--TEST-- Test warnings on connection and statement levels --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT); restore_error_handler(); $tbname = "table1"; dropTable($conn, $tbname); // raise a warning in statement $statement = $conn->prepare("CRATE TABLE table1(id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, val VARCHAR(10))"); $statement->execute(); unset($statement); unset($conn); } catch (PDOException $e) { var_dump($e->errorInfo); } ?> --EXPECTREGEX-- Warning: PDOStatement::execute\(\): SQLSTATE\[42000\]: Syntax error or access violation: 156 \[Microsoft\]\[ODBC Driver 1[1-9] for SQL Server\]\[SQL Server\]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'TABLE'\. in .+(\/|\\)pdo_warnings\.php on line [0-9]+