--TEST-- Test passwords with non alphanumeric characters and braces --DESCRIPTION-- The first two cases should fail with a message about login failures. Only the last case fails because the right curly brace was not escaped with another right brace. --ENV-- PHPT_EXEC=true --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- $userName, "pwd" => $randomPwd)); checkErrorMessages($conn, 'Password without right braces', $randomPwd); $randomPwd = generateRandomPassword(); trace($randomPwd . PHP_EOL); $conn = sqlsrv_connect($server, array("UID" => $userName, "pwd" => $randomPwd)); checkErrorMessages($conn, 'Password with right braces', $randomPwd); $randomPwd = generateRandomPassword(true, false); trace($randomPwd . PHP_EOL); $conn = sqlsrv_connect($server, array("UID" => $userName, "pwd" => $randomPwd)); if ($conn) { echo ("Shouldn't have connected without escaping braces!" . PHP_EOL); } $errors = sqlsrv_errors(); echo $errors[0]["message"] . PHP_EOL; echo "Done" . PHP_EOL; ?> --EXPECT-- An unescaped right brace (}) was found in either the user name or password. All right braces must be escaped with another right brace (}}). Done