datetime':
case 'datetime2':
case 'smalldatetime':
// Test combined date and time. The $expectedDateTime values
// all have a different number of trailing zeroes to match
// the precision of different SQL types.
if ($date_time_only != $expectedDateTime[0] and
$date_time_only != $expectedDateTime[1] and
$date_time_only != $expectedDateTime[2] and
$date_time_only != $expectedDateTime[3] ) {
fatalError("Datetimes do not match!");
case 'datetimeoffset':
// The retrieved date/time string will have a timezone
// correction appended to it when the returned type is
// datetimeoffset.
if ($retrievedDateTime != $expectedDateTime[4] and
$retrievedDateTime != $expectedDateTime[5] and
$retrievedDateTime != $expectedDateTime[6] and
$retrievedDateTime != $expectedDateTime[7] ) {
fatalError("Datetimeoffsets do not match!");
function InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, $datetimetype, &$formats_array, $array_size, $SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_CONST)
$tableName = "table_of_$datetimetype";
$columns = array(new AE\ColumnMeta('int', 'id'),
new AE\ColumnMeta("$datetimetype", "c1_$datetimetype"));
$stmt = AE\createTable($conn, $tableName, $columns);
if (!$stmt) {
fatalError("Failed to create table $tableName\n");
$insertSql = "INSERT INTO [$tableName] (id, [c1_$datetimetype]) VALUES (?, ?)";
for ($i = 0; $i < $array_size; $i++) {
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare($conn, $insertSql, array($i, array($formats_array[$i], SQLSRV_PARAM_IN, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING('utf-8'), $SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_CONST)));
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare($conn, $insertSql, array($i, $formats_array[$i]));
// date_create can fail if the argument is not a format PHP recognises;
// this is not a problem for this test.
if (date_create($formats_array[$i]) != false) {
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare($conn, $insertSql, array($i, array(date_create($formats_array[$i]), SQLSRV_PARAM_IN, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING('utf-8'), $SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_CONST)));
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare($conn, $insertSql, array($i, date_create($formats_array[$i])));
function FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, $datetimetype, &$expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings)
$tableName = "table_of_$datetimetype";
echo "Select fields as strings:\n";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM [$tableName]");
if ($stmt === false) {
fatalError("Select from $tableName failed");
while (sqlsrv_fetch($stmt)) {
$idnum = sqlsrv_get_field($stmt, 0, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING(SQLSRV_ENC_CHAR));
$datetime = sqlsrv_get_field($stmt, 1, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING(SQLSRV_ENC_CHAR));
if (!is_string($datetime)) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_get_field did not return string but string was specified");
CompareDateTime($datetimetype, true, $expectedDateTime, $datetime);
// retrieve date time fields as DateTime objects
// format them as strings using date_format() for comparison
echo "Select fields as DateTime objects:\n";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM [$tableName]");
if ($stmt === false) {
fatalError("Select from $tableName failed");
while (sqlsrv_fetch($stmt)) {
$idnum = sqlsrv_get_field($stmt, 0, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_STRING(SQLSRV_ENC_CHAR));
$datetime = sqlsrv_get_field($stmt, 1, SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_DATETIME);
if (!($datetime instanceof DateTime)) {
fatalError("sqlsrv_get_field did not return DateTime but DateTime was specified");
$datetime = ($datetimetype == 'datetimeoffset') ? date_format($datetime, 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u P') : date_format($datetime, 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u');
CompareDateTime($datetimetype, false, $expectedDateTime, $datetime);
// retrieve date time fields without explicitly requesting the type
echo "Select fields with no type information provided:\n";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM [$tableName]");
if ($stmt === false) {
fatalError("Select from $tableName failed");
while (sqlsrv_fetch($stmt)) {
$idnum = sqlsrv_get_field($stmt, 0);
$datetime = sqlsrv_get_field($stmt, 1);
if ($returnDatesAsStrings == true) {
if (!is_string($datetime)) {
fatalError("String for date expected, not a string");
CompareDateTime($datetimetype, $returnDatesAsStrings, $expectedDateTime, $datetime);
} else { // ReturnsDatesAsStrings is false
if (!($datetime instanceof DateTime)) {
fatalError("DateTime object expected, not a DateTime");
$datetime = ($datetimetype == 'datetimeoffset') ? date_format($datetime, 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u P') : date_format($datetime, 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u');
CompareDateTime($datetimetype, $returnDatesAsStrings, $expectedDateTime, $datetime);
// retrieve date time fields as default
echo "Select using fetch_array:\n";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM [$tableName]");
if ($stmt === false) {
fatalError("Select from $tableName failed");
while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC)) {
$idnum = $row[0];
if ($returnDatesAsStrings == true) {
if (!is_string($row[1])) {
fatalError("String for date expected, not a string");
CompareDateTime($datetimetype, $returnDatesAsStrings, $expectedDateTime, $row[1]);
} else {
if (!($row[1] instanceof DateTime)) {
fatalError("DateTime object expected, not a DateTime");
$datetime = ($datetimetype == 'datetimeoffset') ? date_format($row[1], 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u P') : date_format($row[1], 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u');
CompareDateTime($datetimetype, $returnDatesAsStrings, $expectedDateTime, $datetime);
// The date used for the test will be Januray 31, 2002, or 2002/01/31.
