setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $conn->setAttribute(PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_FETCHES_DATETIME_TYPE, true); // Check that enclave computations are enabled // See $query = "SELECT [name], [value], [value_in_use] FROM sys.configurations WHERE [name] = 'column encryption enclave type';"; $stmt = $conn->query($query); $info = $stmt->fetch(); if ($info['value'] != 1 or $info['value_in_use'] != 1) { die("Error: enclave computations are not enabled on the server!"); } // Free the encryption cache to avoid spurious 'operand type clash' errors $conn->exec("DBCC FREEPROCCACHE"); return $conn; } // This CREATE TABLE query simply creates a non-encrypted table with // two columns for each data type side by side // This produces a query that looks like // CREATE TABLE aev2test2 ( // c_integer integer, // c_integer_AE integer // ) function constructCreateQuery($tableName, $dataTypes, $colNames, $colNamesAE, $slength) { $query = "CREATE TABLE ".$tableName." (\n "; foreach ($dataTypes as $type) { if (dataTypeIsString($type)) { $query = $query.$colNames[$type]." ".$type."(".$slength."), \n "; $query = $query.$colNamesAE[$type]." ".$type."(".$slength."), \n "; } else { $query = $query.$colNames[$type]." ".$type.", \n "; $query = $query.$colNamesAE[$type]." ".$type.", \n "; } } // Remove the ", \n " from the end of the query or the comma will cause a syntax error $query = substr($query, 0, -7)."\n)"; return $query; } // The ALTER TABLE query encrypts columns. Each ALTER COLUMN directive must // be preceded by ALTER TABLE. This query can be used to both encrypt plaintext // columns and to re-encrypt encrypted columns. // This produces a query that looks like // ALTER TABLE [dbo].[aev2test2] // ALTER COLUMN [c_integer_AE] integer // ENCRYPTED WITH (COLUMN_ENCRYPTION_KEY = [CEK-win-enclave], ENCRYPTION_TYPE = Randomized, ALGORITHM = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256') NOT NULL // WITH // (ONLINE = ON); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[aev2test2] // ALTER COLUMN [c_bigint_AE] bigint // ENCRYPTED WITH (COLUMN_ENCRYPTION_KEY = [CEK-win-enclave], ENCRYPTION_TYPE = Randomized, ALGORITHM = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256') NOT NULL // WITH // (ONLINE = ON); ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION CLEAR PROCEDURE_CACHE; function constructAlterQuery($tableName, $colNames, $dataTypes, $key, $encryptionType, $slength) { $query = ''; foreach ($dataTypes as $dataType) { $plength = dataTypeIsString($dataType) ? "(".$slength.")" : ""; $collate = dataTypeNeedsCollate($dataType) ? " COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2" : ""; $query = $query." ALTER TABLE [dbo].[".$tableName."] ALTER COLUMN [".$colNames[$dataType]."] ".$dataType.$plength." ".$collate." ENCRYPTED WITH (COLUMN_ENCRYPTION_KEY = [".$key."], ENCRYPTION_TYPE = ".$encryptionType.", ALGORITHM = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256') NOT NULL WITH (ONLINE = ON);"; } $query = $query." ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION CLEAR PROCEDURE_CACHE;"; return $query; } // This CREATE TABLE query creates a table with two columns for // each data type side by side, one plaintext and one encrypted // This produces a query that looks like // CREATE TABLE aev2test2 ( // c_integer integer NULL, // c_integer_AE integer // COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2 ENCRYPTED WITH (COLUMN_ENCRYPTION_KEY = [CEK-win-enclave], ENCRYPTION_TYPE = Randomized, ALGORITHM = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256') NULL // ) function constructAECreateQuery($tableName, $dataTypes, $colNames, $colNamesAE, $slength, $key, $encryptionType) { $query = "CREATE TABLE ".