Modified how to report test results

This commit is contained in:
Jenny Tam 2017-11-18 10:43:34 -08:00
parent 9ac4c4af96
commit 5bb40d7dff

View file

@ -179,9 +179,11 @@ test_script:
If ($env:SQL_INSTANCE -Match "SQL2016") { If ($env:SQL_INSTANCE -Match "SQL2016") {
"Running phpt tests via OpenCppCoverage..." "Running phpt tests via OpenCppCoverage..."
$ext_dir = ${env:PHP_SDK_DIR} + "\php-" + ${env:PHP_VERSION} + "-src\ext"; $ext_dir = ${env:PHP_SDK_DIR} + "\php-" + ${env:PHP_VERSION} + "-src\ext";
OpenCppCoverage.exe --sources $ext_dir\pdo_sqlsrv --sources $ext_dir\sqlsrv --modules .\ext\*sqlsrv*.dll --export_type=cobertura:.\coverage.xml --cover_children --quiet --continue_after_cpp_exception --optimized_build -- .\php.exe .\run-tests.php -P ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\test\functional\ > ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\test\functional\tests.log 2>&1; cd ${env:PHP_INSTALL_DIR}\ext
type ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\test\functional\tests.log; OpenCppCoverage.exe --sources $ext_dir\pdo_sqlsrv --sources $ext_dir\sqlsrv --modules *sqlsrv*.dll --export_type=cobertura:${env:PHP_INSTALL_DIR}\coverage.xml --cover_children --quiet --continue_after_cpp_exception --optimized_build -- ..\php.exe ..\run-tests.php -P ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\test\functional\ > ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\test\functional\sqlsrvtests.log 2>&1;
ls type ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\test\functional\sqlsrvtests.log;
cd ..
ls *.xml
} Else { } Else {
"Running phpt tests the regular way..." "Running phpt tests the regular way..."
php run-tests.php -p php.exe ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\test\functional\sqlsrv\*.phpt > ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\test\functional\sqlsrv.log 2>&1; php run-tests.php -p php.exe ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\test\functional\sqlsrv\*.phpt > ${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\test\functional\sqlsrv.log 2>&1;
@ -214,40 +216,21 @@ after_test:
- ps: foreach($file in $outfiles){ls $file; more $file} - ps: foreach($file in $outfiles){ls $file; more $file}
#- cd %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\test\functional\ #- cd %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\test\functional\
# there is only one xml file if running tests with coverage analysis # there is only one xml file if running tests with coverage analysis
- ps: >- - ps: (new-object net.webclient).UploadFile("$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", (Resolve-Path .\nativeresult1.xml))
If ($env:SQL_INSTANCE -Match "SQL2016") { - ps: [xml]$results = Get-Content nativeresult1.xml;
cat .\nativeresult1.xml - ps: $result2Exists = Test-Path "nativeresult2.xml"
(new-object net.webclient).UploadFile("$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", (Resolve-Path .\nativeresult1.xml)); - ps: $failure = $results.SelectSingleNode("//failure");
[xml]$results = Get-Content nativeresult1.xml ; - ps: $failure2 = $null
$failure = $results.SelectSingleNode("//failure"); - ps: >-
if ($failure -ne $null) { If ($result2Exists -eq $true) {
Write-Host "Forcing build failure due to phpt unit test failure(s)";
} Else {
cat .\nativeresult1.xml
(new-object net.webclient).UploadFile("$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", (Resolve-Path .\nativeresult1.xml));
(new-object net.webclient).UploadFile("$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", (Resolve-Path .\nativeresult2.xml)); (new-object net.webclient).UploadFile("$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", (Resolve-Path .\nativeresult2.xml));
[xml]$results = Get-Content nativeresult1.xml ; [xml]$results2 = Get-Content nativeresult2.xml;
[xml]$results2 = Get-Content nativeresult2.xml ;
$failure = $results.SelectSingleNode("//failure");
$failure2 = $results2.SelectSingleNode("//failure"); $failure2 = $results2.SelectSingleNode("//failure");
if ($failure -ne $null -Or $failure2 -ne $null) { }
$host.SetShouldExit(1); - ps: >-
Write-Host "Forcing build failure due to phpt unit test failure(s)"; if ($failure -ne $null -Or $failure2 -ne $null)
} {
Write-Host "Forcing build failure due to phpt unit test failure(s)";
} }
# - ps: (new-object net.webclient).UploadFile("$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", (Resolve-Path .\nativeresult1.xml))
# - ps: (new-object net.webclient).UploadFile("$($env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID)", (Resolve-Path .\nativeresult2.xml))
# - ps: >-
# [xml]$results = Get-Content nativeresult1.xml ;
# [xml]$results2 = Get-Content nativeresult2.xml ;
# $failure = $results.SelectSingleNode("//failure");
# $failure2 = $results2.SelectSingleNode("//failure");
# if ($failure -ne $null -Or $failure2 -ne $null)
# {
# $host.SetShouldExit(1);
# Write-Host "Forcing build failure due to phpt unit test failure(s)";
# }