#!/usr/bin/python3 ######################################################################################### # # Description: The class BuildUtil will build Microsoft SQL Server PHP 7+ Drivers # for 32 bit and 64 bit. # # Requirement: # python 3.x # PHP SDK and PHP Source # Driver source code folder # Git for Windows # Visual Studio 2015 (PHP 7.0* and 7.1*) and Visual Studio 2017 (PHP 7.2*) # # Output: The drivers will be renamed and copied to the specified location. # ############################################################################################# import shutil import os.path import stat import datetime import urllib.request import zipfile import fileinput class BuildUtil(object): """Build sqlsrv and/or pdo_sqlsrv drivers with PHP source with the following properties: Attributes: phpver # PHP version, e.g. 7.1.*, 7.2.* etc. driver # all, sqlsrv, or pdo_sqlsrv arch # x64 or x86 thread # nts or ts debug_enabled # whether debug is enabled """ def __init__(self, phpver, driver, arch, thread, debug_enabled = False): self.phpver = phpver self.driver = driver.lower() self.arch = arch.lower() self.thread = thread.lower() self.debug_enabled = debug_enabled def major_version(self): """Return the major version number based on the PHP version.""" return self.phpver[0:3] def version_label(self): """Return the version label based on the PHP version.""" major_ver = self.major_version() if major_ver[2] == '0': version = major_ver[0] else: version = major_ver[0] + major_ver[2] return version def driver_name(self, driver, suffix): """Return the *driver* name with *suffix* after PHP is successfully compiled.""" return 'php_' + driver + suffix def driver_new_name(self, driver, suffix): """Return the *driver* name with *suffix* based on PHP version and thread.""" version = self.version_label() return 'php_' + driver + '_' + version + '_' + self.thread + suffix def compiler_version(self): """Return the appropriate compiler version based on PHP version.""" VC = 'vc14' version = self.version_label() if version >= '72': # Compiler version for PHP 7.2 or above VC = 'vc15' return VC def phpsrc_root(self, sdk_dir): """Return the path to the PHP source folder based on *sdk_dir*.""" vc = self.compiler_version() return os.path.join(sdk_dir, 'php-sdk', 'phpdev', vc, self.arch, 'php-'+self.phpver+'-src') def build_abs_path(self, sdk_dir): """Return the absolute path to the PHP build folder based on *sdk_dir*.""" phpsrc = self.phpsrc_root(sdk_dir) build_dir = 'Release' if self.debug_enabled: build_dir = 'Debug' if self.thread == 'ts': build_dir = build_dir + '_TS' if self.arch == 'x64': build_dir = self.arch + os.sep + build_dir return os.path.join(phpsrc, build_dir) def remove_old_builds(self, sdk_dir): """Remove the extensions, e.g. the driver subfolders in php-7.*-src\ext.""" print('Removing old builds...') phpsrc = self.phpsrc_root(sdk_dir) ext_path = os.path.join(phpsrc, 'ext') if os.path.exists( ext_path ): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(ext_path, 'sqlsrv'), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(ext_path, 'pdo_sqlsrv'), ignore_errors=True) if self.arch == 'x64': shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(phpsrc, self.arch), ignore_errors=True) else: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(phpsrc, 'Debug'), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(phpsrc, 'Debug_TS'), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(phpsrc, 'Release'), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(phpsrc, 'Release_TS'), ignore_errors=True) def remove_prev_build(self, sdk_dir): """Remove all binaries and source code in the Release* or Debug* folders according to the current configuration """ print('Removing previous build...') build_dir = self.build_abs_path(sdk_dir) if not os.path.exists(build_dir): return os.chdir(build_dir) os.system('DEL *sqlsrv*') # remove the extensions in the phpsrc's release* or debug* folder's ext subfolder release_ext_path = os.path.join(build_dir, 'ext') if os.path.exists( release_ext_path ): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(release_ext_path, 'sqlsrv'), ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(release_ext_path, 'pdo_sqlsrv'), ignore_errors=True) # next remove the binaries too