//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: core_stream.cpp // // Contents: Implementation of PHP streams for reading SQL Server data // // Microsoft Drivers 4.0 for PHP for SQL Server // Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // MIT License // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files(the ""Software""), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and / or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED *AS IS*, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "core_sqlsrv.h" #include namespace { // close a stream and free the PHP resources used by it int sqlsrv_stream_close( php_stream* stream, int /*close_handle*/ TSRMLS_DC ) { sqlsrv_stream* ss = static_cast( stream->abstract ); SQLSRV_ASSERT( ss != NULL, "sqlsrv_stream_close: sqlsrv_stream* ss was null." ); // free the stream resources in the Zend engine php_stream_free( stream, PHP_STREAM_FREE_RELEASE_STREAM ); // UNDEF the stream zval and delete our reference count to it. ZVAL_UNDEF( &( ss->stmt->active_stream ) ); sqlsrv_free( ss ); stream->abstract = NULL; return 0; } // read from a sqlsrv stream into the buffer provided by Zend. The parameters for binary vs. char are // set when sqlsrv_get_field is called by the user specifying which field type they want. size_t sqlsrv_stream_read( php_stream* stream, __out_bcount(count) char* buf, size_t count TSRMLS_DC ) { SQLLEN read = 0; SQLSMALLINT c_type = SQL_C_CHAR; char* get_data_buffer = buf; sqlsrv_malloc_auto_ptr temp_buf; sqlsrv_stream* ss = static_cast( stream->abstract ); SQLSRV_ASSERT( ss != NULL, "sqlsrv_stream_read: sqlsrv_stream* ss is NULL." ); try { if( stream->eof ) { return 0; }; switch( ss->encoding ) { case SQLSRV_ENCODING_CHAR: c_type = SQL_C_CHAR; break; case SQLSRV_ENCODING_BINARY: c_type = SQL_C_BINARY; break; case CP_UTF8: { c_type = SQL_C_WCHAR; count /= 2; // divide the number of bytes we read by 2 since converting to UTF-8 can cause an increase in bytes if( count > PHP_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE ) { count = PHP_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE; } // use a temporary buffer to retrieve from SQLGetData since we need to translate it to UTF-8 from UTF-16 temp_buf = static_cast( sqlsrv_malloc( PHP_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE )); get_data_buffer = temp_buf; break; } default: DIE( "Unknown encoding type when reading from a stream" ); break; } SQLRETURN r = SQLGetData( ss->stmt->handle(), ss->field_index + 1, c_type, get_data_buffer, count /*BufferLength*/, &read ); CHECK_SQL_ERROR( r, ss->stmt ) { stream->eof = 1; throw core::CoreException(); } // if the stream returns either no data, NULL data, or returns data < than the count requested then // we are at the "end of the stream" so we mark it if( r == SQL_NO_DATA || read == SQL_NULL_DATA || ( static_cast( read ) <= count && read != SQL_NO_TOTAL )) { stream->eof = 1; } // if ODBC returns the 01004 (truncated string) warning, then we return the count minus the null terminator // if it's not a binary encoded field if( r == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) { SQLCHAR state[ SQL_SQLSTATE_BUFSIZE ]; SQLSMALLINT len; ss->stmt->current_results->get_diag_field( 1, SQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE, state, SQL_SQLSTATE_BUFSIZE, &len TSRMLS_CC ); if( read == SQL_NO_TOTAL ) { SQLSRV_ASSERT( is_truncated_warning( state ), "sqlsrv_stream_read: truncation warning was expected but it " "did not occur." ); } if( is_truncated_warning( state ) ) { switch( c_type ) { // As per SQLGetData documentation, if the length of character data exceeds the BufferLength, // SQLGetData truncates the data to BufferLength less the length of null-termination character. case SQL_C_BINARY: read = count; break; case SQL_C_WCHAR: read = ( count % 2 == 0 ? count - 2 : count - 3 ); break; case SQL_C_CHAR: read = count - 1; break; default: DIE( "sqlsrv_stream_read: should have never reached in this switch case."); break; } } else { CHECK_SQL_WARNING( r, ss->stmt ); } } // if the encoding is UTF-8 if (c_type == SQL_C_WCHAR) { count *= 2; // undo the shift to use the full buffer // flags set to 0 by default, which means that any invalid characters are dropped rather than causing // an error. This happens only on XP. DWORD flags = 0; // convert to UTF-8 if (g_osversion.dwMajorVersion >= SQLSRV_OS_VISTA_OR_LATER) { // Vista (and later) will detect invalid UTF-16 characters and raise an error. flags = WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS; } if ( count > INT_MAX || (read >> 1) > INT_MAX ) { LOG(SEV_ERROR, "UTF-16 (wide character) string mapping: buffer length exceeded."); throw core::CoreException(); } int enc_len = WideCharToMultiByte( ss->encoding, flags, reinterpret_cast( temp_buf.get() ), static_cast(read >> 1), buf, static_cast(count), NULL, NULL ); if( enc_len == 0 ) { stream->eof = 1; THROW_CORE_ERROR( ss->stmt, SQLSRV_ERROR_FIELD_ENCODING_TRANSLATE, get_last_error_message() ); } read = enc_len; } return read; } catch( core::CoreException& ) { return 0; } catch( ... ) { LOG( SEV_ERROR, "sqlsrv_stream_read: Unknown exception caught." ); return 0; } } // function table for stream operations. We only support reading and closing the stream php_stream_ops sqlsrv_stream_ops = { NULL, sqlsrv_stream_read, sqlsrv_stream_close, NULL, SQLSRV_STREAM, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; // open a stream and return the sqlsrv_stream_ops function table as part of the // return value. There is only one valid way to open a stream, using sqlsrv_get_field on // certain field types. A sqlsrv stream may only be opened in read mode. static php_stream* sqlsrv_stream_opener( php_stream_wrapper* wrapper, __in const char*, __in const char* mode, int options, __in zend_string **, php_stream_context* STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC ) { #if ZEND_DEBUG SQLSRV_UNUSED( __zend_orig_lineno ); SQLSRV_UNUSED( __zend_orig_filename ); SQLSRV_UNUSED( __zend_lineno ); SQLSRV_UNUSED( __zend_filename ); SQLSRV_UNUSED( __php_stream_call_depth ); #endif sqlsrv_malloc_auto_ptr ss; ss = static_cast( sqlsrv_malloc( sizeof( sqlsrv_stream ))); memset( ss, 0, sizeof( sqlsrv_stream )); // check for valid options if( options != REPORT_ERRORS ) { php_stream_wrapper_log_error( wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "Invalid option: no options except REPORT_ERRORS may be specified with a sqlsrv stream" ); return NULL; } // allocate the stream from PHP php_stream* php_str = php_stream_alloc( &sqlsrv_stream_ops, ss, 0, mode ); if( php_str != NULL ) { ss.transferred(); } return php_str; } // information structure that contains PHP stream wrapper info. We supply the minimal // possible, including the open function and the name only. php_stream_wrapper_ops sqlsrv_stream_wrapper_ops = { sqlsrv_stream_opener, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SQLSRV_STREAM_WRAPPER, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; } // structure used by PHP to get the function table for opening, closing, etc. of the stream php_stream_wrapper g_sqlsrv_stream_wrapper = { &sqlsrv_stream_wrapper_ops, NULL, 0 };