//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: core_util.cpp // // Contents: Utility functions used by both connection or statement functions for both the PDO and sqlsrv drivers // // Comments: Mostly error handling and some type handling // // Microsoft Drivers 5.3 for PHP for SQL Server // Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // MIT License // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files(the ""Software""), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and / or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED *AS IS*, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "core_sqlsrv.h" namespace { // *** internal constants *** log_callback g_driver_log; // internal error that says that FormatMessage failed SQLCHAR INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR[] = "An internal error occurred. FormatMessage failed writing an error message."; // buffer used to hold a formatted log message prior to actually logging it. char last_err_msg[2048] = {'\0'}; // 2k to hold the error messages // routine used by utf16_string_from_mbcs_string unsigned int convert_string_from_default_encoding( _In_ unsigned int php_encoding, _In_reads_bytes_(mbcs_len) char const* mbcs_in_string, _In_ unsigned int mbcs_len, _Out_writes_(utf16_len) __transfer( mbcs_in_string ) SQLWCHAR* utf16_out_string, _In_ unsigned int utf16_len ); } // SQLSTATE for all internal errors SQLCHAR IMSSP[] = "IMSSP"; // SQLSTATE for all internal warnings SQLCHAR SSPWARN[] = "01SSP"; // write to the php log if the severity and subsystem match the filters currently set in the INI or // the script (sqlsrv_configure). void write_to_log( _In_ unsigned int severity TSRMLS_DC, _In_ const char* msg, ...) { SQLSRV_ASSERT( !(g_driver_log == NULL), "Must register a driver log function." ); va_list args; va_start( args, msg ); g_driver_log( severity TSRMLS_CC, msg, &args ); va_end( args ); } void core_sqlsrv_register_logger( _In_ log_callback driver_logger ) { g_driver_log = driver_logger; } // convert a string from utf-16 to the encoding and return the new string in the pointer parameter and new // length in the len parameter. If no errors occurred during convertion, true is returned and the original // utf-16 string is released by this function if no errors occurred. Otherwise the parameters are not changed // and false is returned. bool convert_string_from_utf16_inplace( _In_ SQLSRV_ENCODING encoding, _Inout_updates_z_(len) char** string, _Inout_ SQLLEN& len) { SQLSRV_ASSERT( string != NULL, "String must be specified" ); if (validate_string(*string, len)) { return true; } char* outString = NULL; SQLLEN outLen = 0; bool result = convert_string_from_utf16( encoding, reinterpret_cast(*string), int(len / sizeof(SQLWCHAR)), &outString, outLen ); if (result) { sqlsrv_free( *string ); *string = outString; len = outLen; } return result; } bool convert_zval_string_from_utf16( _In_ SQLSRV_ENCODING encoding, _Inout_ zval* value_z, _Inout_ SQLLEN& len) { char* string = Z_STRVAL_P(value_z); if( validate_string(string, len)) { return true; } char* outString = NULL; SQLLEN outLen = 0; bool result = convert_string_from_utf16( encoding, reinterpret_cast(string), int(len / sizeof(SQLWCHAR)), &outString, outLen ); if( result ) { core::sqlsrv_zval_stringl( value_z, outString, outLen ); sqlsrv_free( outString ); len = outLen; } return result; } bool validate_string( _In_ char* string, _In_ SQLLEN& len ) { SQLSRV_ASSERT(string != NULL, "String must be specified"); //for the empty string, we simply returned we converted it if( len == 0 && string[0] == '\0') { return true; } if ((len / sizeof(SQLWCHAR)) > INT_MAX) { LOG(SEV_ERROR, "UTP-16 (wide character) string mapping: buffer length exceeded."); throw core::CoreException(); } return false; } bool convert_string_from_utf16( _In_ SQLSRV_ENCODING encoding, _In_reads_bytes_(cchInLen) const SQLWCHAR* inString, _In_ SQLINTEGER cchInLen, _Inout_updates_bytes_(cchOutLen) char** outString, _Out_ SQLLEN& cchOutLen ) { SQLSRV_ASSERT( inString != NULL, "Input string must be specified" ); SQLSRV_ASSERT( outString != NULL, "Output buffer pointer must be specified" ); SQLSRV_ASSERT( *outString == NULL, "Output buffer pointer must not be set" ); if (cchInLen == 0 && inString[0] == L'\0') { *outString = reinterpret_cast( sqlsrv_malloc ( 1 ) ); *outString[0] = '\0'; cchOutLen = 0; return true; } // flags set to 0 by default, which means that any invalid characters are dropped rather than causing // an error. This happens only on XP. DWORD flags = 0; if( encoding == CP_UTF8 && isVistaOrGreater ) { // Vista (and later) will detect invalid UTF-16 characters and raise an error. flags = WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS; } // calculate the number of characters needed #ifndef _WIN32 cchOutLen = SystemLocale::FromUtf16Strict( encoding, inString, cchInLen, NULL, 0 ); #else cchOutLen = WideCharToMultiByte( encoding, flags, inString, cchInLen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); #endif // !