fix unmatching quoted length and quoted_len in pdo_quote (fix for uninitialized read)

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v-kaywon 2017-07-04 16:32:35 -07:00
parent f2510c7d5d
commit 49fd20d31c

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@ -1369,6 +1369,14 @@ int pdo_sqlsrv_dbh_quote( _Inout_ pdo_dbh_t* dbh, _In_reads_(unquoted_len) const
// convert from char* to hex digits using os
std::basic_ostringstream<char> os;
for ( size_t index = 0; index < unquoted_len && unquoted[ index ] != '\0'; ++index ) {
// if unquoted is < 0 or > 255, that means this is a non-ascii character. Translation from non-ascii to binary is not supported.
// return an empty terminated string for now
if (( int )unquoted[ index ] < 0 || ( int )unquoted[ index ] > 255) {
*quoted_len = 0;
*quoted = reinterpret_cast<char*>( sqlsrv_malloc( *quoted_len, sizeof( char ), 1 ));
( *quoted )[ 0 ] = '\0';
return 1;
// when an int is < 16 and is appended to os, its hex representation which starts
// with '0' does not get appended properly (the starting '0' does not get appended)
// thus append '0' first