--TEST-- output string parameters with rows affected return results before output parameter. --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- $id, 'Intro' => $intro)); if ($stmt === false) { die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true)); } } require_once('MsCommon.inc'); $conn = AE\connect(); // drop the procedure if exists dropProc($conn, 'sp_MakeSubject'); // Create Table 'Subjects' but do not encrypt the first column because in the stored procedure // we rely on the server to get the current date time. With Column Encryption, all input values // have to be provided by the client $columns = array(new AE\ColumnMeta('datetime', 'StartTime', null, true, true), new AE\ColumnMeta('nchar(32)', 'sn'), new AE\ColumnMeta('nvarchar(50)', 'extref')); $stmt = AE\createTable($conn, 'Subjects', $columns); unset($columns); // Create table 'sn_x_study' $columns = array(new AE\ColumnMeta('int', 'studyID'), new AE\ColumnMeta('nchar(32)', 'sn')); $stmt = AE\createTable($conn, 'sn_x_study', $columns); unset($columns); // Create table 'Studies' $columns = array(new AE\ColumnMeta('int', 'studyID'), new AE\ColumnMeta('nvarchar(max)', 'Intro')); $stmt = AE\createTable($conn, 'Studies', $columns); unset($columns); // Insert 3 rows into table 'Studies' for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { insertIntoStudies($conn, $i); } $proc = << --EXPECT-- Test class 1