$tableName." (\n "; foreach ($dataTypes as $type) { $collate = dataTypeNeedsCollate($type) ? " COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2" : ""; if (dataTypeIsString($type)) { $query = $query.$colNames[$type]." ".$type."(".$slength.") NULL, \n "; $query = $query.$colNamesAE[$type]." ".$type."(".$slength.") \n "; $query = $query." ".$collate." ENCRYPTED WITH (COLUMN_ENCRYPTION_KEY = [".$key."], ENCRYPTION_TYPE = ".$encryptionType.", ALGORITHM = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256') NULL,\n "; } else { $query = $query.$colNames[$type]." ".$type." NULL, \n "; $query = $query.$colNamesAE[$type]." ".$type." \n "; $query = $query." ".$collate." ENCRYPTED WITH (COLUMN_ENCRYPTION_KEY = [".$key."], ENCRYPTION_TYPE = ".$encryptionType.", ALGORITHM = 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256') NULL,\n "; } } // Remove the ",\n " from the end of the query or the comma will cause a syntax error $query = substr($query, 0, -6)."\n)"; return $query; } // The INSERT query for the table function constructInsertQuery($tableName, &$dataTypes, &$colNames, &$colNamesAE) { $queryTypes = "("; $valuesString = "VALUES ("; foreach ($dataTypes as $type) { $colName1 = $colNames[$type].", "; $colName2 = $colNamesAE[$type].", "; $queryTypes .= $colName1; $queryTypes .= $colName2; $valuesString .= "?, ?, "; } // Remove the ", " from the end of the query or the comma will cause a syntax error $queryTypes = substr($queryTypes, 0, -2).")"; $valuesString = substr($valuesString, 0, -2).")"; $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO $tableName ".$queryTypes." ".$valuesString; return $insertQuery; } function insertValues($conn, $insertQuery, $dataTypes, $testValues) { for ($v = 0; $v < sizeof($testValues['bigint']); ++$v) { $insertValues = array(); foreach ($dataTypes as $type) { $insertValues[] = $testValues[$type][$v]; $insertValues[] = $testValues[$type][$v]; } // Insert the data using PDO::prepare() try { $stmt = $conn->prepare($insertQuery); $stmt->execute($insertValues); } catch (PDOException $error) { print_r($error); die("Inserting values in encrypted table failed\n"); } } } // compareResults checks that the results between the encrypted and non-encrypted // columns are identical if statement execution succeeds. If statement execution // fails, this function checks for the correct error. // Arguments: // statement $AEstmt: Prepared statement fetching encrypted data // statement $nonAEstmt: Prepared statement fetching non-encrypted data // string $key: Name of the encryption key // string $encryptionType: Type of encryption, randomized or deterministic // string $attestation: Type of attestation - 'correct', 'enabled', or 'wrongurl' // string $comparison: Comparison operator // string $type: Data type the comparison is operating on function compareResults($AEstmt, $nonAEstmt, $key, $encryptionType, $attestation, $comparison='', $type='') { try { $nonAEstmt->execute(); } catch(Exception $error) { print_r($error); die("Executing non-AE statement failed!\n"); } try { $AEstmt->execute(); } catch(Exception $error) { if ($attestation == 'enabled') { if ($encryptionType == 'Deterministic') { if ($comparison == '=') { print_r($error); die("Equality comparison failed for deterministic encryption!\n"); } else { $e = $error->errorInfo; checkErrors($e, array('42000', '33277')); } } elseif (isEnclaveEnabled($key)) { $e = $error->errorInfo; checkErrors($e, array('42000', '33546')); } elseif (!isEnclaveEnabled($key)) { $e = $error->errorInfo; checkErrors($e, array('42000', '33277')); } else { print_r($error); die("AE statement execution failed when it shouldn't!"); } } elseif ($attestation == 'wrongurl') { if ($encryptionType == 'Deterministic') { if ($comparison == '=') { $e = $error->errorInfo; die("Equality comparison failed for deterministic encryption!