_WIN32 if( cchOutLen == 0 ) { return false; } // Create a buffer to fit the encoded string char* newString = reinterpret_cast( sqlsrv_malloc( cchOutLen + 1 /* NULL char*/ )); #ifndef _WIN32 int rc = SystemLocale::FromUtf16( encoding, inString, cchInLen, newString, static_cast(cchOutLen)); #else int rc = WideCharToMultiByte( encoding, flags, inString, cchInLen, newString, static_cast(cchOutLen), NULL, NULL ); #endif // !_WIN32 if( rc == 0 ) { cchOutLen = 0; sqlsrv_free( newString ); return false; } *outString = newString; newString[cchOutLen] = '\0'; // null terminate the encoded string return true; } // thin wrapper around convert_string_from_default_encoding that handles // allocation of the destination string. An empty string passed in returns // failure since it's a failure case for convert_string_from_default_encoding. SQLWCHAR* utf16_string_from_mbcs_string( _In_ SQLSRV_ENCODING php_encoding, _In_reads_bytes_(mbcs_len) const char* mbcs_string, _In_ unsigned int mbcs_len, _Out_ unsigned int* utf16_len ) { *utf16_len = (mbcs_len + 1); SQLWCHAR* utf16_string = reinterpret_cast( sqlsrv_malloc( *utf16_len * sizeof( SQLWCHAR ))); *utf16_len = convert_string_from_default_encoding( php_encoding, mbcs_string, mbcs_len, utf16_string, *utf16_len ); if( *utf16_len == 0 ) { // we preserve the error and reset it because sqlsrv_free resets the last error DWORD last_error = GetLastError(); sqlsrv_free( utf16_string ); SetLastError( last_error ); return NULL; } return utf16_string; } // call to retrieve an error from ODBC. This uses SQLGetDiagRec, so the // errno is 1 based. It returns it as an array with 3 members: // 1/SQLSTATE) sqlstate // 2/code) driver specific error code // 3/message) driver specific error message // The fetch type determines if the indices are numeric, associative, or both. bool core_sqlsrv_get_odbc_error( _Inout_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ int record_number, _Inout_ sqlsrv_error_auto_ptr& error, _In_ logging_severity severity TSRMLS_DC ) { SQLHANDLE h = ctx.handle(); SQLSMALLINT h_type = ctx.handle_type(); if( h == NULL ) { return false; } SQLRETURN r = SQL_SUCCESS; SQLSMALLINT wmessage_len = 0; SQLWCHAR wsqlstate[SQL_SQLSTATE_BUFSIZE] = {L'\0'}; SQLWCHAR wnative_message[SQL_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1] = {L'\0'}; SQLSRV_ENCODING enc = ctx.encoding(); switch( h_type ) { case SQL_HANDLE_STMT: { sqlsrv_stmt* stmt = static_cast( &ctx ); if( stmt->current_results != NULL ) { error = stmt->current_results->get_diag_rec( record_number ); // don't use the CHECK* macros here since it will trigger reentry into the error handling system if( error == 0 ) { return false; } break; } // convert the error into the encoding of the context if( enc == SQLSRV_ENCODING_DEFAULT ) { enc = stmt->conn->encoding(); } } default: error = new ( sqlsrv_malloc( sizeof( sqlsrv_error ))) sqlsrv_error(); r = SQLGetDiagRecW( h_type, h, record_number, wsqlstate, &error->native_code, wnative_message, SQL_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1, &wmessage_len ); // don't use the CHECK* macros here since it will trigger reentry into the error handling system // Workaround for a bug in unixODBC 2.3.4 when connection pooling is enabled (PDO SQLSRV). // Instead of returning false, we return an empty error message to prevent the driver from throwing an exception. // To reproduce: // Create a connection and close it (return it to the pool) // Create a new connection from the pool. // Prepare and execute a statement that generates an info message (such as 'USE tempdb;') #ifdef __APPLE__ if( r == SQL_NO_DATA && ctx.driver() != NULL /*PDO SQLSRV*/ ) { r = SQL_SUCCESS; } #endif // __APPLE__ if( !SQL_SUCCEEDED( r ) || r == SQL_NO_DATA ) { return false; } // We need to calculate number of characters SQLINTEGER wsqlstate_len = sizeof( wsqlstate ) / sizeof( SQLWCHAR ); SQLLEN sqlstate_len = 0; convert_string_from_utf16(enc, wsqlstate, wsqlstate_len, (char**)&error->sqlstate, sqlstate_len); SQLLEN message_len = 0; convert_string_from_utf16(enc, wnative_message, wmessage_len, (char**)&error->native_message, message_len); break; } // log the error first LOG( severity, "%1!s!: SQLSTATE = %2!s!", ctx.func(), error->sqlstate ); LOG( severity, "%1!s!: error code = %2!d!", ctx.func(), error->native_code ); LOG( severity, "%1!s!: message = %2!s!", ctx.func(), error->native_message ); error->format = false; return true; } // format and return a driver specfic error void core_sqlsrv_format_driver_error( _In_ sqlsrv_context& ctx, _In_ sqlsrv_error_const const* custom_error, _Out_ sqlsrv_error_auto_ptr& formatted_error, _In_ logging_severity