Added batch query test

This commit is contained in:
David Puglielli 2019-04-19 13:26:34 -07:00
parent a3456cdbcb
commit c1b54aabeb

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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
Test a batch query with different cursor types
Verifies that batch queries don't work with dynamic, static, and keyset
server-side cursors, and checks that correct column and row counts are
returned otherwise
<?php require(''); ?>
$cursors = array('forward', 'dynamic', 'static', 'keyset', 'buffered');
$expectedCols = 1;
$expectedRows = 5;
$expectedResultSets = 5;
//expected errors
$noCursor = array(array('01000', 16954, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Executing SQL directly; no cursor.'),
array('01S02', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Cursor type changed'));
$wrongCursor = array(array('IMSSP', -50, 'This function only works with statements that have static or keyset scrollable cursors.'));
$noNextResult = array(array('IMSSP', -22, 'There are no more rows in the active result set. Since this result set is not scrollable, no more data may be retrieved.'));
function checkErrors($expectedError)
$actualError = sqlsrv_errors();
// Make sure we have errors to check for
if (is_null($actualError)) {
fatalError("Expected error message, got none\n");
// Make sure we have the same number of error/info messages
if (sizeof($actualError) != sizeof($expectedError)) {
fatalError("Got wrong number of errors\n");
// Make sure the SQLSTATE, code, and message are identical
$e = 0;
foreach ($actualError AS $error) {
if ($error[0] != $expectedError[$e][0] or $error[1] != $expectedError[$e][1] or $error[2] != $expectedError[$e][2]) {
fatalError("Wrong error message, expected ".$error[2].", got ".$expectedError[$e][2]."\n");
function checkColumnsAndRows($stmt, $cursor, $error)
global $expectedCols, $expectedRows;
$cols = sqlsrv_num_fields($stmt);
if ($cols != $expectedCols) {
fatalError("Incorrect number of columns returned with ".$cursor." cursor. Expected ".$expectedCols." columns, got ".$cols." columns\n");
$rows = sqlsrv_num_rows($stmt);
if ($cursor == 'buffered') {
if ($rows != $expectedRows) {
fatalError("Incorrect number of columns returned with buffered cursor. Expected ".$expectedRows." rows, got ".$rows." rows\n");
} else {
if ($rows !== false) {
fatalError("Expected sqlsrv_num_rows to return false with ".$cursor." cursor, instead returned ".$rows." rows\n");
} else {
sqlsrv_configure('WarningsReturnAsErrors', 1);
$conn = AE\connect();
// Create and populate a table of integer types
$tableName = 'batch_query_test';
$columns = array(new AE\ColumnMeta('int', 'c1_int'),
new AE\ColumnMeta('tinyint', 'c2_tinyint'),
new AE\ColumnMeta('smallint', 'c3_smallint'),
new AE\ColumnMeta('bigint', 'c4_bigint'),
new AE\ColumnMeta('bit', 'c5_bit'));
$stmt = AE\createTable($conn, $tableName, $columns);
if (!$stmt) {
fatalError("Failed to create table $tableName\n");
$inputs = array(array('c1_int'=>86, 'c2_tinyint'=>0, 'c3_smallint'=>4534, 'c4_bigint'=>-1, 'c5_bit'=>0),
array('c1_int'=>-217483648, 'c2_tinyint'=>31, 'c3_smallint'=>-212, 'c4_bigint'=>546098342985694, 'c5_bit'=>1),
array('c1_int'=>0, 'c2_tinyint'=>127, 'c3_smallint'=>32767, 'c4_bigint'=>9223372036854775807, 'c5_bit'=>0),
array('c1_int'=>-432987563, 'c2_tinyint'=>255, 'c3_smallint'=>0, 'c4_bigint'=>5115115115115115115, 'c5_bit'=>0),
array('c1_int'=>7, 'c2_tinyint'=>1, 'c3_smallint'=>7, 'c4_bigint'=>7, 'c5_bit'=>1),
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($inputs); ++$i) {
$stmt = AE\insertRow($conn, $tableName, $inputs[$i]);
$query = "SELECT c1_int from batch_query_test;
SELECT c2_tinyint from batch_query_test;
SELECT c3_smallint from batch_query_test;
SELECT c4_bigint from batch_query_test;
SELECT c5_bit from batch_query_test;";
// Test the batch query with different cursor types
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($cursors); ++$i)
$cursor = $cursors[$i];
echo "Testing with ".$cursor." cursor...\n";
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare($conn, $query, array(), array("Scrollable"=>$cursor));
if (!$stmt) {
fatalError("Error preparing statement with ".$cursor." cursor\n");
if (!sqlsrv_execute($stmt)) {
if ($cursor == 'forward' or $cursor == 'buffered') {
fatalError("Statement execution failed unexpectedly with a ".$cursor." cursor\n");
} else {
// Check the column and row count before and after running through
// all results
checkColumnsAndRows($stmt, $cursor, $wrongCursor);
while ($res = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt))
{ }
checkColumnsAndRows($stmt, $cursor, $wrongCursor);
$numResultSets = 1;
while ($next = sqlsrv_next_result($stmt)) {
checkColumnsAndRows($stmt, $cursor, $wrongCursor);
while ($res = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt))
{ }
checkColumnsAndRows($stmt, $cursor, $wrongCursor);
if ($numResultSets != $expectedResultSets) {
fatalError("Unexpected number of result sets, expected ".$expectedResultedSets.", got ".$numResultSets."\n");
// We expect an error if sqlsrv_next_result returns false,
// but not if it returns null (i.e. if we are genuinely at
// the end of all the result sets with a buffered cursor)
if ($next === false) {
if ($cursor == 'forward') {
} else {
fatalError("sqlsrv_next_result failed with a ".$cursor." cursor\n");
dropTable($conn, $tableName);
echo "Done.\n";
Testing with forward cursor...
Testing with dynamic cursor...
Testing with static cursor...
Testing with keyset cursor...
Testing with buffered cursor...