--TEST-- Test the TNIR keyword with enabled and disabled options and the MultiSubnetFailover keyword with true and false options --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- errorInfo); } } test_tnir("Enabled", false); // case temd (TNIR enabled; MultiSubnetFailover disabled) test_tnir("Enabled", true); // case teme test_tnir("Disabled", false); // case tdmd test_tnir("Disabled", true); // case tdme // Interpreting output // If the first resolved IP address can be connected, then the time to connect for all these cases is similar // else if the second resolved IP address can be connected, then temd ~= tdmd > teme ~= tdme // else tdmd > temd > teme ~= tdme // note: the first test takes a bit longer since time is needed for the DNS to resolve the IP addresses of the server host name ?> --EXPECTREGEX-- Connection successful with TNIR Enabled and MultiSubnetFailover false\. Time to connect is [0-9]+.?[0-9]* sec\. Connection successful with TNIR Enabled and MultiSubnetFailover true\. Time to connect is [0-9]+.?[0-9]* sec\. Connection successful with TNIR Disabled and MultiSubnetFailover false\. Time to connect is [0-9]+.?[0-9]* sec\. Connection successful with TNIR Disabled and MultiSubnetFailover true\. Time to connect is [0-9]+.?[0-9]* sec\.