--TEST-- Test insertion with floats --SKIPIF-- --FILE--  0) { sqlsrv_execute($stmt1); $noActualRows = 0; while ($result = sqlsrv_fetch($stmt1)) { $noActualRows++; } echo "Number of Actual Rows: $noActualRows\n"; if ($noActualRows != $noExpectedRows) { echo("Number of retrieved rows does not match expected value\n"); } sqlsrv_execute($stmt2); $noAffectedRows = sqlsrv_rows_affected($stmt2); $noActualRows = ($noExpectedRows >= $noDeletedRows)? $noDeletedRows : $noExpectedRows; echo "Number of Affected Rows: $noAffectedRows\n"; if ($noActualRows != $noAffectedRows) { echo("Number of deleted rows does not match expected value\n"); } $noExpectedRows -= $noDeletedRows; } sqlsrv_free_stmt($stmt1); sqlsrv_free_stmt($stmt2); } echo "\nTest begins...\n"; try { execData(true); execData(false); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } echo "\nDone\n"; endTest("sqlsrv_statement_exec_param_ints"); ?> --EXPECT--  Test begins... Number of Actual Rows: 5 Number of Affected Rows: 3 Number of Actual Rows: 2 Number of Affected Rows: 2 Number of Actual Rows: 5 Number of Affected Rows: 3 Number of Actual Rows: 2 Number of Affected Rows: 2 Done Test "sqlsrv_statement_exec_param_ints" completed successfully.