\n"); } else { $e = $error->errorInfo; checkErrors($e, array('42000', '33277')); } } elseif (isEnclaveEnabled($key)) { $e = $error->errorInfo; checkErrors($e, array('CE405', '0')); } elseif (!isEnclaveEnabled($key)) { $e = $error->errorInfo; checkErrors($e, array('42000', '33277')); } else { print_r($error); die("AE statement execution failed when it shouldn't!"); } } elseif ($attestation == 'correct') { if (!isEnclaveEnabled($key) and $encryptionType == 'Randomized') { $e = $error->errorInfo; checkErrors($e, array('42000', '33277')); } elseif ($encryptionType == 'Deterministic') { if ($comparison == '=') { print_r($error); die("Equality comparison failed for deterministic encryption!\n"); } else { $e = $error->errorInfo; checkErrors($e, array('42000', '33277')); } } else { print_r($error); die("Comparison failed for correct attestation when it shouldn't have!\n"); } } else { print_r($error); die("Unexpected error occurred in compareResults!\n"); } return; } $AEres = $AEstmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $nonAEres = $nonAEstmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $AEcount = count($AEres); $nonAEcount = count($nonAEres); if ($type == 'char' or $type == 'nchar') { // char and nchar may not return the same results - at this point // we've verified that statement execution works so just return // TODO: Check if this bug is fixed and if so, remove this if block return; } elseif ($AEcount > $nonAEcount) { print_r("Too many AE results for operation $comparison and data type $type!\n"); print_r($AEres); print_r($nonAEres); } elseif ($AEcount < $nonAEcount) { print_r("Too many non-AE results for operation $comparison and data type $type!\n"); print_r($AEres); print_r($nonAEres); } else { if ($AEcount != 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($AEres as $AEr) { if ($AEr[0] != $nonAEres[$i][0]) { print_r("AE and non-AE results are different for operation $comparison and data type $type! For field $i, got AE result ".$AEres[$i][0]." and non-AE result ".$nonAEres[$i][0]."\n"); } ++$i; } } } } // testCompare selects based on a comparison in the WHERE clause and compares // the results between encrypted and non-encrypted columns, checking that the // results are identical // Arguments: // resource $conn: The connection // string $tableName: Table name // array $comparisons: Comparison operations from // array $dataTypes: Data types from // array $colNames: Column names // array $thresholds: Values to use comparison operators against, from // string $key: Name of the encryption key // string $encryptionType: Type of encryption, randomized or deterministic // string $attestation: Type of attestation - 'correct', 'enabled', or 'wrongurl' function testCompare($conn, $tableName, $comparisons, $dataTypes, $colNames, $thresholds, $key, $encryptionType, $attestation) { foreach ($comparisons as $comparison) { foreach ($dataTypes as $type) { // Unicode operations with AE require the Latin1_General_BIN2 // collation. If the COLLATE clause is left out, we get different // results between the encrypted and non-encrypted columns (probably // because the collation was only changed in the encryption query). $string = dataTypeIsStringMax($type); $collate = $string ? " COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2" : ""; $unicode = dataTypeIsUnicode($type); $PDOType = getPDOType($type); $AEQuery = "SELECT ".$colNames[$type]."_AE FROM $tableName WHERE ".$colNames[$type]."_AE ".$comparison." ?".$collate; $nonAEQuery = "SELECT ".$colNames[$type]." FROM $tableName WHERE ".$colNames[$type]." ".$comparison." ?".