//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: pdo_parser.cpp // // Contents: Implements a parser to parse the PDO DSN. // // Copyright Microsoft Corporation // // Microsoft Drivers 3.2 for PHP for SQL Server // Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // MIT License // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files(the ""Software""), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and / or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED *AS IS*, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pdo_sqlsrv.h" // Constructor conn_string_parser:: conn_string_parser( sqlsrv_context& ctx, const char* dsn, int len, __inout HashTable* conn_options_ht ) { this->conn_str = dsn; this->len = len; this->conn_options_ht = conn_options_ht; this->pos = -1; this->ctx = &ctx; } // Move to the next character inline bool conn_string_parser::next( void ) { // if already at the end than return false if( this->is_eos() ) { return false; } SQLSRV_ASSERT( this->pos < len, "Unexpected cursor position in conn_string_parser::next" ); this->pos++; if ( this->is_eos() ) { return false; } return true; } // Check for end of string. inline bool conn_string_parser::is_eos( void ) { if( this->pos == len ) { return true; // EOS } SQLSRV_ASSERT(this->pos < len, "Unexpected cursor position in conn_string_parser::is_eos" ); return false; } // Check for white space. inline bool conn_string_parser::is_white_space( char c ) { if( c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' ) { return true; } return false; } // Discard any trailing white spaces. int conn_string_parser::discard_trailing_white_spaces( const char* str, int len ) { const char* end = str + ( len - 1 ); while(( this->is_white_space( *end ) ) && (len > 0) ) { len--; end--; } return len; } // Discard white spaces. bool conn_string_parser::discard_white_spaces() { if( this->is_eos() ) { return false; } while( this->is_white_space( this->conn_str[ pos ] )) { if( !next() ) return false; } return true; } // Add a key-value pair to the hashtable of connection options. void conn_string_parser::add_key_value_pair( const char* value, int len TSRMLS_DC ) { zval_auto_ptr value_z; ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL( value_z ); if( len == 0 ) { ZVAL_STRINGL( value_z, "", 0, 1 /*dup*/ ); } else { ZVAL_STRINGL( value_z, const_cast( value ), len, 1 /*dup*/ ); } core::sqlsrv_zend_hash_index_update( *ctx, this->conn_options_ht, this->current_key, (void**)&value_z, sizeof(zval*) TSRMLS_CC ); zval_add_ref( &value_z ); } // Validate a given DSN keyword. void conn_string_parser::validate_key(const char *key, int key_len TSRMLS_DC ) { int new_len = discard_trailing_white_spaces( key, key_len ); for( int i=0; PDO_CONN_OPTS[ i ].conn_option_key != SQLSRV_CONN_OPTION_INVALID; ++i ) { // discard the null terminator. if( new_len == ( PDO_CONN_OPTS[ i ].sqlsrv_len - 1 ) && !_strnicmp( key, PDO_CONN_OPTS[ i ].sqlsrv_name, new_len )) { this->current_key = PDO_CONN_OPTS[ i ].conn_option_key; this->current_key_name = PDO_CONN_OPTS[ i ].sqlsrv_name; return; } } // encountered an invalid key, throw error. sqlsrv_malloc_auto_ptr key_name; key_name = static_cast( sqlsrv_malloc( new_len + 1 )); memcpy( key_name, key, new_len ); key_name[ new_len ] = '\0'; THROW_PDO_ERROR( this->ctx, PDO_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_DSN_KEY, key_name ); } // Primary function which parses the connection string/DSN. void conn_string_parser:: parse_conn_string( TSRMLS_D ) { States state = FirstKeyValuePair; // starting state int start_pos = -1; try { while( !this->is_eos() ) { switch( state ) { case FirstKeyValuePair: { // discard leading