//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: Localization.hpp // // Contents: Contains portable classes for localization // // Microsoft Drivers 5.11 for PHP for SQL Server // Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // MIT License // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files(the ""Software""), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and / or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED *AS IS*, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS // IN THE SOFTWARE. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __LOCALIZATION_HPP__ #define __LOCALIZATION_HPP__ #include #include #include "typedefs_for_linux.h" #include #define CP_UTF8 65001 #define CP_ISO8859_1 28591 #define CP_ISO8859_2 28592 #define CP_ISO8859_3 28593 #define CP_ISO8859_4 28594 #define CP_ISO8859_5 28595 #define CP_ISO8859_6 28596 #define CP_ISO8859_7 28597 #define CP_ISO8859_8 28598 #define CP_ISO8859_9 28599 #define CP_ISO8859_13 28603 #define CP_ISO8859_15 28605 #define CP_UTF16 1200 #define CP_ACP 0 // default to ANSI code page bool _setLocale(const char * localeName, std::locale ** pLocale); void setDefaultLocale(const char ** localeName, std::locale ** pLocale); // This class provides allocation policies for the SystemLocale and AutoArray classes. // This is primarily needed for the self-allocating ToUtf16/FromUtf16 methods. // SNI needs all its allocations to use its own allocator so it would create a separate // class that obeys this interface and provide it as a template parameter. template< typename ArrayT > struct ArrayTAllocator { static ArrayT * Alloc( size_t cch ) { return reinterpret_cast< ArrayT * >( malloc(cch*sizeof(ArrayT)) ); } // Realloc will free the 'old' memory if new memory was successfully allocated // and copied to. static ArrayT * Realloc( ArrayT * old, size_t cchNewSize ) { return reinterpret_cast< ArrayT * >( realloc(old, cchNewSize*sizeof(ArrayT)) ); } static void Free( ArrayT * mem ) { free( mem ); } }; // This is an auto_ptr-like class that is used with the SystemLocale. // It allows for automatic freeing of the memory using the allocator policy. // Callers would not normally use this class directly but would use one of the // two specializations: AutoCharArray AutoWCharArray. template< typename ArrayT, typename AllocT = ArrayTAllocator< ArrayT > > struct AutoArray { size_t m_cchSize; ArrayT * m_ptr; AutoArray( const AutoArray & ); AutoArray & operator=( const AutoArray & ); AutoArray() : m_cchSize( 0 ), m_ptr( NULL ) { } explicit AutoArray( size_t cchSize ) : m_cchSize( cchSize ), m_ptr( AllocT::Alloc(cchSize) ) { } virtual ~AutoArray() { Free(); } void Free() { if ( NULL != m_ptr ) { AllocT::Free( m_ptr ); m_ptr = NULL; m_cchSize = 0; } } bool Realloc( size_t cchSize ) { ArrayT * newPtr = AllocT::Realloc( m_ptr, cchSize ); if ( NULL != newPtr ) { // Safe to overwrite since Realloc freed m_ptr. m_ptr = newPtr; m_cchSize = cchSize; return true; } return false; } ArrayT * Detach() { ArrayT * oldPtr = m_ptr; m_ptr = NULL; m_cchSize = 0; return oldPtr; } }; class SystemLocale { public: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public Static Functions static const SystemLocale & Singleton(); static const int MINS_PER_HOUR = 60; static const int MINS_PER_DAY = 24 * MINS_PER_HOUR; // Multi-byte UTF8 code points start with '11xx xxxx' static bool IsUtf8LeadByte( BYTE utf8 ) { return (0xC0 == (utf8 & 0xC0)); } // Maximum number of storage units (char or WCHAR) // for a code page (e.g. UTF16 == 2 for surrogates) static UINT MaxCharCchSize( UINT codepage ); // Inspects the byte at start, and returns the start // of the next code point (possibly multiple bytes later). // If NULL or start points at null terminator, than start is returned. // If start points at a dangling UTF8 trail byte, then (start+1) is // returned since we can't know how large this code point is. static char * NextChar( UINT codepage, const char * start ); // This version is for non-null terminated strings. // Last ptr will be one past end of buffer. static char * NextChar( UINT codepage, const char * start, size_t cchBytesLeft ); // For all transcoding functions // Returns zero on error. Do not call GetLastError() since that is not portable (pErrorCode has result of GetLastError()). // pHasDataLoss will be true if an unrecognized code point was encountered in the source and a default output instead. // Replaces calls to MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte // Transcode between a code page and UTF16 static size_t ToUtf16( UINT srcCodePage, const char * src, SSIZE_T cchSrc, __out_ecount_opt(cchDest) WCHAR * dest, size_t cchDest, DWORD * pErrorCode = NULL ); static size_t ToUtf16Strict( UINT srcCodePage, const char * src, SSIZE_T cchSrc, __out_ecount_opt(cchDest) WCHAR * dest, size_t cchDest, DWORD * pErrorCode = NULL ); static size_t FromUtf16( UINT destCodePage, const WCHAR * src, SSIZE_T cchSrc, __out_ecount_opt(cchDest) char * dest, size_t cchDest, bool * pHasDataLoss = NULL, DWORD * pErrorCode = NULL ); static size_t FromUtf16Strict(UINT destCodePage, const WCHAR * src, SSIZE_T cchSrc, __out_ecount_opt(cchDest) char * dest, size_t cchDest, bool * pHasDataLoss = NULL, DWORD * pErrorCode = NULL); // CP1252 to UTF16 conversion which does not involve iconv static size_t CP1252ToUtf16( const char *src, SSIZE_T cchSrc, WCHAR *dest, size_t cchDest, DWORD *pErrorCode ); // UTF8/16 conversion which does not involve iconv static size_t Utf8To16( const char *src, SSIZE_T cchSrc, WCHAR *dest, size_t cchDest, DWORD *pErrorCode ); static size_t Utf8From16( const WCHAR *src, SSIZE_T cchSrc, char *dest, size_t cchDest, DWORD *pErrorCode ); static size_t Utf8To16Strict( const char *src, SSIZE_T cchSrc, WCHAR *dest, size_t cchDest, DWORD *pErrorCode ); static size_t Utf8From16Strict( const WCHAR *src, SSIZE_T cchSrc, char *dest, size_t cchDest, DWORD *pErrorCode ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public Member Functions // The Ansi code page, always UTF8 for Linux UINT AnsiCP() const; // Used for files (e.g. returns 437 on US Windows, UTF8 for Linux) private: // Prevent copying. // Also prevents misuse of return from Singleton() method. // Since return types are different on Windows vs Linux, // callers should not cache the result of Singleton(). SystemLocale( const SystemLocale & ); SystemLocale & operator=( const SystemLocale & ); std::locale * m_pLocale; UINT m_uAnsiCP; explicit SystemLocale( const char * localeName ); ~SystemLocale(); static UINT ExpandSpecialCP( UINT codepage ) { // skip SQLSRV_ENCODING_CHAR return (codepage <= 3 ? Singleton().m_uAnsiCP : codepage); } // Returns the number of bytes this UTF8 code point expects static UINT CchUtf8CodePt( BYTE codept ) { assert( IsUtf8LeadByte(codept) ); // Initial byte of utf8 sequence indicates its length // 110x xxxx = 2 bytes // 1110 xxxx = 3 bytes // 1111 0xxx = 4 bytes // 1111 10xx = 5 bytes, future Unicode extension not covered by this logic // 1111 110x = 6 bytes, future Unicode extension not covered by this logic UINT expected_size = (0xC0 == (codept & 0xE0)) ? 2 : (0xE0 == (codept & 0xF0)) ? 3 : 4; // Verify constraints assert( 4 == MaxCharCchSize(CP_UTF8) ); return expected_size; } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inlines #include "globalization.h" inline UINT SystemLocale::AnsiCP() const { return m_uAnsiCP; } inline UINT SystemLocale::MaxCharCchSize( UINT codepage ) { codepage = ExpandSpecialCP( codepage ); switch ( codepage ) { case CP_UTF8: case 54936: return 4; case 932: case 936: case 949: case 950: case CP_UTF16: return 2; default: return 1; } } #endif // __LOCALIZATION_HPP__