// This will sidestep issues involving the use of two digit years since
// SQL Server defaults to 19 as the first two digits.
// Time is 23:59:29.049876
// Note that smalldatetime rounds to the nearest minute, and that may cause
// this test to fail if it rolls over to the next day.
// Incidentally, this datetime corresponds to a timestamp of 1012521599.
$year = '2002';
$month = '01';
$month_name = 'January';
$month_abbr = 'Jan';
$day = '31';
$hour = '23';
$hour12 = '11';
$meridian = 'PM';
$minute = '59';
$second = '29';
$frac = '04';
$frac2 = '9876';
$tz_correction = '+08:00';
// This is the array of dates/times/timezones to test against. They have
// different numbers of trailing zeroes to match the precision of different
// SQL date and time types, but all go up to microseconds because that's
// how PHP formats times with date_format(), allowing direct string comparisons
// when the DateTime objects retrieved from a table are formatted as strings
// with date_format().
$expectedDateTime = array($year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":".$second.".".$frac.$frac2,
$year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":".$second.".".$frac."0000",
$year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":".$second.".000000",
$year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":00.000000",
$year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":".$second.".".$frac.$frac2." ".$tz_correction,
$year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":".$second.".".$frac."0000 ".$tz_correction,
$year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":".$second.".000000 ".$tz_correction,
$year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":00.000000 ".$tz_correction,
// These formats are for the ODBC driver with types specified in sqlsrv_prepare()
$date_formats = array($year."-".$month."-".$day
$time_formats = array($hour.":".$minute.":".$second,
// These formats are not accepted by either the ODBC driver or by PHP, but
// can possibly be wrangled in sqlsrv_prepare() using strings instead of
// the dedicated date and time types.
$date_formats_nonODBC = array($year."/".$month."/".$day,
$month_name." ".$day.", ".$year,
$time_formats_nonODBC = array($hour12.":".$minute." ".$meridian,
$hour12.":".$minute.":".$second." ".$meridian,
$hour12.":".$minute.":".$second.".".$frac." ".$meridian,
$hour12.":".$minute.":".$second.".".$frac.$frac2." ".$meridian,
// Create arrays containing the ODBC-standard formats, and larger arrays
// containing the non-standard formats, for the supported SQL Server
// date and time types.
$date_formats_all = array_merge($date_formats, $date_formats_nonODBC);
$time_formats_all = array_merge($time_formats, $time_formats_nonODBC);
$datetime_formats_all = array();
$datetime2_formats_all = array();
$datetimeoffset_formats_all = array();
$datetimesmall_formats_all = array();
$SZ_TIME_all = sizeof($time_formats_all);
$SZ_DATE_all = sizeof($date_formats_all);
$SZ_DATETIME_all = $SZ_TIME_all*$SZ_DATE_all;
// Create compound date/time/timezone arrays corresponding to the SQL Server
// date/time types by concatenating the dates and times from above. For the
// datetime type, remove the extra precision of $frac2. For the smalldatetime
// type, remove the extra precision of $frac and $frac2. If the numerical
// string in $frac and/or $frac2 is found elsewhere in the date/time, the data
// will be garbled. For example, if the year is 2002 and $frac2 is 2002, the
// code below will remove any instances of '2002' in the datetime and
// smalldatetime strings, producing garbage for those types. User must be
// cognizant of this when testing different dates and times.
