//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: conn.cpp // // Contents: Routines that use connection handles // // Microsoft Drivers 5.9 for PHP for SQL Server // Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // MIT License // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files(the ""Software""), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and / or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED *AS IS*, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { #include "php_sqlsrv.h" } #include "php_sqlsrv_int.h" #include #include // *** internal variables and constants *** namespace { // current subsytem. defined for the CHECK_SQL_{ERROR|WARNING} macros unsigned int current_log_subsystem = LOG_CONN; struct date_as_string_func { static void func( connection_option const* /*option*/, _In_ zval* value, _Inout_ sqlsrv_conn* conn, std::string& /*conn_str*/ ) { ss_sqlsrv_conn* ss_conn = static_cast( conn ); if( zend_is_true( value )) { ss_conn->date_as_string = true; } else { ss_conn->date_as_string = false; } } }; struct format_decimals_func { static void func(connection_option const* /*option*/, _In_ zval* value, _Inout_ sqlsrv_conn* conn, std::string& /*conn_str*/) { ss_sqlsrv_conn* ss_conn = static_cast(conn); if (zend_is_true(value)) { ss_conn->format_decimals = true; } else { ss_conn->format_decimals = false; } } }; struct decimal_places_func { static void func(connection_option const* /*option*/, _In_ zval* value, _Inout_ sqlsrv_conn* conn, std::string& /*conn_str*/) { // first check if the input is an integer if (Z_TYPE_P(value) != IS_LONG) { THROW_SS_ERROR(conn, SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_DECIMAL_PLACES); } zend_long decimal_places = Z_LVAL_P(value); if (decimal_places < 0 || decimal_places > SQL_SERVER_MAX_MONEY_SCALE) { decimal_places = NO_CHANGE_DECIMAL_PLACES; } ss_sqlsrv_conn* ss_conn = static_cast(conn); ss_conn->decimal_places = static_cast(decimal_places); } }; struct conn_char_set_func { static void func( connection_option const* /*option*/, _Inout_ zval* value, _Inout_ sqlsrv_conn* conn, std::string& /*conn_str*/ ) { convert_to_string( value ); const char* encoding = Z_STRVAL_P( value ); size_t encoding_len = Z_STRLEN_P( value ); zend_ulong index = -1; zend_string* key = NULL; void* ss_encoding_temp = NULL; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_PTR( g_ss_encodings_ht, index, key, ss_encoding_temp ) { sqlsrv_encoding* ss_encoding = reinterpret_cast( ss_encoding_temp ); ss_encoding_temp = NULL; if (!strnicmp( encoding, ss_encoding->iana, encoding_len )) { if ( ss_encoding->not_for_connection ) { THROW_SS_ERROR( conn, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_CONNECT_ILLEGAL_ENCODING, encoding ); } conn->set_encoding( static_cast(ss_encoding->code_page )); return; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); THROW_SS_ERROR( conn, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_CONNECT_ILLEGAL_ENCODING, encoding ); } }; struct bool_conn_str_func { static void func( _In_ connection_option const* option, _In_ zval* value, sqlsrv_conn* /*conn*/, _Out_ std::string& conn_str ) { char const* val_str; if( zend_is_true( value )) { val_str = "yes"; } else { val_str = "no"; } conn_str += option->odbc_name; conn_str += "={"; conn_str += val_str; conn_str += "};"; } }; struct int_conn_str_func { static void func( _In_ connection_option const* option, _In_ zval* value, sqlsrv_conn* /*conn*/, _Out_ std::string& conn_str ) { SQLSRV_ASSERT( Z_TYPE_P( value ) == IS_LONG, "An integer is expected for this keyword" ) std::string val_str = std::to_string( Z_LVAL_P( value )); conn_str += option->odbc_name; conn_str += "={"; conn_str += val_str; conn_str += "};"; } }; template struct int_conn_attr_func { static void func( connection_option const* /*option*/, _In_ zval* value, _Inout_ sqlsrv_conn* conn, std::string& /*conn_str*/ ) { try { core::SQLSetConnectAttr( conn, Attr, reinterpret_cast( Z_LVAL_P( value )), SQL_IS_UINTEGER ); } catch( core::CoreException& ) { throw; } } }; template struct bool_conn_attr_func { static void func( connection_option const* /*option*/, _In_ zval* value, _Inout_ sqlsrv_conn* conn, std::string& /*conn_str*/ ) { try { core::SQLSetConnectAttr(conn, Attr, reinterpret_cast((zend_long)zend_is_true(value)), SQL_IS_UINTEGER); } catch( core::CoreException& ) { throw; } } }; //// *** internal functions *** void sqlsrv_conn_close_stmts( _Inout_ ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn ); void validate_conn_options( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ zval* user_options_z, _Inout_ char** uid, _Inout_ char** pwd, _Inout_ HashTable* ss_conn_options_ht ); void validate_stmt_options( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _Inout_ zval* stmt_options, _Inout_ HashTable* ss_stmt_options_ht ); void add_conn_option_key( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ zend_string* key, _In_ size_t key_len, _Inout_ HashTable* options_ht, _Inout_ zval* data ); void add_stmt_option_key( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ zend_string* key, _In_ size_t key_len, _Inout_ HashTable* options_ht, _Inout_ zval* data ); int get_conn_option_key( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ zend_string* key, _In_ size_t key_len, _Inout_ zval const* value_z ); int get_stmt_option_key( _In_ zend_string* key, _In_ size_t key_len ); } // constants for parameters used by process_params function(s) int ss_sqlsrv_conn::descriptor; const char* ss_sqlsrv_conn::resource_name = "ss_sqlsrv_conn"; // connection specific parameter proccessing. Use the generic function specialised to return a connection // resource. #define PROCESS_PARAMS( rsrc, param_spec, calling_func, param_count, ... ) \ rsrc = process_params( INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, param_spec, calling_func, param_count, ##__VA_ARGS__ );\ if( rsrc == NULL ) { \ RETURN_FALSE; \ } namespace SSStmtOptionNames { const char QUERY_TIMEOUT[]= "QueryTimeout"; const char SEND_STREAMS_AT_EXEC[] = "SendStreamParamsAtExec"; const char SCROLLABLE[] = "Scrollable"; const char CLIENT_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE[] = INI_BUFFERED_QUERY_LIMIT; const char DATE_AS_STRING[] = "ReturnDatesAsStrings"; const char FORMAT_DECIMALS[] = "FormatDecimals"; const char DECIMAL_PLACES[] = "DecimalPlaces"; const char DATA_CLASSIFICATION[] = "DataClassification"; } namespace SSConnOptionNames { // most of these strings are the same for both the sqlsrv_connect connection option // and the name put into the connection string. MARS