os.chdir(release_ext_path) os.system('DEL *sqlsrv*') @staticmethod def get_logfile_name(): """Return the filename for the log file based on timestamp.""" return 'Build_' + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M") + '.log' @staticmethod def update_file_content(file, search_str, new_str): """Find *search_str* and replace it by *new_str* in a *file*""" os.chmod(file, stat.S_IWRITE) with fileinput.FileInput(file, inplace=True) as f: for line in f: print(line.replace(search_str, new_str), end='') @staticmethod def generateMMDD(): """Return the generated Microsoft PHP Build Version Number""" d = datetime.date.today() startYear = 2009 startMonth = 4 passYear = int( '%02d' % d.year ) - startYear passMonth = int( '%02d' % d.month ) - startMonth MM = passYear * 12 + passMonth dd = d.day MMDD = "" + str( MM ) if( dd < 10 ): return MMDD + "0" + str( dd ) else: return MMDD + str( dd ) @staticmethod def get_driver_version(version_file): """Read the *version_file* and return the driver version.""" with open(version_file) as f: for line in f: if 'SQLVERSION_MAJOR' in line: # major version major = line.split()[2] elif 'SQLVERSION_MINOR' in line: # minor version minor = line.split()[2] elif 'SQLVERSION_PATCH' in line: # patch patch = line.split()[2] break return major + '.' + minor + '.' + patch @staticmethod def write_lines_to_copy_source(driver, file): """Write to file the commands to copy *driver* source.""" source = '%currDir%' + os.sep + 'Source' + os.sep + driver dest = '%phpSrc%' + os.sep + 'ext' + os.sep + driver file.write('@CALL ROBOCOPY ' + source + ' ' + dest + ' /s /xx /xo' + os.linesep) source = '%currDir%' + os.sep + 'Source' + os.sep + 'shared' dest = '%phpSrc%' + os.sep + 'ext' + os.sep + driver + os.sep + 'shared' file.write('@CALL ROBOCOPY ' + source + ' ' + dest + ' /s /xx /xo' + os.linesep) @staticmethod def download_msphpsql_source(repo, branch, dest_folder = 'Source', clean_up = True): """Download to *dest_folder* the msphpsql archive of the specified GitHub *repo* and *branch*. The downloaded files will be removed by default. """ try: work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) temppath = os.path.join(work_dir, 'temp') if os.path.exists(temppath): shutil.rmtree(temppath) os.makedirs(temppath) os.chdir(temppath) file = branch + '.zip' url = 'https://github.com/' + repo + '/msphpsql/archive/' + branch + '.zip' print('Downloading ' + url + ' ...') try: with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response, open(file, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file) except: print ("Resort to skip ssl verification...") # need to skip ssl verification on some agents # see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0476/ with urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()) as response, open(file, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file) print('Extracting ' + file + ' ...') zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file) zip.extractall() zip.close() msphpsqlFolder = os.path.join(temppath, 'msphpsql-' + branch) source = os.path.join(msphpsqlFolder, 'source') os.chdir(work_dir) os.system('ROBOCOPY ' + source + '\shared ' + dest_folder + '\shared /xx /xo') os.system('ROBOCOPY ' + source + '\pdo_sqlsrv ' + dest_folder + '\pdo_sqlsrv /xx /xo') os.system('ROBOCOPY ' + source + '\sqlsrv ' + dest_folder + '\sqlsrv /xx /xo') if clean_up: shutil.rmtree(temppath) except: print('Error occurred when downloading source') raise def update_driver_source(self, source_dir, driver): """Update the *driver* source in *source_path* with the latest version, file descriptions, etc. If debug is enabled, will remove the optimization flag """ driver_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, driver) if self.debug_enabled: # Remove the optimization flag in the config file for this driver # because '/O2' option is incompatible with Debug mode print('Removing optimization flag for', driver) config_file = os.path.join(driver_dir, 'config.w32') if driver == 'sqlsrv': self.update_file_content(config_file, 'ADD_FLAG( "CFLAGS_SQLSRV", "/O2" );', '') elif driver == 'pdo_sqlsrv': self.update_file_content(config_file, 'ADD_FLAG( "CFLAGS_PDO_SQLSRV", "/O2" );', '') # Update Template.rc template_file = os.path.join(driver_dir, 'template.rc') if driver == 