$collate; try { $AEstmt = $conn->prepare($AEQuery); $AEstmt->bindParam(1, $thresholds[$type], $PDOType); $nonAEstmt = $conn->prepare($nonAEQuery); $nonAEstmt->bindParam(1, $thresholds[$type], $PDOType); } catch (PDOException $error) { print_r($error); die("Preparing/binding statements for comparison failed"); } compareResults($AEstmt, $nonAEstmt, $key, $encryptionType, $attestation, $comparison, $type); } } } // testPatternMatch selects based on a pattern in the WHERE clause and compares // the results between encrypted and non-encrypted columns, checking that the // results are identical // Arguments: // resource $conn: The connection // string $tableName: Table name // array $patterns: Patterns to match against, from // array $dataTypes: Data types from // array $colNames: Column names // string $key: Name of the encryption key // string $encryptionType: Type of encryption, randomized or deterministic // string $attestation: Type of attestation - 'correct', 'enabled', or 'wrongurl' function testPatternMatch($conn, $tableName, $patterns, $dataTypes, $colNames, $key, $encryptionType, $attestation) { foreach ($dataTypes as $type) { // TODO: Pattern matching doesn't work in AE for non-string types // without an explicit cast if (!dataTypeIsStringMax($type)) { continue; } foreach ($patterns[$type] as $pattern) { $patternArray = array($pattern, $pattern."%", "%".$pattern, "%".$pattern."%", ); foreach ($patternArray as $spattern) { // Unicode operations with AE require the Latin1_General_BIN2 // collation. If the COLLATE clause is left out, we get different // results between the encrypted and non-encrypted columns (probably // because the collation was only changed in the encryption query). $unicode = dataTypeIsUnicode($type); $collate = $unicode ? " COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2" : ""; $PDOType = getPDOType($type); $AEQuery = "SELECT ".$colNames[$type]."_AE FROM $tableName WHERE ".$colNames[$type]."_AE LIKE ?".$collate; $nonAEQuery = "SELECT ".$colNames[$type]." FROM $tableName WHERE ".$colNames[$type]." LIKE ?".$collate; try { $AEstmt = $conn->prepare($AEQuery); $AEstmt->bindParam(1, $spattern, $PDOType); $nonAEstmt = $conn->prepare($nonAEQuery); $nonAEstmt->bindParam(1, $spattern, $PDOType); } catch (PDOException $error) { print_r($error); die("Preparing/binding statements for comparison failed"); } compareResults($AEstmt, $nonAEstmt, $key, $encryptionType, $attestation, $pattern, $type); } } } } function checkErrors($errors, ...$codes) { $codeFound = false; foreach ($codes as $code) { if ($code[0]==$errors[0] and $code[1]==$errors[1]) { $codeFound = true; break; } } if ($codeFound == false) { echo "Error: "; print_r($errors); echo "\nExpected: "; print_r($codes); echo "\n"; die("Error code not found.\n"); } } function isEnclaveEnabled($key) { return (strpos($key, '-enclave') !== false); } function dataTypeIsString($dataType) { return (in_array($dataType, ["binary", "varbinary", "char", "nchar", "varchar", "nvarchar"])); } function dataTypeIsStringMax($dataType) { return (in_array($dataType, ["binary", "varbinary", "char", "nchar", "varchar", "nvarchar", "varchar(max)", "nvarchar(max)"])); } function dataTypeNeedsCollate($dataType) { return (in_array($dataType, ["char", "nchar", "varchar", "nvarchar", "varchar(max)", "nvarchar(max)"])); } function dataTypeIsUnicode($dataType) { return (in_array($dataType, ["nchar", "nvarchar", "nvarchar(max)"])); } function getPDOType($type) { switch($type) { case "bigint": case "integer": case "smallint": case "tinyint": return PDO::PARAM_INT; case "bit": return PDO::PARAM_BOOL; case "real": case "float": case "double": case "numeric": case "time": case "date": case "datetime2": case "datetime": case "datetimeoffset": case "smalldatetime": case "money": case "smallmoney"; case "xml": case "uniqueidentifier": case "char": case "varchar": case "varchar(max)": case "nchar": case "nvarchar": case "nvarchar(max)": return PDO::PARAM_STR; case "binary": case "varbinary": case "varbinary(max)": return PDO::PARAM_LOB; default: die("Case is missing for $type type in getPDOType.\n"); } } ?>