is the only one that's different. const char APP[] = "APP"; const char AccessToken[] = "AccessToken"; const char ApplicationIntent[] = "ApplicationIntent"; const char AttachDBFileName[] = "AttachDbFileName"; const char Authentication[] = "Authentication"; const char CharacterSet[] = "CharacterSet"; const char ColumnEncryption[] = "ColumnEncryption"; const char ConnectionPooling[] = "ConnectionPooling"; const char Language[] = "Language"; const char ConnectRetryCount[] = "ConnectRetryCount"; const char ConnectRetryInterval[] = "ConnectRetryInterval"; const char Database[] = "Database"; const char DecimalPlaces[] = "DecimalPlaces"; const char FormatDecimals[] = "FormatDecimals"; const char DateAsString[] = "ReturnDatesAsStrings"; const char Driver[] = "Driver"; const char Encrypt[] = "Encrypt"; const char Failover_Partner[] = "Failover_Partner"; const char KeyStoreAuthentication[] = "KeyStoreAuthentication"; const char KeyStorePrincipalId[] = "KeyStorePrincipalId"; const char KeyStoreSecret[] = "KeyStoreSecret"; const char LoginTimeout[] = "LoginTimeout"; const char MARS_Option[] = "MultipleActiveResultSets"; const char MultiSubnetFailover[] = "MultiSubnetFailover"; const char PWD[] = "PWD"; const char QuotedId[] = "QuotedId"; const char TraceFile[] = "TraceFile"; const char TraceOn[] = "TraceOn"; const char TrustServerCertificate[] = "TrustServerCertificate"; const char TransactionIsolation[] = "TransactionIsolation"; const char TransparentNetworkIPResolution[] = "TransparentNetworkIPResolution"; const char UID[] = "UID"; const char WSID[] = "WSID"; } enum SS_CONN_OPTIONS { SS_CONN_OPTION_DATE_AS_STRING = SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_DRIVER_SPECIFIC, SS_CONN_OPTION_FORMAT_DECIMALS, SS_CONN_OPTION_DECIMAL_PLACES, }; //List of all statement options supported by this driver const stmt_option SS_STMT_OPTS[] = { { SSStmtOptionNames::QUERY_TIMEOUT, sizeof( SSStmtOptionNames::QUERY_TIMEOUT ), SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_QUERY_TIMEOUT, std::unique_ptr( new stmt_option_query_timeout ) }, { SSStmtOptionNames::SEND_STREAMS_AT_EXEC, sizeof( SSStmtOptionNames::SEND_STREAMS_AT_EXEC ), SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_SEND_STREAMS_AT_EXEC, std::unique_ptr( new stmt_option_send_at_exec ) }, { SSStmtOptionNames::SCROLLABLE, sizeof( SSStmtOptionNames::SCROLLABLE ), SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_SCROLLABLE, std::unique_ptr( new stmt_option_ss_scrollable ) }, { SSStmtOptionNames::CLIENT_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, sizeof( SSStmtOptionNames::CLIENT_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE ), SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_CLIENT_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, std::unique_ptr( new stmt_option_buffered_query_limit ) }, { SSStmtOptionNames::DATE_AS_STRING, sizeof( SSStmtOptionNames::DATE_AS_STRING ), SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_DATE_AS_STRING, std::unique_ptr( new stmt_option_date_as_string ) }, { SSStmtOptionNames::FORMAT_DECIMALS, sizeof( SSStmtOptionNames::FORMAT_DECIMALS ), SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_FORMAT_DECIMALS, std::unique_ptr( new stmt_option_format_decimals ) }, { SSStmtOptionNames::DECIMAL_PLACES, sizeof( SSStmtOptionNames::DECIMAL_PLACES), SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_DECIMAL_PLACES, std::unique_ptr( new stmt_option_decimal_places ) }, { SSStmtOptionNames::DATA_CLASSIFICATION, sizeof( SSStmtOptionNames::DATA_CLASSIFICATION ), SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_DATA_CLASSIFICATION, std::unique_ptr( new stmt_option_data_classification ) }, { NULL, 0, SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_INVALID, std::unique_ptr{} }, }; // List of all connection options supported by this driver. const connection_option SS_CONN_OPTS[] = { { SSConnOptionNames::APP, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::APP ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_APP, ODBCConnOptions::APP, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::APP ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, conn_str_append_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::AccessToken, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::AccessToken ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_ACCESS_TOKEN, ODBCConnOptions::AccessToken, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::AccessToken), CONN_ATTR_STRING, access_token_set_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::ApplicationIntent, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::ApplicationIntent ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_APPLICATION_INTENT, ODBCConnOptions::ApplicationIntent, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::ApplicationIntent ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, conn_str_append_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::AttachDBFileName, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::AttachDBFileName ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_ATTACHDBFILENAME, ODBCConnOptions::AttachDBFileName, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::AttachDBFileName ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, conn_str_append_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::CharacterSet, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::CharacterSet ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_CHARACTERSET, ODBCConnOptions::CharacterSet, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::CharacterSet ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, conn_char_set_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::Authentication, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::Authentication ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_AUTHENTICATION, ODBCConnOptions::Authentication, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::Authentication ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, conn_str_append_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::ConnectionPooling, sizeof(SSConnOptionNames::ConnectionPooling), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_CONN_POOLING, ODBCConnOptions::ConnectionPooling, sizeof(ODBCConnOptions::ConnectionPooling), CONN_ATTR_BOOL, conn_null_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::Language, sizeof(SSConnOptionNames::Language), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_LANGUAGE, ODBCConnOptions::Language, sizeof(ODBCConnOptions::Language), CONN_ATTR_STRING, conn_str_append_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::Driver, sizeof(SSConnOptionNames::Driver), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_DRIVER, ODBCConnOptions::Driver, sizeof(ODBCConnOptions::Driver), CONN_ATTR_STRING, driver_set_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::ColumnEncryption, sizeof(SSConnOptionNames::ColumnEncryption), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_COLUMNENCRYPTION, ODBCConnOptions::ColumnEncryption, sizeof(ODBCConnOptions::ColumnEncryption), CONN_ATTR_STRING, column_encryption_set_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::ConnectRetryCount, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::ConnectRetryCount ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_CONN_RETRY_COUNT, ODBCConnOptions::ConnectRetryCount, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::ConnectRetryCount ), CONN_ATTR_INT, int_conn_str_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::ConnectRetryInterval, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::ConnectRetryInterval ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_CONN_RETRY_INTERVAL, ODBCConnOptions::ConnectRetryInterval, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::ConnectRetryInterval ), CONN_ATTR_INT, int_conn_str_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::Database, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::Database ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_DATABASE, ODBCConnOptions::Database, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::Database ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, conn_str_append_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::Encrypt, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::Encrypt ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_ENCRYPT, ODBCConnOptions::Encrypt, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::Encrypt ), CONN_ATTR_BOOL, bool_conn_str_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::Failover_Partner, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::Failover_Partner ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_FAILOVER_PARTNER, ODBCConnOptions::Failover_Partner, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::Failover_Partner ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, conn_str_append_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::KeyStoreAuthentication, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::KeyStoreAuthentication ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_KEYSTORE_AUTHENTICATION, ODBCConnOptions::KeyStoreAuthentication, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::KeyStoreAuthentication ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, ce_akv_str_set_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::KeyStorePrincipalId, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::KeyStorePrincipalId ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_KEYSTORE_PRINCIPAL_ID, ODBCConnOptions::KeyStorePrincipalId, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::KeyStorePrincipalId ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, ce_akv_str_set_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::KeyStoreSecret, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::KeyStoreSecret ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_KEYSTORE_SECRET, ODBCConnOptions::KeyStoreSecret, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::KeyStoreSecret ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, ce_akv_str_set_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::LoginTimeout, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::LoginTimeout ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, ODBCConnOptions::LoginTimeout, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::LoginTimeout ), CONN_ATTR_INT, int_conn_attr_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::MARS_Option, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::MARS_Option ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_MARS, ODBCConnOptions::MARS_ODBC, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::MARS_ODBC ), CONN_ATTR_BOOL, bool_conn_str_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::MultiSubnetFailover, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::MultiSubnetFailover ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_MULTI_SUBNET_FAILOVER, ODBCConnOptions::MultiSubnetFailover, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::MultiSubnetFailover ), CONN_ATTR_BOOL, bool_conn_str_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::QuotedId, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::QuotedId ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_QUOTED_ID, ODBCConnOptions::QuotedId, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::QuotedId ), CONN_ATTR_BOOL, bool_conn_str_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::TraceFile, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::TraceFile ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_TRACE_FILE, ODBCConnOptions::TraceFile, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::TraceFile ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, str_conn_attr_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::TraceOn, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::TraceOn ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_TRACE_ON, ODBCConnOptions::TraceOn, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::TraceOn ), CONN_ATTR_BOOL, bool_conn_attr_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::TransactionIsolation, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::TransactionIsolation ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_TRANS_ISOLATION, ODBCConnOptions::TransactionIsolation, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::TransactionIsolation ), CONN_ATTR_INT, int_conn_attr_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::TrustServerCertificate, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::TrustServerCertificate ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_TRUST_SERVER_CERT, ODBCConnOptions::TrustServerCertificate, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::TrustServerCertificate ), CONN_ATTR_BOOL, bool_conn_str_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::TransparentNetworkIPResolution, sizeof(SSConnOptionNames::TransparentNetworkIPResolution), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_TRANSPARENT_NETWORK_IP_RESOLUTION, ODBCConnOptions::TransparentNetworkIPResolution, sizeof(ODBCConnOptions::TransparentNetworkIPResolution), CONN_ATTR_STRING, conn_str_append_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::WSID, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::WSID ), SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_WSID, ODBCConnOptions::WSID, sizeof( ODBCConnOptions::WSID ), CONN_ATTR_STRING, conn_str_append_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::DateAsString, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::DateAsString ), SS_CONN_OPTION_DATE_AS_STRING, SSConnOptionNames::DateAsString, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::DateAsString ), CONN_ATTR_BOOL, date_as_string_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::FormatDecimals, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::FormatDecimals), SS_CONN_OPTION_FORMAT_DECIMALS, SSConnOptionNames::FormatDecimals, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::FormatDecimals), CONN_ATTR_BOOL, format_decimals_func::func }, { SSConnOptionNames::DecimalPlaces, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::DecimalPlaces), SS_CONN_OPTION_DECIMAL_PLACES, SSConnOptionNames::DecimalPlaces, sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::DecimalPlaces), CONN_ATTR_INT, decimal_places_func::func }, { NULL, 0, SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_INVALID, NULL, 0 , CONN_ATTR_INVALID, NULL }, //terminate the table }; // sqlsrv_connect( string $serverName [, array $connectionInfo]) // // Creates a connection resource and opens a connection. By default, the // connection is attempted using Windows Authentication. // // Parameters // $serverName: A string specifying the name of the server to which a connection // is being established. An instance name (for example, "myServer\instanceName") // or port number (for example, "myServer, 1521") can be included as part of // this string. For a complete description of the options available for this // parameter, see the Server keyword in the ODBC Driver Connection String // Keywords section of Using Connection String Keywords with ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server. // // $connectionInfo [OPTIONAL]: An associative array that contains connection // attributes (for example, array("Database" => "AdventureWorks")). // // Return Value // A PHP connection resource. If a connection cannot be successfully created and // opened, false is returned PHP_FUNCTION ( sqlsrv_connect ) { LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_connect" ); g_ss_henv_cp->set_func(_FN_); g_ss_henv_ncp->set_func(_FN_); reset_errors(); const char* server = NULL; zval* options_z = NULL; char* uid = NULL; char* pwd = NULL; size_t server_len = 0; zval conn_z; ZVAL_UNDEF(&conn_z); // get the server name and connection options int result = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "s|a", &server, &server_len, &options_z ); CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( result == FAILURE ), *g_ss_henv_cp, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, "sqlsrv_connect" ) { RETURN_FALSE; } hash_auto_ptr ss_conn_options_ht; hash_auto_ptr stmts; ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn = NULL; try { // Initialize the options array to be passed to the core layer ALLOC_HASHTABLE( ss_conn_options_ht ); core::sqlsrv_zend_hash_init( *g_ss_henv_cp, ss_conn_options_ht, 10 /* # of buckets */, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0 /*persistent*/ ); // Either of g_ss_henv_cp or g_ss_henv_ncp can be used to propagate the error. ::validate_conn_options( *g_ss_henv_cp, options_z, &uid, &pwd, ss_conn_options_ht ); // call the core connect function conn = static_cast( core_sqlsrv_connect( *g_ss_henv_cp, *g_ss_henv_ncp, &core::allocate_conn, server, uid, pwd, ss_conn_options_ht, ss_error_handler, SS_CONN_OPTS, NULL, "sqlsrv_connect" )); SQLSRV_ASSERT( conn != NULL, "sqlsrv_connect: Invalid connection returned. Exception should have been thrown." ); // create a bunch of statements ALLOC_HASHTABLE( stmts ); core::sqlsrv_zend_hash_init( *g_ss_henv_cp, stmts, 5, NULL /* dtor */, 0 /* persistent */ ); // register the connection with the PHP runtime ss::zend_register_resource(conn_z, conn, ss_sqlsrv_conn::descriptor, ss_sqlsrv_conn::resource_name); conn->stmts = stmts; stmts.transferred(); RETURN_RES( Z_RES(conn_z) ); } catch( core::CoreException& ) { if( conn != NULL ) { conn->invalidate(); } RETURN_FALSE; } catch( ... ) { DIE("sqlsrv_connect: Unknown exception caught."); } } // sqlsrv_begin_transaction( resource $conn ) // // Begins a transaction on a specified connection. The current transaction // includes all statements on the specified connection that were executed after // the call to sqlsrv_begin_transaction and before any calls to sqlsrv_rollback // or sqlsrv_commit. // // The SQLSRV driver is in auto-commit mode by default. This means that all // queries are automatically committed upon success unless they have been // designated as part of an explicit transaction by using // sqlsrv_begin_transaction. // // If sqlsrv_begin_transaction is called after a transaction has already been // initiated on the connection but not completed by calling either sqlsrv_commit // or sqlsrv_rollback, the call returns false and an Already in Transaction // error is added to the error collection. // // Parameters // $conn: The connection with which the transaction is associated. // // Return Value // A Boolean value: true if the transaction was successfully begun. Otherwise, false. PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_begin_transaction ) { LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_begin_transaction" ); ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn = NULL; PROCESS_PARAMS( conn, "r", _FN_, 0 ); // Return false if already in transaction CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( conn->in_transaction == true ), *conn, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_ALREADY_IN_TXN ) { RETURN_FALSE; } try { core_sqlsrv_begin_transaction( conn ); conn->in_transaction = true; RETURN_TRUE; } catch( core::CoreException& ) { RETURN_FALSE; } catch( ... ) { DIE("sqlsrv_begin_transaction: Unknown exception caught."); } } // sqlsrv_close( resource $conn ) // Closes the specified connection and releases associated resources. // // Parameters // $conn: The connection to be closed. Null is a valid value parameter for this // parameter. This allows the function to be called multiple times in a // script. For example, if you close a connection