'sqlsrv': drivername = self.driver_new_name(driver, '.dll') self.update_file_content(template_file, 'FILE_NAME \"\\0\"', '"' + drivername + '\\0"') self.update_file_content(template_file, '\"Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server\\0\"', '"Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server (SQLSRV Driver)\\0"') elif driver == 'pdo_sqlsrv': drivername = self.driver_new_name(driver, '.dll') self.update_file_content(template_file, 'FILE_NAME \"\\0\"', '"' + drivername + '\\0"') self.update_file_content(template_file, '\"Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server\\0\"', '"Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server (PDO Driver)\\0"') # Update Version.h version_file = os.path.join(source_dir, 'shared', 'version.h') build_number = self.generateMMDD() self.update_file_content(version_file, 'SQLVERSION_BUILD 0', 'SQLVERSION_BUILD ' + build_number) # get the latest version version = self.get_driver_version(version_file) + '.' + build_number print('Driver version is: ', version) # Update CREDIT file credits_file = os.path.join(driver_dir, 'CREDITS') if driver == 'sqlsrv': self.update_file_content(credits_file, 'Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server', 'Microsoft Drivers ' + version + ' for PHP for SQL Server (' + self.driver.upper() + ' driver)') elif driver == 'pdo_sqlsrv': self.update_file_content(credits_file, 'Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server (PDO driver)', 'Microsoft Drivers ' + version + ' for PHP for SQL Server (' + self.driver.upper() + ' driver)') def generate_build_options(self): """Return the generated build configuration and arguments""" cmd_line = '' if self.debug_enabled: cmd_line = ' --enable-debug ' if self.driver == 'all': cmd_line = ' --enable-sqlsrv=shared --enable-pdo --with-pdo-sqlsrv=shared ' + cmd_line else: if self.driver == 'sqlsrv': cmd_line = ' --enable-sqlsrv=shared ' + cmd_line else: # pdo_sqlsrv cmd_line = ' --enable-pdo --with-pdo-sqlsrv=shared ' + cmd_line cmd_line = 'cscript configure.js --disable-all --enable-cli --enable-cgi' + cmd_line + ' --disable-ipv6 --with-odbcver=0x0380 --enable-embed' if self.thread == 'nts': cmd_line = cmd_line + ' --disable-zts' return cmd_line def create_local_batch_file(self, make_clean, cmd_line, log_file): """Generate the batch file to be picked up by the PHP starter script.""" filename = 'phpsdk-build-task.bat' print('Generating ', filename) try: file = open(filename, 'w') file.write('@ECHO OFF' + os.linesep) file.write('SET currDir=%CD%' + os.linesep) file.write('SET LOG_NAME=%currDir%\\' + log_file + os.linesep) file.write('@CALL phpsdk_buildtree phpdev > %LOG_NAME% 2>&1' + os.linesep) # for PHP version with release tags, such as 'RC', 'beta', etc. # we need to remove the hyphen '-' between the version number and tag # because in https://github.com/php/php-src the released tags have no hyphens php_tag = 'php-' + self.phpver.replace('-', '') php_src = 'php-' + self.phpver +'-src' # if not exists, check out the specified tag file.write('IF NOT EXIST ' + php_src + ' @CALL git clone -b ' + php_tag + ' --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/php/php-src.git ' + php_src + os.linesep) file.write('CD ' + php_src + os.linesep) file.write('SET phpSrc=%CD%' + os.linesep) file.write('@CALL phpsdk_deps -u >> %LOG_NAME% 2>&1' + os.linesep) # copy source files to extension if self.driver == 'all': self.write_lines_to_copy_source('sqlsrv', file) self.write_lines_to_copy_source('pdo_sqlsrv', file) else: self.write_lines_to_copy_source(self.driver, file) # configure and build file.write('@CALL buildconf --force >> %LOG_NAME% 2>&1' + os.linesep) file.write('@CALL ' + cmd_line + ' >> %LOG_NAME% 2>&1' + os.linesep) if make_clean: file.write('nmake clean >> %LOG_NAME% 2>&1' + os.linesep) file.write('nmake >> %LOG_NAME% 2>&1' + os.linesep) file.write('exit' + os.linesep) file.close() return filename except: print('Cannot create ', filename) def build_drivers(self, make_clean = False, dest = None, log_file = None): """Build sqlsrv/pdo_sqlsrv extensions for PHP, assuming the Source folder exists in the working directory, and this folder will be removed when the build is complete. """ work_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # First, update