spaces if( !next() || !discard_white_spaces() ) { THROW_PDO_ERROR( this->ctx, PDO_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_DSN_STRING ); //EOS } state = Key; break; } case Key: { start_pos = this->pos; // read the key name while( this->conn_str[ pos ] != '=' ) { if( !next() ) { THROW_PDO_ERROR( this->ctx, PDO_SQLSRV_ERROR_DSN_STRING_ENDED_UNEXPECTEDLY ); //EOS } } this->validate_key( &( this->conn_str[ start_pos ] ), ( pos - start_pos ) TSRMLS_CC ); state = Value; break; } case Value: { SQLSRV_ASSERT(( this->conn_str[ pos ] == '=' ), "conn_string_parser:: parse_conn_string: " "Equal was expected" ); next(); // skip "=" // if EOS encountered after 0 or more spaces OR semi-colon encountered. if( !discard_white_spaces() || this->conn_str[ pos ] == ';' ) { add_key_value_pair( NULL, 0 TSRMLS_CC ); if( this->is_eos() ) { break; // EOS } else { // this->conn_str[ pos ] == ';' state = NextKeyValuePair; } } // if LCB else if( this->conn_str[ pos ] == '{' ) { start_pos = this->pos; // starting character is LCB state = ValueContent1; } // If NonSP-LCB-SC else { start_pos = this->pos; state = ValueContent2; } break; } case ValueContent1: { while ( this->conn_str[ pos ] != '}' ) { if ( ! next() ) { THROW_PDO_ERROR( this->ctx, PDO_SQLSRV_ERROR_RCB_MISSING_IN_DSN_VALUE, this->current_key_name ); } } // If we reached here than RCB encountered state = RCBEncountered; break; } case ValueContent2: { while( this->conn_str[ pos ] != ';' ) { if( ! next() ) { break; //EOS } } if( !this->is_eos() && this->conn_str[ pos ] == ';' ) { // semi-colon encountered, so go to next key-value pair state = NextKeyValuePair; } add_key_value_pair( &( this->conn_str[ start_pos ] ), this->pos - start_pos TSRMLS_CC ); SQLSRV_ASSERT((( state == NextKeyValuePair ) || ( this->is_eos() )), "conn_string_parser::parse_conn_string: Invalid state encountered " ); break; } case RCBEncountered: { // Read the next character after RCB. if( !next() ) { // EOS add_key_value_pair( &( this->conn_str[ start_pos ] ), this->pos - start_pos TSRMLS_CC ); break; } SQLSRV_ASSERT( !this->is_eos(), "conn_string_parser::parse_conn_string: Unexpected EOS encountered" ); // if second RCB encountered than go back to ValueContent1 if( this->conn_str[ pos ] == '}' ) { if( !next() ) { // EOS after a second RCB is error THROW_PDO_ERROR( this->ctx, SQLSRV_ERROR_UNESCAPED_RIGHT_BRACE_IN_DSN, this->current_key_name ); } state = ValueContent1; break; } int end_pos = this->pos; // discard any trailing white-spaces. if( this->is_white_space( this->conn_str[ pos ] )) { if( ! this->discard_white_spaces() ) { //EOS add_key_value_pair( &( this->conn_str[ start_pos ] ), end_pos - start_pos TSRMLS_CC ); break; } } // if semi-colon than go to next key-value pair if ( this->conn_str[ pos ] == ';' ) { add_key_value_pair( &( this->conn_str[ start_pos ] ), end_pos - start_pos TSRMLS_CC ); state = NextKeyValuePair; break; } // Non - (RCB, SP*, SC, EOS) character. Any other character after an RCB is an error. THROW_PDO_ERROR( this->ctx, PDO_SQLSRV_ERROR_INVALID_DSN_VALUE, this->current_key_name ); break; } case NextKeyValuePair: { SQLSRV_ASSERT(( this->conn_str[ pos ] == ';' ), "conn_string_parser::parse_conn_string: semi-colon was expected." ); // Call next() to skip the semi-colon. if( !next() || !this->discard_white_spaces() ) { // EOS break; } if( this->conn_str[ pos ] == ';' ) { // a second semi-colon is error case. THROW_PDO_ERROR( this->ctx, PDO_SQLSRV_ERROR_EXTRA_SEMI_COLON_IN_DSN_STRING, this->pos ); } else { // any other character leads to the next key state = Key; break; } } //case NextKeyValuePair } // switch } //while } catch( pdo::PDOException& ) { throw; } }