in an error condition and // close it again at the end of the script, the second call to sqlsrv_close will // return true because the first call to sqlsrv_close (in the error condition) // sets the connection resource to null. // // Return Value // The Boolean value true unless the function is called with an invalid // parameter. If the function is called with an invalid parameter, false is // returned. PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_close ) { LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_close" ); zval* conn_r = NULL; ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn = NULL; sqlsrv_context_auto_ptr error_ctx; reset_errors(); try { // dummy context to pass to the error handler error_ctx = new (sqlsrv_malloc( sizeof( sqlsrv_context ))) sqlsrv_context( 0, ss_error_handler, NULL ); error_ctx->set_func(_FN_); if( zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "r", &conn_r) == FAILURE ) { // Check if it was a zval int zr = zend_parse_parameters( ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "z", &conn_r ); CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( zr == FAILURE ), error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ) { throw ss::SSException(); } // if sqlsrv_close was called on a non-existent connection then we just return success. if( Z_TYPE_P( conn_r ) == IS_NULL ) { RETURN_TRUE; } else { THROW_CORE_ERROR( error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ); } } SQLSRV_ASSERT( conn_r != NULL, "sqlsrv_close: conn_r was null" ); conn = static_cast( zend_fetch_resource( Z_RES_P( conn_r ), ss_sqlsrv_conn::resource_name, ss_sqlsrv_conn::descriptor )); // if sqlsrv_close was called on an already closed connection then we just return success. if ( Z_RES_TYPE_P( conn_r ) == RSRC_INVALID_TYPE) { RETURN_TRUE; } CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( conn == NULL ), error_ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ) { throw ss::SSException(); } conn->set_func(_FN_); // cause any variables still holding a reference to this to be invalid so they cause // an error when passed to a sqlsrv function. There's nothing we can do if the // removal fails, so we just log it and move on. #if PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000 if (zend_list_close(Z_RES_P(conn_r)) == FAILURE) { LOG(SEV_ERROR, "Failed to remove connection resource %1!d!", Z_RES_HANDLE_P(conn_r)); } #else zend_list_close(Z_RES_P(conn_r)); #endif // when conn_r is first parsed in zend_parse_parameters, conn_r becomes a zval that points to a zend_resource with a refcount of 2 // need to DELREF here so the refcount becomes 1 and conn_r can be appropriate destroyed by the garbage collector when it goes out of scope // zend_list_close only destroy the resource pointed to by Z_RES_P( conn_r ), not the zend_resource itself Z_TRY_DELREF_P(conn_r); ZVAL_NULL( conn_r ); RETURN_TRUE; } catch( core::CoreException& ) { RETURN_FALSE; } catch( ... ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_close: Unknown exception caught." ); } } void __cdecl sqlsrv_conn_dtor( _Inout_ zend_resource *rsrc ) { // Without sqlsrv_close(), this function is invoked by php during the final clean up stage. // To prevent memory/resource leaks, no more logging at this point. //LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_conn_dtor" ); // get the structure ss_sqlsrv_conn *conn = static_cast( rsrc->ptr ); SQLSRV_ASSERT( conn != NULL, "sqlsrv_conn_dtor: connection was null"); conn->set_func(__func__); // close all statements associated with the connection. sqlsrv_conn_close_stmts( conn ); // close the connection itself. core_sqlsrv_close( conn ); rsrc->ptr = NULL; } // sqlsrv_commit( resource $conn ) // // Commits the current transaction on the specified connection and returns the // connection to the auto-commit mode. The current transaction includes all // statements on the specified connection that were executed after the call to // sqlsrv_begin_transaction and before any calls to sqlsrv_rollback or // sqlsrv_commit. // The SQLSRV driver is in auto-commit mode by // default. This means that all queries are automatically committed upon success // unless they have been designated as part of an explicit transaction by using // sqlsrv_begin_transaction. If sqlsrv_commit is called on a connection that is // not in an active transaction and that was initiated with // sqlsrv_begin_transaction, the call returns false and a Not in Transaction // error is added to the error collection. // // Parameters // $conn: The connection on which the transaction is active. // // Return Value // A Boolean value: true if the transaction was successfully committed. Otherwise, false. PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_commit ) { LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_commit" ); ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn = NULL; PROCESS_PARAMS( conn, "r", _FN_, 0 ); // Return false if not in transaction CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( conn->in_transaction == false ), *conn, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_NOT_IN_TXN ) { RETURN_FALSE; } try { conn->in_transaction = false; core_sqlsrv_commit( conn ); RETURN_TRUE; } catch( core::CoreException& ) { RETURN_FALSE; } catch( ... ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_commit: Unknown exception caught." ); } } // sqlsrv_rollback( resource $conn ) // // Rolls back the current transaction on the specified connection and returns // the connection to the auto-commit mode. The current transaction includes all // statements on the specified connection that were executed after the call to // sqlsrv_begin_transaction and before any calls to sqlsrv_rollback or // sqlsrv_commit. // // The SQLSRV driver is in auto-commit mode by default. This // means that all queries are automatically committed upon success unless they // have been designated as part of an explicit transaction by using // sqlsrv_begin_transaction. // // If sqlsrv_rollback is called on a connection that is not in an active // transaction that was initiated with sqlsrv_begin_transaction, the call // returns false and a Not in Transaction error is added to the error // collection. // // Parameters // $conn: The connection on which the transaction is active. // // Return Value // A Boolean value: true if the transaction was successfully rolled back. Otherwise, false. PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_rollback ) { LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_rollback" ); ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn = NULL; PROCESS_PARAMS( conn, "r", _FN_, 0 ); // Return false if not in transaction CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( conn->in_transaction == false ), *conn, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_NOT_IN_TXN ) { RETURN_FALSE; } try { conn->in_transaction = false; core_sqlsrv_rollback( conn ); RETURN_TRUE; } catch( core::CoreException& ){ RETURN_FALSE; } catch( ... ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_rollback: Unknown exception caught." ); } } // sqlsrv_client_info // Returns the ODBC driver's dll name, version and the ODBC version. Also returns // the version of this extension. // Parameters: // $conn - The connection resource by which the client and server are connected. PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_client_info ) { LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_client_info" ); ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn = NULL; PROCESS_PARAMS( conn, "r", _FN_, 0 ); try { core_sqlsrv_get_client_info(conn, return_value); // Add the sqlsrv driver's file version //Declarations below eliminate compiler warnings about string constant to char* conversions const char* extver = "ExtensionVer"; std::string filever = VER_FILEVERSION_STR; add_assoc_string(return_value, extver, &filever[0]); } catch (core::CoreException&) { RETURN_FALSE; } catch (...) { DIE("sqlsrv_client_info: Unknown exception caught."); } } // sqlsrv_server_info( resource $conn ) // // Returns information about the server. // // Parameters // $conn: The connection resource by which the client and server are connected. // // Return Value // An associative array with the following keys: // CurrentDatabase // The database currently being targeted. // SQLServerVersion // The version of SQL Server. // SQLServerName // The name of the server. PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_server_info ) { try { LOG_FUNCTION("sqlsrv_server_info"); ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn = NULL; PROCESS_PARAMS(conn, "r", _FN_, 0); core_sqlsrv_get_server_info(conn, return_value); } catch (core::CoreException&) { RETURN_FALSE; } catch (...) { DIE("sqlsrv_server_info: Unknown exception caught."); } } // sqlsrv_prepare( resource $conn, string $tsql [, array $params [, array $options]]) // // Creates a statement resource associated with the specified connection. A statement // resource returned by sqlsrv_prepare may be executed multiple times by sqlsrv_execute. // In between each execution, the values may be updated by changing the value of the // variables bound. Output parameters cannot be relied upon to contain their results until // all rows are processed. // // Parameters // $conn: The connection resource associated with the created statement. // // $tsql: The Transact-SQL expression that corresponds to the created statement. // // $params [OPTIONAL]: An array of values that correspond to parameters in a // parameterized query. Each parameter may be specified as: // $value | array($value [, $direction [, $phpType [, $sqlType]]]) // When given just a $value, the direction is default input, and phptype is the value // given, with the sql type inferred from the php type. // // $options [OPTIONAL]: An associative array that sets query properties. The // table below lists the supported keys and corresponding values: // QueryTimeout // Sets the query timeout in seconds. By default, the driver will wait // indefinitely for results. // SendStreamParamsAtExec // Configures the driver to send all stream data at execution (true), or to // send stream data in chunks (false). By default, the value is set to // true. For more information, see sqlsrv_send_stream_data. // // Return Value // A statement resource. If the statement resource cannot be created, false is returned. PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_prepare ) { LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_prepare" ); sqlsrv_malloc_auto_ptr stmt; ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn = NULL; char *sql = NULL; zend_long sql_len = 0; zval* params_z = NULL; zval* options_z = NULL; hash_auto_ptr ss_stmt_options_ht; zval stmt_z; ZVAL_UNDEF(&stmt_z); PROCESS_PARAMS( conn, "rs|a!a!", _FN_, 4, &sql, &sql_len, ¶ms_z, &options_z ); try { if( options_z && zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL_P( options_z )) > 0 ) { // Initialize the options array to be passed to the core layer ALLOC_HASHTABLE( ss_stmt_options_ht ); core::sqlsrv_zend_hash_init( *conn , ss_stmt_options_ht, 5 /* # of buckets */, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0 /*persistent*/ ); validate_stmt_options( *conn, options_z, ss_stmt_options_ht ); } if( params_z && Z_TYPE_P( params_z ) != IS_ARRAY ) { THROW_SS_ERROR( conn, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ); } if( options_z && Z_TYPE_P( options_z ) != IS_ARRAY ) { THROW_SS_ERROR( conn, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ); } if( sql == NULL ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_prepare: sql string was null." ); } stmt = static_cast( core_sqlsrv_create_stmt( conn, core::allocate_stmt, ss_stmt_options_ht, SS_STMT_OPTS, ss_error_handler, NULL ) ); core_sqlsrv_prepare( stmt, sql, sql_len ); if (params_z) { stmt->params_z = (zval *)sqlsrv_malloc(sizeof(zval)); ZVAL_COPY(stmt->params_z, params_z); } stmt->prepared = true; // register the statement with the PHP runtime ss::zend_register_resource( stmt_z, stmt, ss_sqlsrv_stmt::descriptor, ss_sqlsrv_stmt::resource_name ); // store the resource id with the connection so the connection // can release this statement when it closes. zend_long next_index = zend_hash_next_free_element( conn->stmts ); core::sqlsrv_zend_hash_index_update(*conn, conn->stmts, next_index, &stmt_z); stmt->conn_index = next_index; // the statement is now registered with EG( regular_list ) stmt.transferred(); RETURN_RES(Z_RES(stmt_z)); } catch( core::CoreException& ) { if( stmt ) { stmt->conn = NULL; stmt->~ss_sqlsrv_stmt(); } if (!Z_ISUNDEF(stmt_z)) { free_stmt_resource(&stmt_z); } RETURN_FALSE; } catch( ... ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_prepare: Unknown exception caught." ); } } // sqlsrv_query( resource $conn, string $tsql [, array $params [, array $options]]) // // Creates a statement resource associated with the specified connection. The statement // is immediately executed and may not be executed again using sqlsrv_execute. // // Parameters // $conn: The connection resource associated with the created statement. // // $tsql: The Transact-SQL expression that corresponds to the created statement. // // $params [OPTIONAL]: An array of values that correspond to parameters in a // parameterized query. Each parameter may be specified as: // $value | array($value [, $direction [, $phpType [, $sqlType]]]) // When given just a $value, the direction is default input, and phptype is the value // given, with the sql type inferred from the php type. // // $options [OPTIONAL]: An associative array that sets query properties. The // table below lists the supported keys and corresponding values: // QueryTimeout // Sets the query timeout in seconds. By default, the driver will wait // indefinitely for results. // SendStreamParamsAtExec // Configures the driver to send all stream data at execution (true), or to // send stream data in chunks (false). By default, the value is set to // true. For more information, see sqlsrv_send_stream_data. // // Return Value // A statement resource. If the statement resource cannot be created, false is returned. PHP_FUNCTION( sqlsrv_query ) { LOG_FUNCTION( "sqlsrv_query" ); ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn = NULL; sqlsrv_malloc_auto_ptr stmt; char* sql = NULL; hash_auto_ptr ss_stmt_options_ht; size_t sql_len = 0; zval* options_z = NULL; zval* params_z = NULL; zval stmt_z; ZVAL_UNDEF(&stmt_z); PROCESS_PARAMS( conn, "rs|a!a!", _FN_, 4, &sql, &sql_len, ¶ms_z, &options_z ); try { // check for statement options if( options_z && zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL_P( options_z )) > 0 ) { // Initialize the options array to be passed to the core layer ALLOC_HASHTABLE( ss_stmt_options_ht ); core::sqlsrv_zend_hash_init( *conn , ss_stmt_options_ht, 5 /* # of buckets */, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0 /*persistent*/ ); validate_stmt_options( *conn, options_z, ss_stmt_options_ht ); } if( params_z && Z_TYPE_P( params_z ) != IS_ARRAY ) { THROW_SS_ERROR( conn, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ); } if( options_z && Z_TYPE_P( options_z ) != IS_ARRAY ) { THROW_SS_ERROR( conn, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_PARAMETER, _FN_ ); } if( sql == NULL ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_query: sql string was null." ); } stmt = static_cast( core_sqlsrv_create_stmt( conn, core::allocate_stmt, ss_stmt_options_ht, SS_STMT_OPTS, ss_error_handler, NULL ) ); if( params_z ) { stmt->params_z = (zval *)sqlsrv_malloc(sizeof(zval)); ZVAL_COPY(stmt->params_z, params_z); } stmt->set_func( "sqlsrv_query" ); bind_params( stmt ); // execute the statement core_sqlsrv_execute( stmt, sql, static_cast( sql_len ) ); // register the statement with the PHP runtime ss::zend_register_resource(stmt_z, stmt, ss_sqlsrv_stmt::descriptor, ss_sqlsrv_stmt::resource_name); // store the resource id with the connection so the connection // can release this statement when it closes. zend_ulong next_index = zend_hash_next_free_element( conn->stmts ); core::sqlsrv_zend_hash_index_update(*conn, conn->stmts, next_index, &stmt_z); stmt->conn_index = next_index; stmt.transferred(); RETURN_RES(Z_RES(stmt_z)); } catch( core::CoreException& ) { if( stmt ) { stmt->conn = NULL; // tell the statement that it isn't part of the connection so it doesn't try to remove itself stmt->~ss_sqlsrv_stmt(); } if (!Z_ISUNDEF(stmt_z)) { free_stmt_resource(&stmt_z); } RETURN_FALSE; } catch( ... ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_query: Unknown exception caught." ); } } void free_stmt_resource( _Inout_ zval* stmt_z ) { #if PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000 if (FAILURE == zend_list_close(Z_RES_P(stmt_z))) { LOG(SEV_ERROR, "Failed to remove stmt resource %1!d!", Z_RES_HANDLE_P(stmt_z)); } #else zend_list_close(Z_RES_P(stmt_z)); #endif ZVAL_NULL( stmt_z ); zval_ptr_dtor(stmt_z); } // internal connection functions namespace { // must close all statement handles opened by this connection before closing the connection // no errors are returned, since close should always succeed void sqlsrv_conn_close_stmts( _Inout_ ss_sqlsrv_conn* conn ) { //pre-condition check SQLSRV_ASSERT(( conn->handle() != NULL ), "sqlsrv_conn_close_stmts: Connection handle is NULL. Trying to destroy an " "already destroyed connection."); SQLSRV_ASSERT(( conn->stmts ), "sqlsrv_conn_close_stmts: Connection doesn't contain a statement array." ); // loop through the stmts hash table and destroy each stmt resource so we can close the // ODBC connection zval* rsrc_ptr = NULL; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL( conn->stmts, rsrc_ptr ) { try { int zr = ( rsrc_ptr ) != NULL ? SUCCESS : FAILURE; CHECK_ZEND_ERROR( zr, *conn, SQLSRV_ERROR_ZEND_HASH ) { throw core::CoreException(); } } catch( core::CoreException& ) { DIE( "sqlsrv_conn_close_stmts: Failed to retrieve a statement resource from the connection" ); } // see if the statement is still valid, and if not skip to the next one // presumably this should never happen because if it's in the list, it should still be valid // by virtue that a statement resource should remove itself from its connection when it is // destroyed in sqlsrv_stmt_dtor. However, rather than die (assert), we simply skip this resource // and move to the next one. ss_sqlsrv_stmt* stmt = NULL; stmt = static_cast( Z_RES_VAL_P( rsrc_ptr )); if( stmt == NULL || Z_RES_TYPE_P( rsrc_ptr ) != ss_sqlsrv_stmt::descriptor ) { LOG( SEV_ERROR, "Non existent statement found in connection. Statements should remove themselves" " from the connection so this shouldn't be out of sync." ); continue; } // delete the statement by deleting it from Zend's resource list, which will force its destruction stmt->conn = NULL; // this would call the destructor on the statement. // There's nothing we can do if the removal fails, so we just log it and move on. #if PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000 if (zend_list_close(Z_RES_P(rsrc_ptr)) == FAILURE) { LOG(SEV_ERROR, "Failed to remove statement resource %1!d! when closing the connection", Z_RES_HANDLE_P(rsrc_ptr)); } #else zend_list_close(Z_RES_P(rsrc_ptr)); #endif } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); zend_hash_destroy( conn->stmts ); FREE_HASHTABLE( conn->stmts ); conn->stmts = NULL; } int get_conn_option_key( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ zend_string* key, _In_ size_t key_len, _Inout_ zval const* value_z ) { for( int i=0; SS_CONN_OPTS[i].conn_option_key != SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_INVALID; ++i ) { if( key_len == SS_CONN_OPTS[i].sqlsrv_len && !stricmp( ZSTR_VAL( key ), SS_CONN_OPTS[i].sqlsrv_name )) { switch( SS_CONN_OPTS[i].value_type ) { case CONN_ATTR_BOOL: // bool attributes can be either strings to be appended to the connection string // as yes or no or integral connection attributes. This will have to be reworked // if we ever introduce a boolean connection option that maps to a string connection // attribute. break; case CONN_ATTR_INT: { CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR( (Z_TYPE_P( value_z ) != IS_LONG ), ctx, SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_TYPE_INT, SS_CONN_OPTS[i].sqlsrv_name ) { throw ss::SSException(); } break; } case CONN_ATTR_STRING: { CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR( Z_TYPE_P( value_z ) != IS_STRING, ctx, SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_TYPE_STRING, SS_CONN_OPTS[i].sqlsrv_name ) { throw ss::SSException(); } char* value = Z_STRVAL_P( value_z ); size_t value_len = Z_STRLEN_P( value_z ); bool escaped = core_is_conn_opt_value_escaped( value, value_len ); CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR( !escaped, ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_CONNECT_BRACES_NOT_ESCAPED, SS_CONN_OPTS[i].sqlsrv_name ) { throw ss::SSException(); } bool valid = true; if( stricmp( SS_CONN_OPTS[i].sqlsrv_name, SSConnOptionNames::Authentication ) == 0 ) { valid = AzureADOptions::isAuthValid(value, value_len); } CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR( !valid, ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_OPTION, SS_CONN_OPTS[i].sqlsrv_name ) { throw ss::SSException(); } break; } } return SS_CONN_OPTS[i].conn_option_key; } } return SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_INVALID; } int get_stmt_option_key( _In_ zend_string* key, _In_ size_t key_len ) { for( int i = 0; SS_STMT_OPTS[i].key != SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_INVALID; ++i ) { if( key_len == SS_STMT_OPTS[i].name_len && !stricmp( ZSTR_VAL( key ), SS_STMT_OPTS[i].name )) { return SS_STMT_OPTS[i].key; } } return SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_INVALID; } void add_stmt_option_key( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ zend_string* key, _In_ size_t key_len, _Inout_ HashTable* options_ht, _Inout_ zval* data ) { int option_key = ::get_stmt_option_key( key, key_len ); CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR((option_key == SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_INVALID ), ctx, SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_KEY, ZSTR_VAL( key ) ) { throw ss::SSException(); } Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(data); // inc the ref count since this is going into the options_ht too. core::sqlsrv_zend_hash_index_update( ctx, options_ht, option_key, data ); } void add_conn_option_key( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ zend_string* key, _In_ size_t key_len, _Inout_ HashTable* options_ht, _Inout_ zval* data ) { int option_key = ::get_conn_option_key( ctx, key, key_len, data ); CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR((option_key == SQLSRV_STMT_OPTION_INVALID ), ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, ZSTR_VAL( key ) ) { throw ss::SSException(); } Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(data); // inc the ref count since this is going into the options_ht too. core::sqlsrv_zend_hash_index_update( ctx, options_ht, option_key, data ); } // Iterates through the list of statement options provided by the user and validates them // against the list of supported statement options by this driver. After validation // creates a Hashtable of statement options to be sent to the core layer for processing. void validate_stmt_options( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _Inout_ zval* stmt_options, _Inout_ HashTable* ss_stmt_options_ht ) { try { if( stmt_options ) { HashTable* options_ht = Z_ARRVAL_P( stmt_options ); zend_ulong int_key = -1; zend_string *key = NULL; zval* data = NULL; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL( options_ht, int_key, key, data ) { int type = HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTENT; size_t key_len = 0; type = key ? HASH_KEY_IS_STRING : HASH_KEY_IS_LONG; if (type != HASH_KEY_IS_STRING) { CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(true, ctx, SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_KEY, std::to_string( int_key ).c_str() ) { throw core::CoreException(); } } else if ( key != NULL ) { key_len = ZSTR_LEN( key ) + 1; add_stmt_option_key( ctx, key, key_len, ss_stmt_options_ht, data ); } else { DIE( "validate_stmt_options: key was null." ); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } } catch( core::CoreException& ) { throw; } } // Iterates through the list of connection options provided by the user and validates them // against the predefined list of supported connection options by this driver. After validation // creates a Hashtable of connection options to be sent to the core layer for processing. void validate_conn_options( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ zval* user_options_z, _Inout_ char** uid, _Inout_ char** pwd, _Inout_ HashTable* ss_conn_options_ht ) { try { if( user_options_z ) { HashTable* options_ht = Z_ARRVAL_P( user_options_z ); zend_ulong int_key = -1; zend_string *key = NULL; zval* data = NULL; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL( options_ht, int_key, key, data ) { int type = HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTENT; type = key ? HASH_KEY_IS_STRING : HASH_KEY_IS_LONG; CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( Z_TYPE_P( data ) == IS_NULL || Z_TYPE_P( data ) == IS_UNDEF ), ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION, key) { throw ss::SSException(); } CHECK_CUSTOM_ERROR(( type != HASH_KEY_IS_STRING ), ctx, SS_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_CONNECTION_KEY ) { throw ss::SSException(); } if ( key != NULL ) { // Length of the key string does not include the null terminator in PHP7, +1 has to be added size_t key_len = ZSTR_LEN( key ) + 1; if ( key_len == sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::UID ) && !stricmp( ZSTR_VAL( key ), SSConnOptionNames::UID )) { *uid = Z_STRVAL_P( data ); } else if ( key_len == sizeof( SSConnOptionNames::PWD ) && !stricmp( ZSTR_VAL( key ), SSConnOptionNames::PWD )) { *pwd = Z_STRVAL_P( data ); } else { ::add_conn_option_key( ctx, key, key_len, ss_conn_options_ht, data ); } } else { DIE( "validate_conn_options: key was null." ); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } } catch( core::CoreException& ) { throw; } } } // namespace