severity TSRMLS_DC, _In_opt_ va_list* args ) { // allocate space for the formatted message formatted_error = new (sqlsrv_malloc( sizeof( sqlsrv_error ))) sqlsrv_error(); formatted_error->sqlstate = reinterpret_cast( sqlsrv_malloc( SQL_SQLSTATE_BUFSIZE )); formatted_error->native_message = reinterpret_cast( sqlsrv_malloc( SQL_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1 )); DWORD rc = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, reinterpret_cast( custom_error->native_message ), 0, 0, reinterpret_cast( formatted_error->native_message ), SQL_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH, args ); if( rc == 0 ) { strcpy_s( reinterpret_cast( formatted_error->native_message ), SQL_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LENGTH, reinterpret_cast( INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR )); } strcpy_s( reinterpret_cast( formatted_error->sqlstate ), SQL_SQLSTATE_BUFSIZE, reinterpret_cast( custom_error->sqlstate )); formatted_error->native_code = custom_error->native_code; // log the error LOG( severity, "%1!s!: SQLSTATE = %2!s!", ctx.func(), formatted_error->sqlstate ); LOG( severity, "%1!s!: error code = %2!d!", ctx.func(), formatted_error->native_code ); LOG( severity, "%1!s!: message = %2!s!", ctx.func(), formatted_error->native_message ); } DWORD core_sqlsrv_format_message( _Out_ char* output_buffer, _In_ unsigned output_len, _In_opt_ const char* format, ... ) { va_list format_args; va_start( format_args, format ); DWORD rc = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, format, 0, 0, static_cast(output_buffer), output_len, &format_args ); va_end( format_args ); return rc; } // return an error message for GetLastError using FormatMessage. // this function returns the msg pointer so that it may be used within // another function call such as handle_error const char* get_last_error_message( _Inout_ DWORD last_error ) { if( last_error == 0 ) { last_error = GetLastError(); } DWORD r = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, last_error, MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), last_err_msg, sizeof( last_err_msg ), NULL ); if( r == 0 ) { SQLSRV_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof( INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR ) < sizeof( last_err_msg )); std::copy( INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR, INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR + sizeof( INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR ), last_err_msg ); } return last_err_msg; } // die // Terminate the PHP request with an error message // We use this function rather than php_error directly because we use the FormatMessage syntax in most other // places within the extension (e.g., LOG), whereas php_error uses the printf format syntax. There were // places where we were using the FormatMessage syntax inadvertently with DIE which left messages without // proper information. Rather than convert those messages and try and remember the difference between LOG and // DIE, it is simpler to make the format syntax common between them. void die( _In_opt_ const char* msg, ... ) { va_list format_args; va_start( format_args, msg ); DWORD rc = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, msg, 0, 0, last_err_msg, sizeof( last_err_msg ), &format_args ); va_end( format_args ); if( rc == 0 ) { php_error( E_ERROR, reinterpret_cast( INTERNAL_FORMAT_ERROR )); } php_error( E_ERROR, last_err_msg ); } namespace { // convert from the default encoding specified by the "CharacterSet" // connection option to UTF-16. mbcs_len and utf16_len are sizes in // bytes. The return is the number of UTF-16 characters in the string // returned in utf16_out_string. An empty string passed in will result as // a failure since MBTWC returns 0 for both an empty string and failure // to convert. unsigned int convert_string_from_default_encoding( _In_ unsigned int php_encoding, _In_reads_bytes_(mbcs_len) char const* mbcs_in_string, _In_ unsigned int mbcs_len, _Out_writes_(utf16_len) __transfer( mbcs_in_string ) SQLWCHAR* utf16_out_string, _In_ unsigned int utf16_len ) { unsigned int win_encoding = CP_ACP; switch( php_encoding ) { case SQLSRV_ENCODING_CHAR: win_encoding = CP_ACP; break; // this shouldn't ever be set case SQLSRV_ENCODING_BINARY: DIE( "Invalid encoding." ); break; default: win_encoding = php_encoding; break; } #ifndef _WIN32 unsigned int required_len = SystemLocale::ToUtf16( win_encoding, mbcs_in_string, mbcs_len, utf16_out_string, utf16_len ); #else unsigned int required_len = MultiByteToWideChar( win_encoding, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, mbcs_in_string, mbcs_len, utf16_out_string, utf16_len ); #endif // !_Win32 if( required_len == 0 ) { return 0; } utf16_out_string[required_len] = '\0'; return required_len; } }