for ($i=0; $i<$SZ_DATE_all; $i++)
for ($j=0; $j<$SZ_TIME_all; $j++)
$datetime_formats_all[] = str_replace($frac2, "", $date_formats_all[$i]." ".$time_formats_all[$j]);
$datetime2_formats_all[] = $date_formats_all[$i]." ".$time_formats_all[$j];
$datetimeoffset_formats_all[] = $date_formats_all[$i]." ".$time_formats_all[$j].$tz_correction;
if (str_replace(".".$frac.$frac2, "", $date_formats_all[$i]." ".$time_formats_all[$j]) == ($date_formats_all[$i]." ".$time_formats_all[$j])) {
$datetimesmall_formats_all[] = str_replace(".".$frac, "", $date_formats_all[$i]." ".$time_formats_all[$j]);
} else {
$datetimesmall_formats_all[] = str_replace(".".$frac.$frac2, "", $date_formats_all[$i]." ".$time_formats_all[$j]);
sqlsrv_configure('WarningsReturnAsErrors', 1);
sqlsrv_configure('LogSeverity', SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL);
sqlsrv_configure('LogSubsystems', SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_OFF);
$returnDatesAsStrings = true;
$conn = AE\connect(array('ReturnDatesAsStrings' => $returnDatesAsStrings));
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'date', $date_formats_all, $SZ_DATE_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_DATE);
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'time', $time_formats_all, $SZ_TIME_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_TIME);
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetime', $datetime_formats_all, $SZ_DATETIME_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_DATETIME);
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetime2', $datetime2_formats_all, $SZ_DATETIME_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_DATETIME2);
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetimeoffset', $datetimeoffset_formats_all, $SZ_DATETIME_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_DATETIMEOFFSET);
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'smalldatetime', $datetimesmall_formats_all, $SZ_DATETIME_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_SMALLDATETIME);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'date', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'time', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetime', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetime2', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetimeoffset', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'smalldatetime', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
$returnDatesAsStrings = false;
$conn = AE\connect(array('ReturnDatesAsStrings' => $returnDatesAsStrings));
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'date', $date_formats_all, $SZ_DATE_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_DATE);
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'time', $time_formats_all, $SZ_TIME_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_TIME);
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetime', $datetime_formats_all, $SZ_DATETIME_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_DATETIME);
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetime2', $datetime2_formats_all, $SZ_DATETIME_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_DATETIME2);
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetimeoffset', $datetimeoffset_formats_all, $SZ_DATETIME_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_DATETIMEOFFSET);
InsertDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'smalldatetime', $datetimesmall_formats_all, $SZ_DATETIME_all, SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_SMALLDATETIME);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'date', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'time', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetime', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetime2', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'datetimeoffset', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
FetchDatesAndOrTimes($conn, 'smalldatetime', $expectedDateTime, $returnDatesAsStrings);
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_date
[Type] => 91
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 10
[Scale] => 0
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_time
[Type] => -154
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 16
[Scale] => 7
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_datetime
[Type] => 93
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 23
[Scale] => 3
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_datetime2
[Type] => 93
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 27
[Scale] => 7
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_datetimeoffset
[Type] => -155
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 34
[Scale] => 7
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_smalldatetime
[Type] => 93
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 16
[Scale] => 0
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_date
[Type] => 91
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 10
[Scale] => 0
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_time
[Type] => -154
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 16
[Scale] => 7
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_datetime
[Type] => 93
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 23
[Scale] => 3
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_datetime2
[Type] => 93
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 27
[Scale] => 7
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_datetimeoffset
[Type] => -155
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 34
[Scale] => 7
[Nullable] => 1
Select fields as strings:
Select fields as DateTime objects:
Select fields with no type information provided:
Select using fetch_array:
[Name] => c1_smalldatetime
[Type] => 93
[Size] =>
[Precision] => 16
[Scale] => 0
[Nullable] => 1

View file

@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ if (!$stmt) {
} }
// The data we test against is in values.php // The data we test against is in values.php
for ($v = 2; $v < sizeof($values); ++$v) for ($v = 0; $v < sizeof($values); ++$v)
{ {
// Each value must be inserted twice because the AE and non-AE column are side by side. // Each value must be inserted twice because the AE and non-AE column are side by side.
$testValues = array(); $testValues = array();
@ -300,6 +300,8 @@ for ($v = 2; $v < sizeof($values); ++$v)
print_r(sqlsrv_errors()); print_r(sqlsrv_errors());
fatalError("Delete statement failed"); fatalError("Delete statement failed");
} }
echo "Step $v done\n";
} }
sqlsrv_close($conn); sqlsrv_close($conn);
@ -307,4 +309,25 @@ sqlsrv_close($conn);
echo "Test successful\n"; echo "Test successful\n";
?> ?>
Step 0 done
Step 1 done
Step 2 done
Step 3 done
Step 4 done
Step 5 done
Step 6 done
Step 7 done
Step 8 done
Step 9 done
Step 10 done
Step 11 done
Step 12 done
Step 13 done
Step 14 done
Step 15 done
Step 16 done
Step 17 done
Step 18 done
Step 19 done
Step 20 done
Test successful Test successful