the driver source file contents source_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'Source') if self.driver == 'all': self.update_driver_source(source_dir, 'sqlsrv') self.update_driver_source(source_dir, 'pdo_sqlsrv') else: self.update_driver_source(source_dir, self.driver) # Next, generate the build configuration and arguments cmd_line = self.generate_build_options() print('cmd_line: ' + cmd_line) # Generate a batch file based on the inputs if log_file is None: log_file = self.get_logfile_name() batch_file = self.create_local_batch_file(make_clean, cmd_line, log_file) # Reference: https://github.com/OSTC/php-sdk-binary-tools # Clone the master branch of PHP sdk if the directory does not exist print('Downloading the latest php SDK...') # if *dest* is None, simply use the current working directory sdk_dir = dest copy_to_ext = True # this determines where to copy the binaries to if dest is None: sdk_dir = work_dir copy_to_ext = False phpSDK = os.path.join(sdk_dir, 'php-sdk') if not os.path.exists( phpSDK ): os.system('git clone https://github.com/OSTC/php-sdk-binary-tools.git --branch master --single-branch --depth 1 ' + phpSDK) os.chdir(phpSDK) os.system('git pull ') # Move the generated batch file to phpSDK for the php starter script sdk_batch_file = os.path.join(phpSDK, batch_file) if os.path.exists(sdk_batch_file): os.remove(sdk_batch_file) shutil.move(os.path.join(work_dir, batch_file), phpSDK) sdk_source = os.path.join(phpSDK, 'Source') # Sometimes, for various reasons, the Source folder from previous build # might exist in phpSDK. If so, remove it first if os.path.exists(sdk_source): os.chmod(sdk_source, stat.S_IWRITE) shutil.rmtree(sdk_source, ignore_errors=True) shutil.move(source_dir, phpSDK) # Invoke phpsdk--.bat vc = self.compiler_version() starter_script = 'phpsdk-' + vc + '-' + self.arch + '.bat' print('Running starter script: ', starter_script) os.system(starter_script + ' -t ' + batch_file) # Now we can safely remove the Source folder, because its contents have # already been modified prior to building the extensions shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(phpSDK, 'Source'), ignore_errors=True) # Next, rename the newly compiled PHP extensions self.rename_binaries(sdk_dir) # Final step, copy the binaries to the right place self.copy_binaries(sdk_dir, copy_to_ext) def rename_binary(self, path, driver): """Rename the *driver* binary (sqlsrv or pdo_sqlsrv) (only the dlls).""" driver_old_name = self.driver_name(driver, '.dll') driver_new_name = self.driver_new_name(driver, '.dll') os.rename(os.path.join(path, driver_old_name), os.path.join(path, driver_new_name)) def rename_binaries(self, sdk_dir): """Rename the sqlsrv and/or pdo_sqlsrv dlls according to the PHP version and thread. """ # Derive the path to where the extensions are located ext_dir = self.build_abs_path(sdk_dir) print("Renaming binaries in ", ext_dir) if self.driver == 'all': self.rename_binary(ext_dir, 'sqlsrv') self.rename_binary(ext_dir, 'pdo_sqlsrv') else: self.rename_binary(ext_dir, self.driver) def copy_binary(self, from_dir, dest_dir, driver, suffix): """Copy sqlsrv or pdo_sqlsrv binary (based on *suffix*) to *dest_dir*.""" if suffix == '.dll': binary = self.driver_new_name(driver, suffix) else: binary = self.driver_name(driver, suffix) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(from_dir, binary), dest_dir) def copy_binaries(self, sdk_dir, copy_to_ext): """Copy the sqlsrv and/or pdo_sqlsrv binaries, including the pdb files, to the right place, depending on *copy_to_ext*. The default is to copy them to the 'ext' folder. """ build_dir = self.build_abs_path(sdk_dir) print('Copying the binaries from', build_dir) if copy_to_ext: dest_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'ext') else: # Simply make a copy of the binaries in sdk_dir dest_dir = sdk_dir print('Destination:', dest_dir) # Now copy the binaries if self.driver == 'all': self.copy_binary(build_dir, dest_dir, 'sqlsrv', '.dll') self.copy_binary(build_dir, dest_dir, 'sqlsrv', '.pdb') self.copy_binary(build_dir, dest_dir, 'pdo_sqlsrv', '.dll') self.copy_binary(build_dir, dest_dir, 'pdo_sqlsrv', '.pdb') else: self.copy_binary(build_dir, dest_dir, self.driver, '.dll') self.copy_binary(build_dir, dest_dir, self.driver, '.pdb')